User:Joshmaul/Marha Deathaxe

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This article is a player character biography page for Marha of Shadow Council US created by Joshmaul.

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“Blood for Hellscream! Blood! Blood! BLOOD!!!”

— Marha Deathaxe, returned to the front lines in Pandaria
HordeMarha Deathaxe
Image of Marha Deathaxe
Gender Female
Race Mag'har orc (Undead)
Class Death Knight, formerly Warrior
Affiliation(s) The Horde
Warsong clan
The Eightfold Path
Former affiliation(s) The Mag'har
Warsong Offensive
The Kor'kron
Occupation Warsinger of the Path
Location Nomadic
Status Alive
Relative(s) Varad (father)
Alignment Lawful evil

Marha Deathaxe was a Mag'har warrior who followed Garrosh Hellscream during the Warsong Offensive in Northrend, and later became one of his Kor'kron warriors before her fall during the siege of Orgrimmar. She was brought back to fight in the Shadowlands - but never quite got there...


There are two kinds of Mag'har orcs in the ranks of the Horde: the remnants of the Iron Horde from an alternate Draenor, and those who were not corrupted by the blood curse and managed to survive in Outland. Marha, daughter of Varad, is one of the latter.

The village of Garadar was established in the years leading up to the orcish invasion of Azeroth to contain the victims of the "red pox", a disease that had plagued the clans for centuries. Marha's family were among those afflicted, and quarantined there by order of Ner'zhul. This had the effect of saving the survivors from being corrupted by the Blood Curse. Their chieftain was Garrosh, son of Grommash Hellscream, a warrior afflicted by guilt when word of his father's crime - being the first to drink of Mannoroth's blood - reached them. For decades, the Mag'har survived, but never truly lived. Then a green-skinned figure arrived, wearing the armor and carrying the weapon of Orgrim Doomhammer. He called himself "Thrall", son of Durotan and the grandson of Garad, the chieftain for whom the village was named. Marha and many others listened as Thrall told Garrosh of Grom's sacrifice to destroy Mannoroth and free his people from the curse.

At that moment, everything changed. Gone was the moping, self-loathing child; Garrosh was a man reborn, and Marha was among those who chose to follow him as he traveled to Azeroth with Thrall. She served in the Warsong Offensive in Northrend, fighting against the Scourge. During the Cataclysm, by which point Garrosh had become Warchief, Marha was part of High Warlord Cromush's forces stationed in Lordaeron, before being recalled to Orgrimmar for a "major operation": The invasion of Pandaria. Just before leaving, she was inducted into the Kor'kron, the Warchief's elite. But her path led her right back to Orgrimmar, this time to fight against the joint siege led by Vol'jin's Darkspear revolutionaries and Varian Wrynn's Alliance forces. She was confident to the end that Garrosh would prevail, even as a night elf arrow pierced her heart.

Years later, the Knights of the Ebon Blade - under the guidance of Lich King Bolvar Fordragon - began raising new death knights for a new conflict, later revealed to be the war for the Shadowlands. Marha was among those so raised, and was enraged and horrified to hear of what had occurred to Garrosh; he had been defeated in the siege, and then hunted down to a "different" Draenor and killed by Thrall. She was surprised to learn that the Legion had invaded Azeroth not long after that, only to be defeated (this time for good), and then a new war against the Alliance led by Sylvanas Windrunner, only for her to abandon the Horde. When the skies tore open over Icecrown, Marha was among those intended to cross the veil into the Shadowlands. She never got there.

When the effects of the portal cleared, Marha found herself standing on an island that seemed forever locked at sunset, surrounded by the sands of time. Looking across the water, she could see the Temple of the Jade Serpent, and realized she was back in Pandaria. An elven figure who seemed to have had all color washed out of his form approached her, saying that she had been brought back to the time of the invasion, and told her that she had been chosen to see it from a "different perspective". Marha was incensed by the condescension of this man, but also recognized that she was far more than a simple warrior this time - and she wanted to see how her new powers worked...