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This article is a player character biography page for Silna of Sisters of Elune US created by Joshmaul.

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“One don't need eyes ta know death.”

— Silna, priestess of Bwonsamdi
Image of Silna
Gender Female
Race Darkspear troll (Humanoid)
Level 48
Class Priest
Affiliation(s) The Horde
Darkspear Tribe
Occupation Priestess of Bwonsamdi
Location Darkspear Hold, Echo Isles
Status Alive
Mentor(s) Zulimbasha the Collector
Alignment Lawful evil

Silna is a Darkspear priestess devoted to Bwonsamdi, the Loa of death.


Born physically blind, Silna was nonetheless believed to have "gifts" when she was a child, and was somehow able to sense her way through life. She left with her people to settle on the Echo Isles, then in Sen'jin Village during Zalazane's takeover (which resulted in her mother being voodoo-controlled by the mad witch doctor), then back to the Echo Isles when Zalazane was defeated. It was during that last incident, shortly before the Cataclysm, that she first felt the presence of Bwonsamdi, Loa of death. Guided by reasons she could neither explain nor entirely understand herself, Silna asked to be "marked" with a skull tattoo on her face and bones along the length of her body. When inevitably asked why, she said simply, "Death wills it."

Years later, when the Horde made overtures to the Zandalari, Silna felt another presence that reminded her of the first time she had felt Bwonsamdi's power. It was one of his priests, Zulimbasha, who had arrived aboard the Zandalari transport Golden Skipper to visit the Darkspear home islands. Witnessing the blind young woman marked with symbols of death, and sensing the potential power within her, Zulimbasha offered to take her with him to Zandalar to induct her into the priesthood of Bwonsamdi. Without hesitation, Silna accepted.

Under Zulimbasha's guidance, Silna awakened the "gifts" her family always knew she had, acclimating easily to her changed circumstances in spite of her blindness; indeed, some suspected that the newfound power she had gained under the Collector's tutelage gave her a sort of vision. Whether or not this is true, only Silna knows for certain, and she simply smiles knowingly whenever asked about it.