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Supportive Imbuements

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Supportive Imbuements
Ability shaman watershield.png
  • Supportive Imbuements
  • Row 4 Totemic shaman hero talent
  • Passive
  • Enhancement Increases the critical strike chance of Flametongue Weapon by 15%, and its critical strike damage by 30%.

    Restoration Learn a new weapon imbue, Tidecaller's Guard.

    Can only be applied to shields. Increases your healing done by 2% and increases the duration of your Healing Stream Totem and Cloudburst Totem by 3 sec.
Class Shaman
Talent required [Oversized Totems]/ [Swift Recall]
Other information
Affects [Cloudburst Totem], [Flametongue Weapon], [Healing Stream Totem]

Supportive Imbuements is a Totemic hero talent for shaman.

It is an exclusive choice node with [Pulse Capacitor].

Patch changes

External links