Shaman abilities

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For shaman abilities and talents on Classic servers, see Shaman abilities (Classic).

Shaman abilities are abilities used by shaman. Most abilities are shared between all specializations, while some are only specific to one (or two) specializations.


All shaman automatically learn the following spells at the specified level, regardless of specialization.

Ability Level
[Lightning Bolt] 1
[Primal Strike] 2
[Flame Shock] 3
[Healing Surge] 4
[Earthbind Totem] 5
[Lightning Bolt] Rank 2 6
[Flametongue Weapon] 7
[Reincarnation] 8
[Lightning Shield] 9
[Ghost Wolf] 10/B Shaman [1-10] A Shaman's Duty
[Ancestral Spirit] 13
[Far Sight] 14
[Astral Recall] 32
[Water Walking] 33
[Heroism]/ [Bloodlust] 48


The three shaman specializations are Elemental (caster DPS), Enhancement (melee DPS) and Restoration (healer).

For an exploration of each shaman specialization, see Shaman specializations.


Talents become available at level 10. They can be changed at any time outside of combat, except during a PvP match or Mythic+ dungeon. A talented ability cannot be changed while it is on cooldown.

Row 5 is locked until 8 points are spent, and row 8 is locked until 20 points are spent.

Class talents

Tier Talent Ranks Requirement
1 [Chain Heal] 1 Automatic for Restoration
[Lava Burst] 1 Automatic for Elemental/Restoration
[Astral Shift] 1
[Chain Lightning] 1 Automatic for Elemental/Enhancement
2 [Wind Shear] 1 Lava Burst or Astral Shift
[Planes Traveler]/
[Astral Bulwark]
1 Astral Shift
[Spirit Wolf]/
[Thunderous Paws]
1 Astral Shift
[Frost Shock] 1 Chain Lightning
[Maelstrom Weapon] 1 Chain Lightning (Automatic for Enhancement)
3 [Earth Shield] 1 Chain Heal
[Fire and Ice] 1 Lava Burst OR Wind Shear
[Earth Elemental] 1 Wind Shear
[Capacitor Totem] 1 Wind Shear OR Planes Traveler/Astral Bulwark OR Spirit Wolf/Thunderous Paws
[Ancestral Wolf Affinity] 1 Spirit Wolf/Thunderous Paws OR Frost Shock
[Brimming with Life] 1 Chain Lightning
4 [Elemental Orbit] 1 Earth Shield
[Healing Stream Totem] 1 Earth Shield OR Fire and Ice
[Ancestral Defense] 1 Fire and Ice
[Tremor Totem] 1 Fire and Ice OR Earth Elemental OR Capacitor Totem
[Static Charge]/
[Guardian's Cudgel]
1 Capacitor Totem
[Greater Purge]
1 Frost Shock OR Ancestral Wolf Affinity OR Brimming with Life
[Flurry] 1 Maelstrom Weapon OR Brimming with Life
5 [Swirling Currents] 2 Healing Stream Totem
[Cleanse Spirit] 1 Healing Stream Totem OR Ancestral Defense (Elemental/Enhancement only)
[Improved Purify Spirit] 1 Healing Stream Totem OR Ancestral Defense (Restoration only)
[Earthgrab Totem]/
[Wind Rush Totem]
1 Ancestral Defense OR Tremor Totem OR Static Charge/Guardian's Cudgel
[Hex] 1 Ancestral Wolf Affinity OR Static Charge/Guardian's Cudgel OR Purge/Greater Purge
[Nature's Fury] 2 Brimming with Life OR Purge/Greater Purge OR Flurry
6 [Surging Shields] 2 Elemental Orbit OR Swirling Currents
[Elemental Warding] 2 Swirling Currents OR Cleanse Spirit OR Improved Purify Spirit OR Earthgrab Totem/Wind Rush Totem
[Nature's Guardian] 2 Earthgrab Totem/Wind Rush Totem OR Hex
[Voodoo Mastery]/
1 Hex
[Winds of Al'Akir] 2 Nature's Fury
7 [Spiritwalker's Grace] 1 Swirling Currents OR Surging Shields OR Elemental Warding
[Thunderstorm] 1 Elemental Warding OR Nature's Guardian
[Totemic Focus] 2 Hex OR Nature's Guardian
[Spirit Walk]/
[Gust of Wind]
1 Voodoo Mastery/Enfeeblement OR Winds of Al'Akir
8 [Graceful Spirit]/
[Spiritwalker's Aegis]
1 Spiritwalker's Grace
[Ancestral Guidance] 1 Elemental Warding OR Spiritwalker's Grace OR Thunderstorm
[Totemic Projection] 1 Nature's Guardian OR Thunderstorm OR Totemic Focus
[Totemic Surge] 2 Voodoo Mastery/Enfeeblement OR Totemic Focus OR Spirit Walk/Gust of Wind
[Go with the Flow] 2 Spirit Walk/Gust of Wind
9 [Mana Spring] 1 Graceful Spirit/Spiritwalker's Aegis OR Ancestral Guidance
[Lightning Lasso]
1 Thunderstorm
[Poison Cleansing Totem] 1 Totemic Focus OR Totemic Projection OR Totemic Surge
[Totemic Recall] 1 Totemic Surge OR Go with the Flow
10 [Nature's Swiftness] 1 Graceful Spirit/Spiritwalker's Aegis OR Mana Spring
[Stoneskin Totem]/
[Tranquil Air Totem]
1 Totemic Projection OR Thundershock/Lightning Lasso OR Poison Cleansing Totem
[Call of the Elements]/
[Creation Core]
1 Totemic Recall

