User:Joshmaul/Zhaoren Deathtide

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This article is a player character biography page for Deathtide of Cenarion Circle US created by Joshmaul.

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"Not even death releases us from our duty."

- Zhaoren Deathtide, Blackguard of the Ebon Blade
AllianceZhaoren Deathtide
Image of Zhaoren Deathtide
Title <The Shado-Pan Soulreaper>
Gender Male
Race Pandaren (Undead)
Level 60
Class Death Knight, formerly Monk
Affiliation(s) Knights of the Ebon Blade
The Alliance (de facto)
Deathsworn Heralds
Former affiliation(s) Shado-Pan
Kyrian Covenant
Occupation Knight of the Ebon Blade
Former occupation(s) Shado-Pan Blackguard
Location Binan, Kun-Lai
Status Undead
Relative(s) Zhenren (father), Zia (mother), Zhangren (younger brother), Chaiya Greenacre (sister-in-law), Zhenyen Greenacre-Puretide (nephew)
Mentor(s) Sir Galen Tavener
Student(s) Mersadie Kittridge
Randarel Vendross
Torcall Macphearsome
Alignment Lawful evil

Zhaoren Puretide was a Blackguard of the Shado-Pan, descending from a long line of Blackguards who served on the wall, until he was killed in battle by the Burning Legion at the Peak of Serenity. Yet, as the conflict between the Alliance and the Horde seems to taper off, the Lich King has sent his agents, the Knights of the Ebon Blade, to raise new champions to fight in his name; Zhaoren has accepted this charge, and taken the name Deathtide to symbolize his dark rebirth.


Zhaoren during his training in the Ebon Hold
Zhaoren returns to Kun-Lai for the first time since his "rebirth"
Brothers reunited

Born in the village of Binan in the Kun-Lai steppes, Zhaoren Puretide belonged to a family line with a tradition of service in the Shado-Pan dating back to its founding by the Emperor Shaohao ten thousand years ago. His father, Zhenren, was a master Blackguard; his younger brother Zhangren became a Lorewalker, knowing that Zhaoren would uphold the family line as part of the Shado-Pan. Like his father and brother, Zhaoren trained in the fighting styles of the monks. He remained in Pandaria while his father traveled to Stormwind to learn about the Alliance, while his brother "upheld the balance" and visited Orgrimmar, capital of the Horde.

Zhaoren joined his father and brother when the Burning Legion laid siege to the Peak of Serenity, the home of the monks high in the Kun-Lai mountains, not far from the Shado-Pan Monastery. He took a blow from a massive wrathguard meant for his father, which killed him almost instantly. Zhaoren was buried in the small cemetery outside the Shado-Pan Monastery next to his mother, Zia, who was killed by a yaungol attack in their home village sometime before. Zhenren himself would join the spirits of the elders in the Wood of Staves on the Wandering Isle, after being mortally wounded by a psychotic Forsaken warlock during the campaign on Argus. Zhangren, the last surviving member of the family line, often visited the graves of his mother and brother in Kun-Lai, ensuring their memories were not forgotten.

Shortly after the Fourth War, however, two shadowy visitors arrived with something less benign in mind. They were death knights of the Ebon Blade, dispatched by the Lich King to find champions for a new conflict that he feared was coming. As a Shado-Pan, Zhaoren was seen as an ideal candidate. He was raised in death to join the cause, and brought before the Frozen Throne to swear fealty to the Lich King.

Sir Galen Tavener, a Forsaken knight who had been one of the original death knights of Acherus - the precursors of the Ebon Blade - was tasked by his superiors to train some of the new "recruits", and took Zhaoren under his wing. Unfazed by what he had become, Zhaoren accepted the charge that he had been given, believing that even now, he could still serve his people - and perhaps the world at large. He changed his name to "Deathtide" and took up his new charge as an agent of the Lich King... setting out into a changed world.

Following the fall of his mentor in battle in Uldum, Zhaoren would ultimately take his place in helping the new knights in adjusting to their new status, given how readily he took to it himself. Just before the shattering of the sky above Icecrown, Zhaoren was tasked to make a trip to bring in some "final recruits". He found two candidates close to hand: One in Tiragarde Sound, the other in Suramar. Both had been killed by acts of treachery, and the Lich King, before his ultimate "dethroning", decided they had work to do yet.

Zhaoren would find himself working side-by-side with his reluctant brother during the war for the Shadowlands; when Zhangren realized why the Ebon Blade had brought back so many, he sought out his brother in Oribos. Both were drawn to the ideals of service embodied by the kyrian of Bastion, and served alongside them throughout the conflict; Zhaoren's fighting skill combined with Zhangren's healing arts to make them a formidable team, proving that the brother Zhangren remembered had not been changed by his new circumstances. Their reconciliation came as a great relief to Zhaoren, who did not desire to make an enemy of his brother under any circumstance.