Evoker abilities
Evoker abilities are abilities used by evokers. Most abilities are shared between all specializations, while some are only specific to one (or two) specializations.
Class abilities
All evokers automatically learn the following spells at the specified level, regardless of specialization.
Ability | Level |
[Azure Strike] | 10 |
[Living Flame] | 10 |
[Tempered Scales] | 10 |
[Return] | 12 |
[Blessing of the Bronze] | 30 |
[Fury of the Aspects] | 48 |
[Disintegrate] | [10] Awaken, Dracthyr |
[Fire Breath] | [10] The Fire Within |
[Emerald Blossom] | [10] Mercy First |
[Hover] | [10] Never Forgotten |
[Deep Breath] | [10] Stormsunder Crater |
Specialization abilities
Evokers have three specializations: Devastation (caster DPS), Preservation (healing), and Augmentation (caster DPS/support).
For a summary of the character and strengths of each spec, see Evoker specializations.
Devastation Ability Level [Mastery: Giantkiller] 10 -
Preservation Ability Level [Mastery: Life-Binder] 10 [Naturalize] 10 [Mass Return] 38 -
Augmentation Ability Level [Mastery: Timewalker] 10 [Nourishing Sands] 10 [Sands of Time] 10 [Sense Power] 10
Talents become available at level 10. They can be changed at any time outside of combat, except during a PvP match or Mythic+ dungeon. A talented ability cannot be changed while it is on cooldown.
Row 5 is locked until 8 points are spent, and row 8 is locked until 20 points are spent.
Class talents
Tier | Talent | Ranks | Requirement |
1 | [Landslide] | 1 | Automatic for Devastation/Augmentation |
[Obsidian Scales] | 1 | Automatic for Augmentation | |
[Expunge] | 1 | Automatic for Preservation | |
2 | [Natural Convergence] | 1 | Landslide (Automatic for Devastation) |
[Permeating Chill] | 1 | Obsidian Scales | |
[Verdant Embrace] | 1 | Expunge (Automatic for Preservation) | |
3 | [Forger of Mountains] | 1 | Natural Convergence |
[Innate Magic] | 2 | Natural Convergence OR Permeating Chill | |
[Obsidian Bulwark] | 1 | Permeating Chill | |
[Enkindled] | 2 | Permeating Chill OR Verdant Embrace | |
[Scarlet Adaptation] | 1 | Verdant Embrace | |
4 | [Quell] | 1 | Natural Convergence OR Innate Magic |
[Recall] | 1 | Innate Magic | |
[Heavy Wingbeats]/ [Clobbering Sweep] |
1 | Innate Magic OR Enkindled | |
[Tailwind] | 1 | Enkindled | |
[Cauterizing Flame] | 1 | Verdant Embrace OR Enkindled | |
5 | [Ancient Flame] | 1 | Quell |
[Instinctive Arcana] | 2 | Quell | |
[Tip the Scales] | 1 | ||
[Attuned to the Dream] | 2 | Cauterizing Flame | |
[Sleep Walk] | 1 | Cauterizing Flame | |
6 | [Regenerative Magic] | 1 | Instinctive Arcana |
[Inherent Resistance] | 2 | Recall OR Tip the Scales | |
[Draconic Legacy] | 1 | Tip the Scales | |
[Extended Flight] | 2 | Tailwind OR Tip the Scales | |
[Bountiful Bloom] | 1 | Attuned to the Dream | |
7 | [Blast Furnace] | 1 | Regenerative Magic OR Inherent Resistance |
[Exuberance] | 1 | Inherent Resistance | |
[Renewing Blaze] | 1 | Draconic Legacy | |
[Walloping Blow] | 1 | Extended Flight | |
[Panacea] | 1 | Extended Flight OR Bountiful Bloom | |
8 | [Unravel] | 1 | Blast Furnace |
[Protracted Talons] | 1 | Blast Furnace | |
[Oppressing Roar] | 1 | Blast Furnace OR Exuberance OR Renewing Blaze | |
[Foci of Life]/ [Fire Within] |
1 | Renewing Blaze | |
[Rescue] | 1 | Renewing Blaze OR Walloping Blow OR Panacea | |
[Lush Growth] | 2 | Panacea | |
[Source of Magic] | 1 | Panacea | |
9 | [Leaping Flames] | 1 | Unravel OR Protracted Talons OR Oppressing Roar |
[Overawe] | 1 | Oppressing Roar | |
[Aerial Mastery] | 1 | Oppressing Roar OR Foci of Life/Fire Within OR Rescue | |
