Rogue abilities

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For rogue abilities and talents on Classic servers, see Rogue abilities (Classic).

Rogue abilities are abilities that rogues use. Most abilities are shared between all specializations, while some are only specific to one (or two) specializations.

Class abilities

All rogues automatically learn the following spells at the specified level, regardless of specialization.

Ability Level
[Sinister Strike] 1
[Eviscerate] 2
[Cheap Shot] 3
[Stealth] 3
[Sprint] 5
[Kick] 6
[Ambush] 7
[Crimson Vial] 8
[Slice and Dice] 9
[Crippling Poison] 10
[Instant Poison] 10/B Rogue [1-10] A Rogue's End
[Sap] 11
[Feint] 12
[Kidney Shot] 13
[Pick Lock] 14
[Cut to the Chase] 18
[Vanish] 23
[Wound Poison] 23
[Pick Pocket] 24
[Safe Fall] 25
[Distract] 28
[Shroud of Concealment] 49
[Detection]  [Dirty Tricks, Vol 1: Detection]

Specialization abilities

The three rogue specializations are Assassination, Outlaw and Subtlety. All three are melee DPS.

For a summary of the character and strengths of each spec, see Rogue specializations.


Talents become available at level 10. They can be changed at any time outside of combat, except during a PvP match or Mythic+ dungeon. A talented ability cannot be changed while it is on cooldown.

Row 5 is locked until 8 points are spent, and row 8 is locked until 20 points are spent.

Class talents

Tier Talent Ranks Requirement
1 [Shiv] 1 Automatic for Assassination
[Blind] 1 Automatic for Outlaw
[Cloak of Shadows] 1 Automatic for Subtlety
2 [Evasion] 1 Shiv OR Blind
[Airborne Irritant]
1 Blind
[Shadowstep] 1 Blind OR Cloak of Shadows
3 [Master Poisoner] 1 Evasion
[Cheat Death]
1 Evasion OR Gouge/Airborne Irritant OR Shadowstep
[Tricks of the Trade]/
1 Shadowstep
4 [Improved Wound Poison] 1 Master Poisoner
[Nimble Fingers] 1 Master Poisoner OR Elusiveness/Cheat Death
[Improved Sprint] 1 Elusiveness/Cheat Death OR Tricks of the Trade/Blackjack
[Shadowrunner] 1 Tricks of the Trade/Blackjack
5 [Superior Mixture] 1 Improved Wound Poison
[Fleet Footed] 1 Improved Wound Poison OR Nimble Fingers
[Iron Stomach] 1 Nimble Fingers
[Unbreakable Stride] 1 Nimble Fingers OR Improved Sprint
[Featherfoot] 1 Improved Sprint
[Rushed Setup] 1 Improved Sprint OR Shadowrunner
[Shadowheart] 1 Shadowrunner
6 [Numbing Poison]/
[Atrophic Poison]
1 Superior Mixture OR Fleet Footed
[Deadened Nerves] 1 Fleet Footed OR Iron Stomach OR Unbreakable Stride
[Graceful Guile] 1 Unbreakable Stride OR Featherfoot OR Rushed Setup
[Stillshroud] 1 Rushed Setup OR Shadowheart
7 [Deadly Precision]/
[Virulent Poisons]
1 Numbing Poison/Atrophic Poison OR Deadened Nerves
[Acrobatic Strikes] 1 Deadened Nerves OR Graceful Guile
[Improved Ambush]/
[Tight Spender]
1 Graceful Guile OR Stillshroud
8 [Leeching Poison] 1 Deadly Precision/Virulent Poisons
[Lethality] 2 Deadly Precision/Virulent Poisons OR Acrobatic Strikes
[Recuperator] 1 Acrobatic Strikes
[Alacrity] 2 Acrobatic Strikes OR Improved Ambush/Tight Spender
[Soothing Darkness] 1 Improved Ambush/Tight Spender
9 [Vigor] 2 Leeching Poison
[Echoing Reprimand] 1 Recuperator
[Subterfuge] 2 Soothing Darkness
10 [Thistle Tea] 1 Vigor
[Cold Blood] 1 Lethality
[Resounding Clarity]/
1 Echoing Reprimand
[Deeper Stratagem] 1 Alacrity
[Without a Trace] 1 Subterfuge

Specialization talents

Hero talents

Hero talents become available at level 71. They can be changed at any time outside of combat, except during a PvP match or Mythic+ dungeon. A talented ability cannot be changed while it is on cooldown.

A new point is gained at each level, so that every talent node can be unlocked at level 80.

PvP talents

PvP talents become available at level 20. Up to 3 PvP talents may be active at any given time (with additional slots becoming available at levels 30 and 40).

These talents are active in the open world with War Mode turned on, as well as during instanced PvP. They have no effect in dungeons and raids.


Glyphs are items that can change a spell or ability's visual appearance. Most glyphs are crafted by scribes, are color-coded by class, and can be applied as early as level 11. They can be removed at any time outside of combat using  [Vanishing Powder] (level 80 and lower) or the  [Dust of Disappearance] (level 81 and higher).

Glyph Used on
 [Glyph of Blackout] [Sap]
 [Glyph of Burnout] [Sprint]
 [Glyph of Disguise] [Pick Pocket]
 [Glyph of Flash Bang] [Distract]

See also