Lake Nazferiti

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Lake Nazferiti.

Lake Nazferiti[40, 16] is a lake in Northern Stranglethorn. Bordering it is a large base of the goblin Venture Company. It features many frenzies and crocolisks in its waters. Nazferiti river, which flows through the lake, may be the longest on the southern Eastern Kingdoms with a confirmed source at a waterfall in Redridge Mountains and unconfirmed headwaters within Deadwind Pass.

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Murky Depths Lake is Azeroth's largest lake found just west of Zul'Gurub, in the center of Stranglethorn Vale. A far cry from the pleasant waters of Lake Everstill, this lake is thick with slime and insects, and a swimmer will learn much of the pain if she sticks in a toe. Small fish with teeth as sharp as a sword inhabit the lake and will devour anything that falls in.[1]



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