User:Joshmaul/Eirena Valmy

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This article is a player character biography page for Valmy of Sisters of Elune US created by Joshmaul.

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“Eirena has always been a survivor. She is out there somewhere. She survived this menace. Perhaps cursed as we are, perhaps not. But she is alive. I just wish I could see her...”

— Lord Eldred Valmy, Eirena's elder brother
AllianceLady Eirena Valmy

Lady Eirena Valmy.jpg

Lady Eirena in Human Form.jpg

Gender Female
Race Worgen (Humanoid)
Level 70
Class Hunter
Affiliation(s) The Alliance
Kingdom of Gilneas
The Greyguard
Deathsworn Heralds
Dragonscale Expedition
Clan Shikaar (honorary)
Former affiliation(s) Night Fae Covenant
Gilneas Liberation Front
Northgate Rebellion
Occupation Huntress of the Greyguard, honorary Khansguard of Maruukai
Location Gilneas City
Status Alive
Relative(s) Lord Bardin (father, deceased), Lady Estelle (mother, deceased), Lord Eldred (brother, deceased)
Companion(s) Leatho (bakar), Piketalon (hunting ohuna), Stryk (riding ohuna), Pitru (rockfang)
Alignment Chaotic good

Eirena Valmy is a huntress of the Greyguard, the elite militia of Gilneas.


Eirena's elder brother, Lord Eldred

Eirena is the youngest of two children born to Lord Bardin Valmy and his wife Estelle. While her parents were stay-at-home book collectors, and her elder brother, Eldred, was a spendthrift and a gambler (with more than just money, as it turned out), Eirena was a more restless spirit, engaging in the hunt at a young age. She ultimately sided with Lord Darius Crowley's Northgate rebellion against King Genn Greymane, becoming afflicted by the worgen curse; her parents were killed by the Forsaken. During the Cataclysm, Eirena had remained behind with Crowley and the Gilneas Liberation Front until the Forsaken consolidated their hold on Gilneas. Her brother, who had fled capture after killing a guard during an altercation, had gone with Greymane to Darnassus, and been exiled (first by the Gilneans for the killing, then by the night elves for practicing warlock magics).

Following Crowley's surrender, she travelled to Darnassus herself (avoiding notice simply by identifying herself as "Lady Eirena", which stuck ever since), and later to the Plaguelands of Lordaeron, Pandaria, and the Broken Isles. All the while, she was careful to keep her distance from Eldred, not wishing to either taint herself by association... or potentially cause an incident by killing her "demon-corrupted" brother. She joined the Wild Hunt in Ardenweald during the Shadowlands war, eager for vengeance against Sylvanas for her crimes against Gilneas, and was not the least bit surprised when it once again turned out to be nothing. Bitter and angry, Eirena abandoned all her fae trappings and returned to Azeroth, spending the next three years restlessly roaming the world.

Then came the call to the Dragon Isles, and Eirena could not resist a chance at exploring a new land. She was particularly drawn - not all that surprisingly - to the centaur hunters of the Ohn'ahran Plains. It was during that conflict that she found herself on the trail of Professor Rakeri Sputterspark, a gnome warlock who had returned from death in a mechanized form with the aid of Eldred... and was not the least bit surprised that the professor had betrayed him. She was horrified, however, to discover that Rakeri's plan was to use Eldred as a sacrifice to resurrect a bodiless eredar lord whose essence had been trapped on Azeroth since the fall of Argus. By the time she made up her mind to intervene, it was too late. Though she did not approve of his use of dark magic, he had still been her brother, and she swore to avenge his death. She found her greatest support in this time in the Shikaar hunter Shiban, who taught her about the local beasts regularly tamed to fight alongside the clan; he had lost his own brother to the Nokhud. He would later join her during the campaign in the Emerald Dream against Fyrakk's Primalists, as well as keeping an eye on the cultists who had killed Eldred.

Following the emergence of Amirdrassil on Azeroth, Eirena looked to the future of her own people, who had taken refuge in Darnassus and been made homeless again by the burning of Teldrassil. The night elves had been to hell and back - literally - for years, and she felt they deserved the victory that the new World Tree represented. But she couldn't help but wonder: If the night elves could gain a new home... could her people regain their old one? It was a question that did not take long to have an answer...

Two surprises lay in store for her when the word came that King Greymane intended to retake Gilneas. The first was a pleasant one, and it came in the form of two Forsaken who had long opposed Sylvanas' methods and pledged to uphold the new Desolate Council's decision to withdraw their troops from Gilneas: The warlord Baron Kieran Devaneaux, and the dark ranger Kirenna Summerlight. The second was much less pleasant, and indeed shocking: The foe they were facing was the Scarlet Crusade, which had begun a resurgence after Tirisfal fell, and now sought to "consecrate" the graves of those who fell to Sylvanas' forces during the Cataclysm - the zealous lunatics considering the worgen as much an abomination as the undead. Having lost a number of friends in that conflict, Eirena would not allow that insult to go unchallenged - and Baron Devaneaux, a former Crusader himself, wholeheartedly agreed. Greyguard and Deathguard worked together against the Scarlet menace.

When it was done, Eirena buried Eldred's body - returned to her by allies she had made in the Dragon Isles - in Aderic's Repose, in the family plot alongside their parents. As promised, Baron Devaneaux and his soldiers left peacefully, proving to Eirena that not all of his kind were like Sylvanas and her loyalists.