User:Joshmaul/Severine Melanius

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This article is a player character biography page for Melanius of Sisters of Elune US created by Joshmaul.

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“No price is too high for family. If that means the rest of Suramar hates us, then so be it. But take a look at the damage done by the Horde since Thalyssra aligned our people with them, then tell me staying out of these blood feuds is not a good idea.”

— Countess Severine Melanius, to her elder twin son, Lord Ademar
HordeSeverine Melanius
Image of Severine Melanius
Gender Female
Race Nightborne (Humanoid)
Level 55
Class Mage
Affiliation(s) Kingdom of Suramar
Former affiliation(s) Venthyr Covenant
Occupation Countess and matriarch of House Melanius
Location Melanius Estate, Suramar
Status Alive
Relative(s) Lord Odilon Frostleaf (father, deceased), Count Alerin Melanius (husband, deceased), Ademar, Andris (twin sons), Telisa Vendross (daughter-in-law, with Andris)
Alignment True neutral

Countess Severine Melanius (née Frostleaf) is the current matriarch of House Melanius, a noble family of Suramar.


Telisa of House Vendross, married to Severine's son Andris

House Melanius, like most of Suramar's noble houses, has a pedigree dating back to before the Sundering; Countess Severine is the current matriarch. She was originally born to House Frostleaf, a name adopted by her father, Odilon, for the number of frost mages in their lineage. Her husband, Count Alerin Melanius, had been killed fighting for the resistance against the Legion during the War of the Ancients, leaving her to raise twin sons, Ademar and Andris, on her own.

As well as bringing her children to adulthood (both becoming arcanists in that time), Severine spent the millennia of isolation working with Lord Randarel, the patriarch of House Vendross, a close ally of House Melanius; she had mused that she would have considered marrying him if he had not already been wed to Elerina. But their families' close ties were frayed by the fact that Spellfencer Relsyn, a member of House Melanius' guard elevated into the Duskwatch, was responsible for executing Elerina... and that Severine had remained in Suramar during the rebellion that followed, outwardly loyal to Grand Magistrix Elisande.

Severine did not commit to either side in the rebellion until after the Nighthold had fallen and Elisande lay dead, after which point she quickly pledged her loyalty to First Arcanist Thalyssra. Although allowed to remain among the arcanists of the Nighthold, she remains held in suspicion by her people - not least of which by Randarel's son Erdanel, who accused Severine of dispatching Relsyn to kill his mother on behalf of Elisande, a charge Severine has vehemently denied.

Sometime after Randarel's death and resurrection as a Knight of the Ebon Blade, he returned to Suramar seeking to reconnect to his children - in addition to Erdanel, he had a daughter, Telisa - but found Severine instead. Initially treated with hostility due to the ties to Relsyn, Severine was able to get through to him by revealing that Erdanel and Telisa had left for Oribos to find him in the Shadowlands some time before, and had not been seen since. Curiosity struck her when she saw his venthyr-styled attire, and - much to his own surprise, as well as hers - Randarel invited her to accompany him to Revendreth to see for herself.

Erdanel would die in prolonged agony in the halls of Torghast, captured by a Mawsworn known as the "Stoker of Hate"; Severine accompanied his body back to Suramar, along with Telisa, who had survived. Seeing that the Vendross bloodline was threatened with extinction with Erdanel dead and Randarel now a death knight, Severine realized there was an opportunity to mend the frayed bonds between House Melanius and House Vendross. To that end, she proposed the marriage of her younger son Andris to Telisa, now de facto head of House Vendross. If she and Randarel could not be wed, she reasoned, perhaps their children could be instead. Both Telisa and Randarel agreed, and the wedding took place sometime later - coincidentally, not long after that of First Arcanist Thalyssra to Lor'themar Theron, the Regent Lord of Quel'Thalas.