User:Joshmaul/Itzara Ravensong

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This article is a player character biography page for Itzara of Sisters of Elune US created by Joshmaul.

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“Vengeance is a strange way to unite with a former foe, but if it works... and this one is going to need some guidance. Vengeance without a vector will ultimately lead to destruction. I learned that the hard way.”

— Poquelin the Accursed, to Archdruid Tekolin Wintershade
AllianceItzara Ravensong
Image of Itzara Ravensong
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 70
Class Warden
Affiliation(s) The Alliance
The Watchers
Deathsworn Heralds
Former affiliation(s) Night Fae Covenant
Venthyr Covenant
Occupation Vengeful guardian of the kaldorei
Location Bel'ameth, Amirdrassil
Status Active
Relative(s) Aleira (sister, deceased)
Alignment Neutral good

Itzara Ravensong is a Warden of the kaldorei, driven on the course of vengeance by the death of her twin sister, and aided by one of her own former prisoners.


Growing up in time to witness the arrival of outsiders in Kalimdor, the twin sisters Itzara and Aleira Ravensong pledged to become protectors of their people after the Cataclysm wiped out their home village of Auberdine, and enlisted in the ranks of the Wardens. During the Legion's last invasion, they were both stationed in the Vault of the Wardens, keeping guard over the imprisoned Illidari and the corpse of their fallen leader. Itzara, her skills with stealth just as keen as those with a blade, also worked alongside the "Uncrowned" during the conflict. The sisters worked alongside Archdruid Tekolin Wintershade and the draenei priest Po'gaenus in pursuit of the eredar lord Kalimos and his enforcer, the traitor Savona. Though Kalimos escaped, the Wardens captured Savona and took her to the Vault at Po'gaenus' behest. It was a decision that would return to haunt them.

During the Fourth War, Itzara and Aleira deployed along with their sisters-in-arms to fight the Forsaken in Darkshore, and developed a working knowledge of their tactics - and a hatred for the undead murderers that has endured ever since. Both embraced the power of the Night Warrior, their eyes becoming as dark as the twilight. When the war ended, they joined the pursuit of the Banshee Queen and her loyalists into the Shadowlands. Both were horrified to discover that the dead of Teldrassil had become trapped in the Maw to suffer the torments of the Jailer, and worked with the night fae of Ardenweald to rescue as many as they could; Itzara also worked regularly with the venthyr of Revendreth, drawn to their sense of justice.

During the expedition to the Dragon Isles, Itzara and Aleira joined with one of their former prisoners - the sin'dorei demon hunter Poquelin the Accursed - at the behest of Archdruid Wintershade to pursue Kalimos, who had been resurrected by a cult known as the "Eightfold Path". Kalimos had called on the services of the kaldorei demon hunter Caradell, known as "the Heretic", to help break Savona out of the Vault, killing the Warden guarding the fallen vindicator's cell. At the same time, they had to contend with the threat of the Primalists, who had allied with the Druids of the Flame to assault the Emerald Dream and corrupt the World Tree Amirdrassil, grown using the rescued souls of Teldrassil's fallen.

Among those answering the Firelands' call was Archdruid Wintershade's granddaughter Amallyn; Itzara and Aleira were sent ahead to scout for her location, and reported to the archdruid that the Eightfold Path was there as well. Aided by Poquelin, the sisters left to keep the Path from interfering with the archdruid's search for his granddaughter; while flying back towards Amirdrassil, Aleira was killed by the Forsaken renegade Jonathan Surrette, who commanded the Path's Deathguard forces. Itzara nearly suffered the same fate but for Poquelin's quick reaction saving her life. Enraged, Itzara swore she would hunt down the cowardly monster who killed her sister.