Nori Blackfinger

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Nori Blackfinger
Image of Nori Blackfinger
Gender Male
Race Dwarf
Occupation Blacksmith
Status Deceased
Relative(s) Eli Blackfinger (son)
WoW Comic logo.png
This article contains lore taken from the Warcraft manga or comics.

Nori Blackfinger was once a Master Weaponsmith living in the Searing Gorge, specifically at Thorium Point. His blades were some of the finest in the world, and adventurers far and wide traveled to Thorium Point to have a weapon made by him. His skills created weapons that became known to be unbreakable, and wielding a weapon forged by Nori "almost assured victory."

Nori, however, grew greedy. He left Thorium Point and traveled to the port city of Booty Bay, where he earned a month's pay in the Gorge twice in one fortnight and opened a shop called Black Finger. After his business proved successful and the town began to like him, he sent for his son, Eli. Nori would continue his business with Eli until a blood elf entered his shop one day to make an order. Eli was suspicious of the elf, for he asked for a discreet midnight transaction, but Nori simply rebuffed Eli. At the meeting, Nori handed the blade to the elf and was given his payment, then Eli saw who the blade was for; a merciless orc bandit named Havoc the Heartless. Eli tried to compel Nori to stop him from taking his blade, but Nori responded coldly "It's none of my business." The next day Eli left, being disgusted with how greedy Nori had become. Nori grew angry, and in his anger, took his blade away from Eli and gave him a rusted weapon in return, telling him that he was no longer his son. Nori never spoke of Eli in public after that, but often wondered about him. When he next saw Eli, however, Eli was dead.

A farmer, who brought Eli's corpse to the town, told him of how Eli had come to his aid after an ambush by Havoc, the same bandit he had sold his blade to. Though Eli managed to defeat several of Havoc's gang (including the elf), Havoc himself slew Eli, breaking the weapon Nori had given Eli to pieces with the weapon Nori had forged for Havoc. This changed Nori completely. He forged one final blade, a blade he would use to destroy Havoc with, as well as reclaim all the blades he had forged. Over the course of three years, Nori reclaimed the weapons, some through peaceful transactions, but others with blood and violence. This took a severe toll on his body, as he lost an eye during this period. He tossed the collected weapons into a water.

He saved Havoc for last, eventually tracking him down and killing the remainder of his group. He tied Havoc up to a tree and told him his story, with himself disguised but revealing that he was the blacksmith. He then cut Havoc loose and gave him his blade and took up a rusty blade similar to the one he had given Eli, claiming he would only have what Eli had. The two then fought in a bloody and fatal duel, with Nori being the victor. Havoc claimed in his dying breaths that Nori was just like him, to which Nori replied he was right, and that he would be right behind him. Nori then kicked Havoc into a fire, setting him ablaze and killing him. Nori then sits back down, pulls out his pipe and is last seen engulfed by the blaze as well.[1]


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