[Twin Guardian] | 1 | Rescue | |
[Potent Mana] | 1 | Source of Magic | |
10 | [Terror of the Skies] | 1 | Leaping Flames |
[Spatial Paradox]/ [Time Spiral] |
1 | Aerial Mastery | |
[Zephyr] | 1 | Lush Growth OR Twin Guardian OR Potent Mana |
Specialization talents
Devastation Tier Talent Ranks Requirement 1 [Pyre] 1 2 [Ruby Essence Burst] 1 Pyre [Azure Essence Burst] 1 Pyre 3 [Dense Energy] 1 Ruby Essence Burst [Imposing Presence]/
[Inner Radiance]1 Ruby Essence Burst OR Azure Essence Burst [Eternity Surge] 1 Azure Essence Burst 4 [Volatility] 2 Dense Energy [Power Nexus] 1 Dense Energy [Dragonrage] 1 Imposing Presence/Inner Radiance [Lay Waste] 1 Eternity Surge [Arcane Intensity] 2 Eternity Surge 5 [Ruby Embers]/
[Engulfing Blaze]1 Volatility OR Power Nexus [Animosity] 1 Dragonrage [Essence Attunement] 1 Lay Waste OR Arcane Intensity 6 [Firestorm] 1 Ruby Embers/Engulfing Blaze [Heat Wave] 2 Ruby Embers/Engulfing Blaze OR Animosity [Honed Aggression] 1 Animosity OR Essence Attunement [Eternity's Span] 1 Essence Attunement [Eye of Infinity]/
[Event Horizon]1 Essence Attunement 7 [Catalyze] 2 Firestorm OR Heat Wave [Tyranny] 1 Heat Wave OR Honed Aggression [Charged Blast] 1 Honed Aggression OR Eye of Infinity/Event Horizon [Shattering Star] 1 Eye of Infinity/Event Horizon 8 [Snapfire] 1 Firestorm [Burnout] 1 Catalyze OR Tyranny [Onyx Legacy] 1 Tyranny [Spellweaver's Dominance] 1 Tyranny OR Charged Blast [Focusing Iris]/
[Arcane Vigor]1 Shattering Star 9 [Imminent Destruction] 1 Snapfire OR Burnout [Font of Magic] 1 Burnout [Titanic Wrath] 1 Burnout OR Spellweaver's Dominance [Hoarded Power] 1 Spellweaver's Dominance [Power Swell] 1 Spellweaver's Dominance OR Focusing Iris/Arcane Vigor 10 [Feed the Flames] 1 Imminent Destruction [Scorching Embers] 1 Font of Magic [Causality] 1 Titanic Wrath [Scintillation] 1 Hoarded Power [Iridescence] 1 Power Swell -
Preservation Tier Talent Ranks Requirement 1 [Echo] 1 2 [Dream Breath] 1 Echo [Reversion] 1 Echo 3 [Temporal Compression] 1 Dream Breath [Essence Burst] 1 Dream Breath OR Reversion [Rewind] 1 Reversion 4 [Spiritbloom] 1 Temporal Compression [Essence Attunement] 1 Essence Burst [Time Dilation] 1 Rewind 5 [Emerald Communion] 1 Spiritbloom [Empath]/
[Spiritual Clarity]1 Spiritbloom [Fluttering Seedlings] 2 Spiritbloom OR Essence Attunement [Font of Magic] 1 Essence Attunement [Golden Hour] 1 Essence Attunement OR Time Dilation [Delay Harm]/
[Just in Time]1 Time Dilation [Temporal Anomaly] 1 Time Dilation 6 [Dreamwalker]/
[Rush of Vitality]1 Emerald Communion [Exhilarating Burst] 2 Emerald Communion OR Fluttering Seedlings [Field of Dreams] 1 Fluttering Seedlings [Power Nexus] 1 Font of Magic [Time Lord] 2 Golden Hour [Flow State] 2 Temporal Anomaly [Resonating Sphere]/
[Nozdormu's Teachings]1 Temporal Anomaly 7 [Call of Ysera] 1 Dreamwalker/Rush of Vitality OR Field of Dreams [Lifebind] 1 Field of Dreams OR Power Nexus OR Time Lord [Punctuality] 1 Time Lord OR Resonating Sphere/Nozdormu's Teachings 8 [Spark of Insight] 1 Call of Ysera [Ouroboros] 1 Call of Ysera [Life-Giver's Flame] 1 Call of Ysera OR Lifebind [Titan's Gift] 1 Lifebind [Erasure]/
[Temporal Artificer]1 Lifebind OR Punctuality [Energy Loop] 1 Punctuality [Time of Need] 1 Punctuality 9 [Renewing Breath] 2 Spark of Insight OR Ouroboros OR Life-Giver's Flame [Lifeforce Mender] 2 Life-Giver's Flame OR Titan's Gift OR Erasure/Temporal Artificer [Timeless Magic] 2 Erasure/Temporal Artificer OR energy Loop OR Time of Need 10 [Dream Flight] 1 Renewing Breath [Cycle of Life] 1 Renewing Breath [Lifespark] 1 Lifeforce Mender [Grace Period] 1 Timeless Magic [Stasis] 1 Timeless Magic -
