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This article is a player character biography page for Caradell of Sisters of Elune US created by Joshmaul.

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“Elune... an excuse used by weak fools to throw away their free will to kiss Tyrande's feet. Why should we worry about being slaves to the Legion when we are already slaves to her and her 'beloved', whom she considers more important than her people?”

— Caradell, the Heretic
Image of Caradell
Title The Heretic
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 70
Class Demon hunter
Affiliation(s) The Eightfold Path
Former affiliation(s) The Illidari
Necrolord Covenant
Occupation Roving huntress
Location Hunting in the Dragon Isles
Status Alive
Relative(s) Tekolin Wintershade (adoptive grandfather)
Mentor(s) Desolane Felrunner
Companion(s) Kalimos
Alignment Chaotic evil

Caradell, otherwise known as "the Heretic" among certain elements of the kaldorei survivors, is of the latest generation of Illidari demon hunters before their mentor's fall in Outland more than a decade before. She is a particularly hateful creature even by Illidari standards, against not only the demons and their minions, but also those who blindly worship the "uncaring" moon goddess Elune - particularly her High Priestess, Tyrande Whisperwind, whom she condemns as a self-serving tyrant.


Caradell was orphaned at a young age, her parents killed in Ashenvale by a satyr attack, and she grew up with around a dozen other orphans under the care of the Archdruid Tekolin Wintershade and his daughter, the priestess Aryn. Caradell had considered following her adoptive minn'do in her calling, but then the Third War came; between the Horde, the Scourge, and the Legion, her adopted siblings were all slaughtered, as was her minn'do.

It was around this period that she first heard of Illidan, who had been released by High Priestess Tyrande to help combat the Legion's return. She heard the tales told by his detractors of how he had been corrupted by demonic power, but Caradell had only seen the results: he had achieved what he had set out to do, and was only foiled by the narrow-mindedness of his fellows. His ways made sense to her, in a way the inhibitive traditions of her people did not. Increasingly, she began to blame Tyrande and Malfurion for all of their people's ills, as their "bungling" only served to make their people dependent on them. In time, she even privately questioned whether Elune existed at all, and if she did, whether she actually cared at all for her supposedly "chosen" people. Once the Dark Portal reopened, Caradell abandoned her priesthood studies and set out for Outland, seeking out the Illidari.

Desolane Felrunner, Caradell's teacher

Near the Black Temple, she was apprehended by Desolane Felrunner, who had been inspired by Illidan ten thousand years before to take up the same path; however, since losing the duel to Arthas at Icecrown Citadel some years before, Desolane feared Illidan had gone into madness. He warned Caradell that she would never be able to return to their people again, or at least, not without being judged a monster. Caradell replied she had nothing to return to. Desolane simply shrugged, and brought her in to be initiated. She had just been "prepared" - that is, her eyes burnt out in the traditional way - when the call came to Mardum, and she fought at Desolane's side on that distant world. Like them, she was captured and imprisoned when the Illidari returned to Outland, and held for more than a decade in the Vault of the Wardens.

Caradell's chief motivation for abandoning her people's "traditions" and joining Illidan was hatred... not just for the Legion, but for Tyrande, a feeling she was careful never to express when Illidan walked among them. She believed that Tyrande was more concerned about Malfurion than she was about all of her people, and dismisses her decision to become the Night Warrior as "grandstanding". With Tyrande as Elune's sole "voice" among the night elves, Caradell has actually questioned whether Elune really cares for her "chosen" people at all. Her interactions with those in Ardenweald who claim to have worshipped her elsewhere have only strengthened that belief.

After the Legion's defeat on Argus, Caradell became listless. She was drawn to the gladiatorial combat of the Maldraxxi during the war for the Shadowlands in order to distract herself... but she also learned of her people's eventual rescue from the depths of the Maw and delivery to Ardenweald. Witnessing the horrors of the Maw further solidified her hatred for Tyrande and her disgust with Elune, believing that no true protector of the people would have allowed such an atrocity. Bwonsamdi, the troll Loa of the dead, protected his chosen people from that fate, so why could Elune not protect hers? She was not silent about that opinion, either - especially with Illidan no longer able to hear it - and so it was from that point on that most night elves came to call Caradell "the Heretic".

Being of a younger generation, and having directly lost close family during the Third War, Caradell is both hateful and short-tempered, fighting against all foes - the Legion, the Horde, the Maw, and all in between - with reckless abandon. Scarred during the burning of Teldrassil, she has added a new group of "vermin" to hunt in her travels: The Forsaken. In spite of this, her blind hatred (pun slightly intended) made her a prime target to be manipulated by the Eightfold Path, led by unapologetic advocates for the burning of Teldrassil - and when they explained their reasoning to her, she soon came to agree with them (though whether it was their manipulation or genuine approval is unclear).