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This article is a player character biography page for Kellik of Sisters of Elune US created by Joshmaul.

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"Ya brudda often says he be a mercenary, a killer for hire, but he has a great heart - heart enough ta understand dat dere always be second chances."

- Zulimbasha the Collector, offering Kellik a place in his guard
Image of Kellik
Gender Male
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 60
Class Death Knight, formerly Warrior
Affiliation(s) The Horde
Bilgewater Cartel
Heralds of de Other Side
Former affiliation(s) House of Whitehair
The Honorbound
Occupation Penitent veteran
Former occupation(s) Captain of the House Guard, emissary to the Bilgewater Cartel
Location Bilgewater Harbor, Azshara
Status Alive
Relative(s) Kitrik (brother)
Alignment Chaotic good

Kellik is a veteran warrior and former mercenary aligned with the "Heralds of de Other Side", under the direction of Zulimbasha the Collector, high priest of Bwonsamdi.


Kellik as captain of House Ketiron's guard

Kellik is the younger of twin siblings born on Kezan prior to the opening of the Dark Portal. He and his brother Kitrik found work as mercenaries growing up - Kitrik specializing in stealth and assassination, and Kellik more of a bruiser; Kitrik was also an engineer, while Kellik's specialties tended to be more using the goods being made than making them. The brothers eventually made their way into the service of the Steamwheedle Cartel, where the money was better. It was while they were in Ratchet, some years after the Battle of Mount Hyjal, that word came of an upcoming war against the Lich King in Northrend. Kitrik and Kellik both signed up with House Whitehair of Quel'Thalas, and arrived in the Borean Tundra onboard the House flagship, Kal'manis' Legacy.

It was there that the brothers surprisingly (but amicably) parted ways; while Kitrik returned to form his "Grand Army of Kezan" (which came to nothing following the Cataclysm), Kellik had found a sense of purpose he had been missing in taking sellsword jobs, and formally pledged himself to the Whitehair House Guard under the direction of its captain, Taeril'hane Ketiron. Ketiron would become head of the house following the war, and was succeeded as captain by his wife, Areinnye. By the time of the Cataclysm, Kellik was made Captain of the Phalanx, second only to Areinnye in the House Guard. At the same time, he reunited with Kitrik, who had returned to fight for the newly-rebranded House Ketiron, during the war the forces of Deathwing. The brothers later accompanied Ketiron to Pandaria, where they sided with Vol'jin's uprising against Garrosh, and to the alternate Draenor, where they established the garrison of Saavedar. After Areinnye was assassinated by the demented gnome warlock Rakeri Sputterspark, Kellik was named to replace her as captain of the House Guard.

After Ketiron relocated his household from Silvermoon to Saavedar in response to threats from the Modas il Toralar, Kellik took a group of guards and began to hunt for Modasi assassins. By the time he returned to Saavedar, Ketiron and most of his men were dead, his son and heir Ord'taeril missing, and the garrison in ruins. As captain of Ketiron's guards, Kellik blamed himself for the loss, believing himself disgraced. He remained in seclusion until Kitrik approached him just after the battle for Argus, believing that all "good people, and people like us, too" would be needed for the conflict to come.

It was during the Fourth War, as it became known, that the brothers found themselves on opposite sides. Believing that Saurfang's rebellion would not be able to topple Sylvanas, Kellik remained in Orgrimmar during the rebel siege, though more out of a sense of self-preservation than any loyalty to either Sylvanas or Gallywix, both of whom he condemned privately as monstrous. However, his being in Orgrimmar rather than on the side of the besiegers did not sit well with most of the Horde. Despite not taking part in the atrocities, he has been condemned as "Gallywix's goon" or a "banshee-lover" by some in the Horde ever since... including, at first, his brother. However, Kitrik could not begrudge him for looking out for himself - he did that all the time - and ultimately forgave him. Together, the two brothers returned to Ketiron's estate for the first time since his original death (he had been raised as a death knight only to be killed again during the battle for Lordaeron at the start of the Fourth War), and together they finished clearing out the house for new occupants... and as a way to move on with their own lives. Not long after that, Kellik was murdered by a vengeful survivor of the war, screaming "banshee-lover" as she plunged her blade in his heart. It was around this time that the Ebon Blade began looking for new recruits...

Though raised for a "second chance", Kellik did not join his "new brethren" in the Ebon Blade and sat out the conflict for the Shadowlands. It was nearly five years later that he returned to Bilgewater Harbor, hoping to arrive without being attacked by his former critics. He was astonished to see Kitrik waiting for him, along with a Zandalari in skull-marked vestments - the death-priest Zulimbasha the Collector, whom they had met during the war. Zulimbasha explained that he was rallying a group of "Heralds of the Other Side" - warriors, sorcerers, and other types to uphold the balance of life and death, and to swear the souls of their kills to his patron Loa, Bwonsamdi. Kitrik had convinced the Collector to take Kellik in as one of these new "Heralds", believing that a new cause would allow Kellik a chance to atone for the mistakes he had made during the war and restore his honor. Kellik was skeptical, until he saw the look in his brother's eye while the priest was speaking. After Zulimbasha had made his offer, all Kellik did was nod once. That was enough.