Augmentation Tier Talent Ranks Requirement 1 [Ebon Might] 1 2 [Eruption] 1 Ebon Might [Essence Burst] 1 Ebon Might 3 [Imposing Presence]/
[Inner Radiance]1 Eruption [Ricocheting Pyroclast] 1 Eruption [Essence Attunement] 1 Essence Burst [Pupil of Alexstrasza]/
[Echoing Strike]1 Essence Burst 4 [Upheaval] 1 Imposing Presence/Inner Radiance OR Ricocheting Pyroclast [Breath of Eons] 1 Ricocheting Pyroclast OR Essence Attunement [Defy Fate] 1 Essence Attunement OR Pupil of Alexstrasza/Echoing Strike 5 [Seismic Slam] 1 Upheaval [Power Nexus] 1 Upheaval [Volcanism] 1 Upheaval [Perilous Fate]/
[Chrono Ward]1 Breath of Eons [Stretch Time] 1 Breath of Eons OR Defy Fate [Timelessness] 1 Defy Fate [Bestow Weyrnstone] 1 Defy Fate 6 [Blistering Scales] 1 Seismic Slam OR Power Nexus OR Volcanism [Draconic Attunements] 1 Volcanism OR Perilous Fate/Chrono Ward OR Stretch Time [Prescience] 1 Stretch Time OR Timelessness OR Bestow Weyrnstone 7 [Unyielding Domain]/
[Tectonic Locus]1 Seismic Slam OR Blistering Scales [Regenerative Chitin]/
[Molten Blood]1 Blistering Scales [Momentum Shift] 1 Blistering Scales OR Draconic Attunements [Aspects' Favor] 2 Draconic Attunements [Arcane Reach] 1 Draconic Attunements OR Prescience [Fate Mirror] 1 Prescience [Symbiotic Bloom] 2 Prescience 8 [Reactive Hide] 1 Regenerative Chitin/Molten Blood [Font of Magic] 1 Regenerative Chitin/Molten Blood [Hoarded Power] 1 Regenerative Chitin/Molten Blood OR Momentum Shift OR Aspects' Favor [Ignition Rush] 1 Aspects' Favor OR Arcane Reach OR Fate Mirror [Anachronism] 1 Fate Mirror [Prolong Life]/
[Dream of Spring]1 Symbiotic Bloom 9 [Accretion] 1 Reactive Hide OR Font of Magic OR Hoarded Power [Imminent Destruction] 1 Hoarded Power [Time Skip] 1 Hoarded Power OR Ignition Rush [Motes of Possibility] 1 Ignition Rush OR Anachronism [Inferno's Blessing] 1 Anachronism OR Prolong Life/Dream of Spring 10 [Rumbling Earth] 1 Accretion [Plot the Future] 1 Imminent Destruction [Tomorrow, Today]/
[Interwoven Threads]1 Time Skip [Overlord] 1 Motes of Possibility [Molten Embers] 1 Inferno's Blessing
Hero talents
Hero talents become available at level 71. They can be changed at any time outside of combat, except during a PvP match or Mythic+ dungeon. A talented ability cannot be changed while it is on cooldown.
A new point is gained at each level, so that every talent node can be unlocked at level 80.
PvP talents
PvP talents become available at level 20. Up to 3 PvP talents may be active at any given time (with additional slots becoming available at levels 30 and 40).
These talents are active in the open world with War Mode turned on, as well as during instanced PvP. They have no effect in dungeons and raids.
Devastation Talent Level [Chrono Loop] 20 [Crippling Force] 20 [Divide and Conquer] 20 [Dream Catcher] 20 [Dreamwalker's Embrace] 20 [Nullifying Shroud] 20 [Obsidian Mettle] 20 [Scouring Flame] 20 [Swoop Up] 20 [Time Stop] 20 [Unburdened Flight] 20 -
Preservation Talent Level [Chrono Loop] 20 [Divide and Conquer] 20 [Dream Catcher] 20 [Dream Projection] 20 [Dreamwalker's Embrace] 20 [Nullifying Shroud] 20 [Obsidian Mettle] 20 [Scouring Flame] 20 [Swoop Up] 20 [Time Stop] 20 [Unburdened Flight] 20 -
Augmentation Talent Level [Born in Flame] 20 [Chrono Loop] 20 [Divide and Conquer] 20 [Dream Catcher] 20 [Dream Projection] 20 [Dreamwalker's Embrace] 20 [Nullifying Shroud] 20 [Obsidian Mettle] 20 [Scouring Flame] 20 [Swoop Up] 20 [Time Stop] 20 [Unburdened Flight] 20
See also