User:Joshmaul/Tavana Wolfblade

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This article is a player character biography page for Tavana of Sisters of Elune US created by Joshmaul.

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"Give me a field, I'll find the battle."

- Tavana Wolfblade
HordeTavana Wolfblade
Image of Tavana Wolfblade
Gender Female
Race Mag'har orc (Humanoid)
Level 111
Class Warrior
Affiliation(s) The Horde
Frostwolf Clan
The Honorbound
Occupation Roving blade of the Horde
Location Nomadic
Status Alive
Relative(s) Kravok (father)
Alignment Chaotic good

Tavana Wolfblade is a name taken by two orcs of the Frostwolf clan - one born in the Alterac Mountains on Azeroth, the other at Wor'gol in the alternate Draenor of the Iron Horde. In time, however, one would fall, leaving the other to live two lives at once...


The Tavana Wolfblade born on Azeroth

Tavana, daughter of Kravok, was born at Wor'gol in Frostfire Ridge, home of the Frostwolf clan, just after the "liberation" of Draenor from the "Fel Horde" and its masters in the Burning Legion. Even as a child, she was a restless spirit, prone to wandering the land, preferring to keep the road moving beneath her feet.

Her childhood was not an easy one, both due to the harsh environment of the land she lived in, and the increasingly hostile relations with the draenei. By the time she reached her majority, the draenei and those who they had forced into service - the so-called "Lightbound" - regularly preyed upon the orcs, who had abandoned the old structure of clans and united under the banner of the Mag'har. She had grown up with tales about Azeroth, about a Horde that had worked with them to fight the demons and their puppets like Gul'dan, but she never truly believed them. At least... not until they came back, thirty years after they had left.

They had come to call in the debt that the Mag'har owed for their aid in the past war, offering them a place among the Horde of Azeroth. Seeking to get his people away from the draenei before they were wiped out, Warchief Grommash Hellscream agreed, and sent the majority of his people to Azeroth under the leadership of his second, Overlord Geya'rah, the daughter of Durotan. They would never see Draenor again.

Arriving in Orgrimmar, the first person Tavana would meet in the streets was, for all intents and purposes, herself - a green-skinned orc from the Frostwolf clan, who carried a runed blade enchanted with Frostwolf runes. The green Tavana had been born on Azeroth, not Draenor, and had grown up in Alterac Valley in the Eastern Kingdoms, a place as harsh and secluded as Wor'gol. Despite the strangeness of the situation to both of them, they found they had much in common - a restless spirit that led them to wander, a belief in honoring alliances, and a distrust for Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner because of her lack of scruples.

Sylvanas' cruelty would be driven home for her as the rebellion led by the esteemed High Overlord Saurfang began to grow, as Tavana watched her green-skinned twin die at the hands of assassins loyal to the Dark Lady. Enraged, she grabbed her "sister's" fallen warblade and slashed the murderers to pieces, leaving them to rot in the jungle. With this act, Tavana swore she would uphold both the honor of her fallen "sister" and of the Horde.