User:Joshmaul/Sir Eran Heskin

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This article is a player character biography page for Heskin of Cenarion Circle US created by Joshmaul.

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"There is a reason we are called 'Stormwind'. You're about to learn it."

- Sir Eran Heskin
AllianceSir Eran Heskin

Sir Eran Heskin.jpg

Sir Eran in Human Form.jpg
Title <The Knight of Storms>
Gender Male
Race Worgen (Humanoid)
Level 70
Class Warrior / Blacksmith / Engineer
Affiliation(s) The Alliance
Kingdom of Stormwind
7th Legion
Deathsworn Heralds
Dragonscale Expedition
Former affiliation(s) Kyrian Covenant
Occupation Veteran knight of Stormwind, Warmaster of the Deathsworn Heralds
Location Valdrakken, Thaldraszus
Status Alive
Relative(s) Katerina (wife, deceased), Taran (son, deceased), Madeline (daughter-in-law, deceased), Donal (grandson), Catherine Hildreth (goddaughter)
Mentor(s) Sir Aurelius Moran
Student(s) Donal Heskin
Alignment Chaotic good

Sir Eran Heskin is a veteran knight who has served in Stormwind's wars for more than forty years. He has become a devotee of the Titans since the war against the Lich King, a notion reinforced by the time he spent in Skyhold during the Legion invasion. His preference for lightning steel weapons, made by his own hand in the forges of the Thunder King, has led to some calling him "the Knight of Storms", a fearsome reputation he brought to the renewed conflict with the Horde as a warrior of the elite 7th Legion. During the war for the Shadowlands, he was forced to embrace the worgen curse to survive a mortal wound...


Sir Eran and his grandson/squire Donal in Boralus during the Fourth War

Born the son of a blacksmith in the town of Grand Hamlet in the Brightwood, south of Stormwind (now known as Darkshire in the Duskwood), Eran Heskin has served in Stormwind's wars for more than four decades, ever since he was a squire serving the knights of King Barathen the Adamant. He was present during the Gurubashi siege of Stormwind where Barathen fell in battle, and was a newly-knighted warrior in the service of the Adamant's son, King Llane, during the First War.

When Stormwind fell, Heskin gathered his wife Katerina and their young son Taran and fled across the Great Sea to Lordaeron with Regent Lord Anduin Lothar, who would become supreme commander of the Alliance. During the Second War, Heskin was nearly killed during the siege of Blackrock Spire, a wound that prevented him from being called up to join the Sons of Lothar in the invasion of Draenor, which he regrets to this day. After recovering under the ministrations of the paladins of the Silver Hand, Heskin returned home to Stormwind. In the constant wars that followed the Battle of Mount Hyjal, Heskin has served in the midst of each one on countless battlefields - the Plaguelands of Lordaeron, the sands of Silithus, across lands shattered by the Cataclysm, the frozen fields and peaks of Northrend, the mysterious plains of Pandaria, and beyond the Dark Portal on both Outland and the time-altered Draenor.

Heskin developed an interest in the works of the Titans during the Northrend campaign, particularly upon learning of humanity's descent from the ancient vrykul there. Upon the "clearing" of Ulduar, he studied both the craftsmanship of the armor and weapons found in its vaults, as well as the engineering behind its strange mechanisms. That interest was sparked further (pun slightly intended) during the war for Pandaria, where he learned to work lightning steel in the forges outside of Lei Shen's palace on the Isle of Thunder. His skill in working (and wielding) lightning steel weapons earned him the nickname "the Knight of Storms".

His interest in vrykul and Titan lore would eventually lead him to the Valarjar during the Legion invasion in the Broken Isles. The warriors of Azeroth - human knights, orc grunts, tauren braves, and others - all joined together in Odyn's Halls of Valor to fight against the Legion. From his understanding of vrykul myths, Heskin knew that the Halls of Valor were the halls of the honored dead - and he wondered if his friends and comrades from Stormwind would find a place in Odyn's halls. But he was under no illusions that the Horde would have much to answer for, even those who had been with the Valarjar.

When war broke out again in Kul Tiras and Zandalar, Heskin was recruited by the elite 7th Legion, veterans of the war against the Lich King. It was during this conflict that, despite his desire to keep his family out of the war, he was convinced to take on his ten-year-old grandson, Donal, as a squire. During the conflict, he learned that Sir Galen Tavener, an old comrade from Lordaeron during the Second War, had been raised first by the Forsaken, then again by the Ebon Blade... and was involved in the brewing revolution against Sylvanas in the Horde. Despite his distrust - he had seen the very same thing with Garrosh during the Pandaria campaign - Heskin ultimately sided with the combined armies to depose her during the second siege of Orgrimmar.

Sir Eran in Bastion, wearing the robes of a kyrian aspirant

When the war ended, Heskin remained in Kul Tiras, ultimately opting to "slow down a bit" rather than charge in against the Black Empire in Pandaria and Uldum... because he knew Sylvanas was still out there, and she would eventually have to be dealt with. Once again, however, the war came to the home front, with another attack by the Scourge and the Cult of the Damned. To his horror, Heskin discovered that his son Taran - bitter that his father "abandoned" him like all of the other Stormwind authorities (the Army, the Watch, etc.) had - was among the cultists' ranks. Taran had killed his own wife Madeline (in a shot intended for his mother) before being killed by Donal, choosing to stand with his grandfather over the monster his father had become. That would not be the last they would see of Taran, either...

When Sylvanas shattered the veil between the lands of the living and the dead, Heskin received word from Nyssha Swiftblade, an old comrade from the Ebon Blade he had met during the Northrend campaign, of the realms that made up the Shadowlands - and how they needed help in a major conflict. Heskin's sense of duty and honor drew him to the kyrian of Bastion. During the battles in Korthia, Eran eventually joined with Nyssha and the Gilnean worgen archdruid Lucia Zherron in investigating the realm, as well as helping where they could in the pursuit of Sylvanas.

Sir Eran faces the Mawsworn sorcerer known as the Stoker of Hate - the vessel for the hate-filled spirit of his son Taran

After the Jailer escaped to Zereth Mortis, Eran and his comrades were joined by champions from both sides - the Kul Tiran Inquisitor Gabriel Underwood, the Nightborne death knight Lord Randarel Vendross, the goblin archmage Kelty Sparkleblast, and the Zandalari death-priest Zulimbasha the Collector - to travel to the strange new realm. Within, the party encountered Eran's lost son. Empowered by the Jailer in death, Taran had been reborn as a Mawsworn sorcerer known as the Stoker of Hate, burning with fire and carrying a huge rusted pitchfork - a corruption of the "noble tool" he had used in life. Taran's power proved formidable, and Eran fell, severely wounded. Trying to protect him, Lucia received a mortal wound in turn, but before her death, she promised that Donal - who had come with his grandfather, choosing to see their journey through to the end - would not lose his entire family to evil, as she had... and poured some of her lifeblood down Eran's throat, her last breaths speaking the words of calming that had been invoked at Tal'doren by the night elves, so that he would not go feral. The curse of the worgen infused Eran's body, and the strength of the worgen infused his soul. To Taran's shock, Eran rose from the ground and proceeded to tear his Mawsworn son apart with his bare claws, snuffing out his essence once and for all.