The Crimson Veil

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The Crimson Veil docked at Wild Shore.

The Crimson Veil is the flagship of the Bloodsail Buccaneers, and the middle of their three frigates docked at the Wild Shore on the Cape of Stranglethorn.

It was originally captained by Fleet Master Firallon until his demise during an attack on Booty Bay. Though the town turned its cannons upon the ship,[1] it survived the encounter and was eventually captured by Eliza Goreblade when the Bloodsail Buccaneers tried to stop her and her maddened crew.[2]

By the time of the third invasion of the Burning Legion, it was retaken by Fleet Admiral Tethys and later docked in Booty Bay. He used it to get the leader of the Uncrowned to the Dead Man's Bay in Azsuna, in order to take the Horizon's Edge, defeat Dread Admiral Goreblade, and claim her legendary Dreadblades.[3]


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  1. ^ N [10-30] Bloodsail's End
  2. ^ Blood Ledger
  3. ^ N Rogue [10-45] The Dreadblades

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