User:Joshmaul/Caedus Netherfist

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This article is a player character biography page for Netherfist of Cenarion Circle US created by Joshmaul.

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.
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“It's ironic that you consider me the least of our little band because I didn't study engineering like you, or alchemy like Wilbert. But I have done well enough for myself without choosing to alienate the entire world. You think me beneath you, Rakeri? It doesn't look that way from up here.”

— Archmage Caedus Netherfist, to Professor Rakeri Sputterspark
AllianceCaedus Netherfist
Image of Caedus Netherfist
Gender Male
Race Gnome
Class Mage
Affiliation(s) The Alliance
United Gnome Kingdom
The Kirin Tor
Explorers' League
Deathsworn Heralds
Former affiliation(s) Night Fae Covenant
Occupation Explorer and investigator for the Kirin Tor
Location Dalaran
Status Alive
Mentor(s) Eregesh Silvergale
Student(s) Chaiya Greenacre-Puretide
Companion(s) Kelty Sparkleblast

Caedus Netherfist is a gnome archmage and explorer who travelled beyond the mountains of Dun Morogh as part of the venerated Explorer's Guild. As a member of the fully-restored Kirin Tor of Dalaran, he went to the front lines of the battle against the Scourge as an investigator.


Caedus during his early training in Dun Morogh

Caedus Netherfist was a classmate of Wilbert Blunderwitz and Rakeri Sputterspark at Gearshaft University during the heyday of Gnomeregan. During the last election for High Tinker, Wilbert and Rakeri both backed Gelbin Mekkatorque, while Caedus voted for his opponent, Sicco Thermaplugg. His support for the Mekgineer remains one of his greatest regrets, for not long afterward, Thermaplugg irradiated the halls of Gnomeregan as a solution to the trogg threat, while in reality intending to discredit Mekkatorque. The three friends fled Gnomeregan and settled in Ironforge, but Caedus' restless nature did not allow him to stay for long. Teaming with the dwarven general Korogh Madeyes, Caedus developed a taste for exploration that would serve him in good stead during the conflicts to come.

Caedus' path ultimately led him to the Kirin Tor; while he had possessed magical talent well before this (far more than any other sort of profession, he would admit), Dalaran was the place where all the mages would train. He was apprenticed to a high elf named Eregesh Silvergale, along with an overenthusiastic goblin named Kelty Sparkleblast. Though gnomes and goblins are often like oil and water, they ultimately teamed up during the war against the Lich King.

Caedus had allied with a friend of Korogh's, a human paladin named Saavedro of Stratholme, in his conflict with Urgan the Corruptor - a powerful orc warlock of the old Shadow Council, who had regularly attacked Saavedro and his allies for years. Caedus was ambushed in the Geyser Fields outside the Borean Tundra, and believed by all to be dead. The only person who knew otherwise was Eregesh, who revealed a secret he had never shared with others: He was in fact a blue dragon, Esheregos, who had elected to live among mortals. Esheregos was fresh from his victory over his overzealous brother, Iskanigos, in the Storm Peaks, and on his way back to Coldarra. Taking Caedus to safety, Esheregos swore his old student to secrecy, telling him not to reveal what he had learned to anyone, not even Kelty. Stunned, but eager not to get on the bad side of a dragon (having seen his share of that during the conflict), Caedus agreed.

More or less "dead" to anyone who knew him - including Saavedro and his allies, many of whom would die or become corrupted in the intervening years - Caedus remained in Dalaran to continue his training and recuperate from the near-fatal attack. By the time Dalaran relocated to the Broken Isles, Eregesh had made him an archmage, and he later became a member of the Tirisgarde. He fought alongside Eregesh on Argus, bringing an end (hopefully) to the threat of the Burning Legion.

Caedus sat out the Fourth War, believing it wicked, but ventured to the island of Mechagon upon learning that the last king of the gnomes had ruled his own realm there for the past four hundred years - and had sought to mechanize the entire world to cure the "Curse of Flesh", just as Gearmaster Mechazod had done in Northrend. He was not at all surprised that both Gnomeregan and Mechagon City backed Mekkatorque as the new king of all gnomanity, and came to embrace the idea.

Upon the death of the Jailer and the end of the campaign for the Shadowlands, Eregesh freed Caedus of his promise to keep his secret, as he felt compelled to reveal it first to Kelty, then to all of the Kirin Tor. Shortly afterwards, Esheregos left Dalaran, leaving a note and some items behind; this would also be the first notice to Kelty that Caedus had in fact been alive the entire time. For Kelty, Eregesh left his diadem, looking almost like draconic horns; for Caedus, his staff, adorned with the horns of Iskanigos. The note he left behind for them said only that he was "drawn to follow his dream", and that they would both meet him again some day.