User:Joshmaul/Kodrak Thundersnow

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This article is a player character biography page for Kodrak of Cenarion Circle US created by Joshmaul.

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“We don't all swing axes at everything that moves while screaming 'For the Horde!' Some of us just happen to be really good at it... what the hell do you mean, even me? Especially me!”

— Kodrak Thundersnow, to Zulimbasha the Collector
HordeKodrak Thundersnow
Image of Kodrak Thundersnow
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 70
Class Warrior/Hunter
Affiliation(s) The Horde
Frostwolf Clan
Deathsworn Heralds
Dragonscale Expedition
Occupation Bladesworn to the Collector
Location Iskaara, Azure Span
Status Alive
Relative(s) Huraga (father, deceased), Kolana (mother)
Companion(s) Stormcloud (storm wolf)
Alignment Chaotic good

Kodrak Thundersnow is a warrior-scout of the Frostwolf clan and a friend of Zulimbasha the Collector, to whom he has pledged his blade as a Herald of the Other Side.


Kodrak and Stormcloud in the Azure Span

Kodrak was born during a particularly fierce snowstorm in Alterac Valley during the early years of the Frostwolf exile. His father Huraga was a raider who had served under Durotan during the early years of the Horde, and grew to question the conflict with the draenei as he witnessed the slaughter progress to levels of insanity. The Frostwolves were forced to fend for themselves after they were banished by Gul'dan, before Kodrak was born. He was given his "battle name" by his mother Kolana, who watched the storm through the opening in the family's hut just after birthing him. Both of his parents raised him with cautionary tales of the wars they had fought on long-lost Draenor, admonishing him to always stand up to injustice, no matter what form it wore. Huraga remembered well how the shamans had been deceived by the demons, and warned his son that "evil wore many faces".

When Kodrak was still a child, Huraga was seriously wounded - losing his left leg below the knee, and two fingers from his left hand - battling Alliance troops during the liberation of the internment camps under Durotan's son and heir, who had been found by humans as an infant and given the name "Thrall". Unlike most other clans, the Frostwolves did not tend to look down on those crippled by age or battle, or abandon them to the elements, and indeed Huraga was able to obtain a crude prosthetic to allow him to remain in the saddle when he took up wolf-riding again. After Kodrak came of age, he earned a reputation for skill with both his weapons and his senses, and later accompanied his parents to his first warzone - Northrend, a land that reminded him very strongly of home - as a scout-rider for the Warsong Expedition. In the Storm Peaks, he encountered a strange wolf that was charged with the lightning of the mountains. From its elemental blessing and its grayish fur color, he called the wolf Stormcloud, and it has accompanied him ever since.

When Garrosh Hellscream began his reign of terror against all of his "enemies" within the Horde, Kodrak saw at once that this was what his father had warned him about, a point driven home when he learned that Kor'kron loyalists had killed Huraga during the siege of Orgrimmar, while Kodrak was still in Pandaria. Kolana brought him Huraga's frost-blessed axe, an heirloom that had been passed down for five generations, and urged him to carry on the legacy of the family. Some years later, Kodrak would find himself on the receiving end of the wrath of another mad warchief, earning his own "mark of honor".

Just as his father had done with Garrosh, Kodrak made clear his opposition to the dishonorable tactics of Sylvanas Windrunner. He had never trusted the Forsaken ever since the Wrathgate, and the burning of Teldrassil and the blighting of Tirisfal merely confirmed his deepest fears about them. When Saurfang began organizing his rebellion, Kodrak made plain where he stood, condemning anyone who followed Sylvanas as "idiots" and "willing slaves". This would make him a target, and during a scouting mission in Stormsong Valley, he was ambushed by a Forsaken assassin. The ambusher's blade slashed his right eye. The would-be murderer was wrong-footed by the orc's reaction, however: He smiled. "No victory for Sylvanas today, worm," was his comment, right before his axe took off the assassin's head, which was then crushed under his steel-reinforced boot.

It was shortly after this that he met Zulimbasha, a Zandalari death-priest he recognized as being both powerful and honorable. The Collector healed Kodrak's injuries, but lamented that he could not save the eye. To his surprise, Kodrak laughed, saying that the one he had left was just as good as having both. Zulimbasha grew to appreciate the orc's wit and sense of honor, and they became close friends and allies. After the war for the Shadowlands, when the Collector called for allies to join him as "Heralds of the Other Side", Kodrak answered without hesitation, eventually traveling to the Dragon Isles to meet his old ally.