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Inv offhand 1h artifactdoomhammer d 02.png
  • Skyfury
  • Level 17 shaman ability
  • 4% of base mana
  • Instant
  • Harness the fury of the Windlord to grant a target ally 2% Mastery and empower their auto attacks to have a 20% chance to instantly strike again for 1 hour. If the target is in your party or raid, all affected party and raid members will be affected.
Class Shaman
School Nature
Cooldown None/Global Cooldown
Other information
Level learned 17
Related buff
  • Magic
  • Skyfury
  • Mastery increased by 2% and auto attacks have a 20% chance to instantly strike again.
  • Duration: 1 hour

Skyfury is a shaman ability.

Patch changes

External links