Specialization talents

PvP talents

PvP talents become available at level 20. Up to 3 PvP talents may be active at any given time (with additional slots becoming available at levels 30 and 40).

These talents are active in the open world with War Mode turned on, as well as during instanced PvP. They have no effect in dungeons and raids.

War Within

The War Within This section concerns content related to The War Within.

Class abilities

Ability Level
[Lightning Bolt] 1
[Primal Strike] 2
[Flame Shock] 3
[Healing Surge] 4
[Earthbind Totem] 5
[Lightning Bolt] Rank 2 6
[Flametongue Weapon] 7
[Reincarnation] 8
[Lightning Shield] 9
[Ghost Wolf] 10/B Shaman [1-10] A Shaman's Duty
[Ancestral Spirit] 13
[Far Sight] 14
[Skyfury] 17
[Astral Recall] 32
[Water Walking] 33
[Heroism]/ [Bloodlust] 48

Specialization abilities

Class talents

Tier Talent Ranks Requirement
1 [Chain Heal] 1 Automatic for Restoration
[Lava Burst] 1 Automatic for Elemental/Restoration
[Astral Shift] 1 Automatic for Enhancement
[Chain Lightning] 1 Automatic for Elemental/Enhancement
2 [Earth Shield] 1 Chain Heal OR Lava Burst
[Wind Shear] 1 Lava Burst OR Astral Shift
[Planes Traveler]/
[Astral Bulwark]
1 Astral Shift
[Spirit Wolf]/
[Thunderous Paws]
1 Astral Shift
[Frost Shock] 1 Chain Lightning
[Winds of Al'Akir] 1 Chain Lightning (Automatic for Enhancement)
3 [Elemental Orbit] 1 Earth Shield
[Fire and Ice] 1 Lava Burst OR Wind Shear
[Ancestral Wolf Affinity] 1 Wind Shear
[Capacitor Totem] 1 Wind Shear OR Planes Traveler/Astral Bulwark OR Spirit Wolf/Thunderous Paws
[Spirit Walk]/
[Gust of Wind]
1 Spirit Wolf/Thunderous Paws
[Encasing Cold]/
[Arctic Snowstorm]
1 Frost Shock
[Brimming with Life] 1 Chain Lightning
4 [Healing Stream Totem] 1 Earth Shield OR Fire and Ice
[Earthgrab Totem] 1 Fire and Ice OR Ancestral Wolf Affinity OR Capacitor Totem
[Static Charge]/
[Guardian's Cudgel]
1 Capacitor Totem
[Greater Purge]
1 Spirit Walk/Gust of Wind OR Encasing Cold/Arctic Snowstorm OR Brimming with Life
[Earth Elemental] 1 Winds of Al'Akir OR Brimming with Life
5 [Elemental Resistance] 1 Healing Stream Totem
[Cleanse Spirit] 1 Fire and Ice OR Healing Stream Totem OR Earthgrab Totem (Elemental/Enhancement only)
[Improved Purify Spirit] 1 Fire and Ice OR Healing Stream Totem OR Earthgrab Totem (Restoration only)
[Tremor Totem] 1 Earthgrab Totem OR Static Charge/Guardian's Cudgel
[Hex] 1 Spirit Walk/Gust of Wind OR Static Charge/Guardian's Cudgel OR Purge/Greater Purge
[Nature's Fury] 1 Brimming with Life OR Purge/Greater Purge OR Earth Elemental
