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This article is a player character biography page for Savona of Cenarion Circle US created by Joshmaul.

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.
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“If I can come to terms with being killed by an egotistical orc, then you can come to terms with being captured and imprisoned by fanatical elves. We are a defeated people, Savona. Shame is something we must learn to live with.”

— Kalimos the Unforgiven
Image of Savona
Title <Fist of Kalimos>
Gender Female
Race Eredar (Demon)
Level 70
Class Warrior, formerly Vindicator
Affiliation(s) The Eightfold Path
Former affiliation(s) The Burning Legion
The Sha'tar
Occupation Kalimos' personal enforcer
Location The Dragon Isles
Status Alive
Mentor(s) Kalimos
Companion(s) Caradell the Heretic
Alignment Chaotic evil

A former draenei vindicator, Savona turned to the darkness out of despair, and has not looked back since...


Kalimos, Savona's patron, during the campaign on Argus

Growing up under the shade of Draenor's Terokkar Forest, Savona was a vindicator stationed first in her home city of Telmor, and later in Shattrath after Telmor fell to the Horde. It was the siege of the draenei capital that ultimately led her down the path she has taken - what she has called her awakening, and what other draenei consider to be her corruption. She blamed Velen for the fall of Telmor, because he had allowed the orcs access to their city in the first place - and the youths he had befriended had turned against them. It made her wonder: If Velen was wrong about living peacefully with the orcs, what else was he wrong about?

Her discontent with Velen deepened when the draenei escaped to Azeroth and joined the Alliance. She considered the humans to be no better than the orcs, and in some ways they were worse; while the orcs were mere beasts in her eyes, the humans would kill and subjugate for the sake of an idea - often twisting the virtues of the Light to justify their supremacy. Disgusted, she left Azuremyst and returned to Shattrath as a peacekeeper, but her heart was no longer in it. She believed that neither the Alliance nor the greatly expanded Horde was any match for the Legion; they were too busy killing each other. She looked at what her people had been reduced to and decided she did not want to be one of the "exiled ones" anymore. She sought to reclaim the mantle of eredar, Velen and his loyalists be damned. She would soon have the opportunity.

The Legion invaded in force through the Tomb of Sargeras, and Savona fell into the orbit of the eredar warlock Kalimos. The elder eredar - a servant of Talgath, Kil'jaeden's chief agent - was pleased with the young vindicator's acceptance of the "truth", and took her under his wing as his personal enforcer during the campaign. When the portal in the tomb was sealed and the Sargerite Keystone was used to tear open a rift to Argus, Savona volunteered to remain behind long enough for Kalimos, who had been recalled to the homeworld by Talgath to counter the invasion by the Army of the Light. Everything went disastrously wrong after that: Kalimos was slain by the orc warlock Urgan the Corruptor, and Savona was captured and imprisoned in the Vault of the Wardens, where she would remain for the next seven years.

But Kalimos was not gone forever, nor had he forgotten his loyal protector. Aided by the renegade demon hunter Caradell the Heretic, the eredar lord entered the Vault of the Wardens and broke Savona out, putting her to work once more in a world much changed. The Legion had been defeated, Kil'jaeden and Talgath were dead, and Sargeras was imprisoned by the reborn Pantheon of the Titans. But the eredar remained - many of them being granted a surprising amnesty by none other than Velen himself. Though skeptical, Savona has none the less resumed her place at Kalimos' beck and call, eager to test her mettle against new foes. She and Caradell in particular have worked together on numerous occasions, the demon hunter's precision and the dark vindicator's brute force complimenting each other to achieve both Kalimos' desires and their own personal goals... both of which involve copious amounts of destruction.