Totemic Rebound

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Totemic Rebound
Ability vehicle electrocharge.png
  • Totemic Rebound
  • Row 2 Totemic shaman hero talent
  • Passive
  • Enhancement Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning and Elemental Blast has a chance to unleash a Surging Bolt at your Surging Totem, increasing the totem's damage by 10%, and then redirecting the bolt to your target for (92% of Attack power) Nature damage. The damage bonus effect can stack.

    Restoration Chain Heal now jumps to a nearby totem within 20 yards once it reaches its max targets, causing the totem to cast Chain Heal on an injured ally within 30 yards for (150% of Spell power). Jumps to 2 nearby targets within 20 yards.
Class Shaman
Talent required [Surging Totem]
Other information
Affects [Chain Heal], [Chain Lightning], [Elemental Blast], [Lightning Bolt]

Totemic Rebound is a Totemic hero talent for shaman.

Patch changes

External links