User:Joshmaul/Kelty Sparkleblast

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This article is a player character biography page for Kelty of Sisters of Elune US created by Joshmaul.

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"Need some fleece, need a flock, I SHEEP YOU! HA HA HA HA!"

- Kelty Sparkleblast, on a typical day
HordeKelty Sparkleblast
Image of Kelty Sparkleblast
Gender Female
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 60
Class Archmage
Affiliation(s) Bilgewater Cartel
The Kirin Tor
Kyrian Covenant
Former affiliation(s) House Ketiron
The Tirisgarde
Occupation Eccentric arcanist, polymorpher, and explorer; ally of Bastion
Location Elysian Hold, Bastion
Status Alive
Relative(s) Suzl (sister)
Mentor(s) Eregesh Silvergale
Student(s) Chaiya Greenacre-Puretide
Companion(s) Caedus Netherfist
Alignment Chaotic good

Kelty Sparkleblast is a powerful and somewhat mad goblin archmage of the Kirin Tor.


Kelty in her explorer's gear in Bastion

While her elder sister Suzl, later known as "Grimblade", preferred the fighting arts, Kelty got into the magical arts at a fairly early age. When the Kirin Tor officially became neutral during the war against the Lich King, she immediately made her way to Dalaran, and gladly joined the ranks of the magical "elite". She gave herself her last name when she discovered an aptitude for arcane magic, which was more "sparkly" than the fire and frost schools. When the Lich King fell, she found out that Suzl had been killed and raised as a death knight, and freed by the Knights of the Ebon Blade. While shocked at seeing her sister turned undead, she remained at her side throughout the fight.

Though she made her home in Dalaran, she was still a member of the Bilgewater Cartel, and worked alongside the new arrivals fleeing the devastation of Kezan during the Cataclysm. She worked most closely with the mercenary boss Kitrik the Assassin, a friend of her sister's, and his twin brother Kellik. She became a keen explorer, visiting the lands opened by the Cataclysm - particularly Uldum - and the rediscovered continent of Pandaria. When the Iron Horde from a time-altered Draenor invaded, Kelty was recruited by Kitrik to join the forces led by his patron from Silvermoon, Taeril'hane Ketiron, and she set up shop in his garrison of Saavedar until the conflict ended.

During the Legion war, Kelty joined the Tirisgarde and worked along with Suzl during the battles in the Broken Shore and on Argus. Both utterly opposed the way the war with the Alliance was being fought, and ultimately joined Saurfang's rebellion against Sylvanas even as they fought alongside the Zandalari to secure their homeland from the enemies within. When Sylvanas ultimately proved to be a servant of a far darker power than even the Lich King, the sisters ventured to Icecrown to face the foe. When they ventured into the land of the dead, however, Suzl disappeared without a trace. Kelty traveled to Oribos to wait for her, but eventually, it became clear to her that her sister was not coming through from the Maw.

Putting herself to work in the land of the dead, Kelty weighed her options based on her surveys of the four main regions of the Shadowlands. Maldraxxus reminded her far too strongly of the Scourge, the nature-oriented realm of Ardenweald did not appeal to her, and Revendreth was "just too damn spooky", not to mention rife with intrigue. That left Bastion, the realm of the kyrian, who were devoted to selfless service. Figuring "green and blue mix okay enough", Kelty allied with them, and found herself caught up in the conflict with the Forsworn. On occasion, she joined the various adventurers who traveled to the Maw (the "open door" as she called it), partly to learn more about the hellscape... and partly on the forlorn hope that she might find Suzl there somewhere.