[Primordial Bond] 1 Earth Elemental
6 [Refreshing Waters] 1 Elemental Orbit OR Elemental Resistance
[Elemental Warding] 1 Elemental Resistance OR Cleanse Spirit OR Improved Purify Spirit OR Tremor Totem
[Nature's Guardian] 1 Static Charge/Guardian's Cudgel OR Tremor Totem OR Hex
[Voodoo Mastery] 1 Hex
[Wind Rush Totem] 1 Nature's Fury OR Primordial Bond
7 [Spiritwalker's Grace] 1 Refreshing Waters OR Elemental Warding
[Thunderstorm] 1 Elemental Warding OR Nature's Guardian
[Totemic Focus] 1 Hex OR Nature's Guardian
[Enhanced Imbues] 1 Nature's Fury OR Voodoo Mastery
[Ascending Air]/
[Jet Stream]
1 Wind Rush Totem
8 [Graceful Spirit]/
[Spiritwalker's Aegis]
1 Spiritwalker's Grace
[Ancestral Guidance] 1 Spiritwalker's Grace
[Lightning Lasso] 1 Spiritwalker's Grace OR Thunderstorm
[Totemic Projection] 1 Nature's Guardian OR Thunderstorm OR Totemic Focus
[Totemic Surge] 1 Voodoo Mastery OR Totemic Focus OR Enhanced Imbues
[Seasoned Winds] 1 Ascending Air/Jet Stream
9 [Mana Spring] 1 Graceful Spirit/Spiritwalker's Aegis OR Ancestral Guidance OR Lightning Lasso
[Traveling Storms]
1 Thunderstorm
[Poison Cleansing Totem] 1 Totemic Focus OR Totemic Projection OR Totemic Surge
[Totemic Recall] 1 Totemic Surge OR Seasoned Winds
10 [Nature's Swiftness] 1 Graceful Spirit/Spiritwalker's Aegis OR Mana Spring
[Stone Bulwark Totem] 1 Totemic Projection OR Thundershock/Traveling Storms OR Poison Cleansing Totem
[Call of the Elements]/
[Creation Core]
1 Totemic Recall

Specialization talents

Hero talents

Hero talents are a new feature coming in The War Within, and will become available at level 71. They can be changed at any time outside of combat, except during a PvP match or Mythic+ dungeon. A talented ability cannot be changed while it is on cooldown.

A new point is gained at each level, so that every talent node can be unlocked at level 80.

PvP talents

PvP talents become available at level 20. Up to 3 PvP talents may be active at any given time (with additional slots becoming available at levels 30 and 40).

These talents are active in the open world with War Mode turned on, as well as during instanced PvP. They have no effect in dungeons and raids.


Glyphs are items that can change a spell or ability's visual appearance. Most glyphs are crafted by scribes, are color-coded by class, and can be applied as early as level 11. They can be removed at any time outside of combat using  [Vanishing Powder] (level 80 and lower) or the  [Dust of Disappearance] (level 81 and higher).

See also