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This article is a player character biography page for Tasaera of Cenarion Circle US created by Joshmaul.

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“So what you're saying is, we put the 'Light' in 'lightning'?”

— Tasaera, to her brother Jaeden'laek
Image of Tasaera
Gender Female
Race Draenei (Humanoid)
Level 60
Class Shaman, formerly Warrior
Affiliation(s) The Alliance
The Sha'tar
Deathsworn Heralds
Former affiliation(s) Shattered Sun Offensive
Necrolord Covenant
Occupation Roving protector
Former occupation(s) Shattrath Peacekeeper
Location Shattrath City
Status Alive
Relative(s) Jaeden'laek (brother, deceased)
Mentor(s) Rocangus Snowhammer
Alignment Lawful good

A former Peacekeeper in Shattrath City, Tasaera was inspired to take up the art of the shaman by her younger brother, Ambassador Jaeden'laek.


Born aboard the Genedar during the voyage to what would become Draenor, Tasaera's family settled in Farahlon (what would become "Netherstorm"), where they had another child, Jaeden'laek. Tasaera ended up joining the Peacekeeper force in Shattrath while her brother traveled to the draenei settlements all across Draenor in his work as an artificer, before settling in Telmor as part of the town guard. When the Horde rose up and began slaughtering the draenei, Tasaera took a group of refugees and hid in the ruins of Shattrath, hoping to avoid the attention of the orcs. Some among her group were afflicted with the bloody pox and later degenerated into Krokul, or "Broken"; although she was adamantly against it, she bowed to popular pressure to exile them.

Decades later, when the naaru arrived to restore Shattrath as the "city of Light" it was named as, Tasaera returned to work as a Peacekeeper. She soon learned that Jaeden'laek and others had survived, escaping aboard the Exodar and landing on the world of Azeroth. To her shock, Jaeden'laek told her that shamanism had taken hold among draenei society, inspired by the Broken farseer Nobundo. Although shamanism was considered an orcish practice (and therefore suspect), Tasaera was amazed at the power he wielded. But when he offered her a chance to travel with him to Azeroth, she refused, saying her duty was to Shattrath and its people, which now included more than just draenei. She never saw her brother again, as he was killed during the Cataclysm.

Jaeden'laek's talk of shamanism awakened something in Tasaera that she never knew was there, and ultimately she would follow that path as well - guided by other draenei following Nobundo's teachings on Azeroth. She first traveled to that world as part of the "Shattered Sun Offensive", battling against the fel-corrupted forces of Kael'thas Sunstrider, before returning to Shattrath.

Several years later, upon hearing that the Legion had fallen, Tasaera voyaged to her people's new home, the Azuremyst Isles. Entranced by the beauty of the forests, she finally decided to leave her old life as a Shattrath Peacekeeper behind, and settled in Azure Watch, the main village in the region. One day, a dwarf shaman named Rocangus Snowhammer - an old friend of her brother's - visited the Azuremyst Isles. Deciding to offer his own counsel on the "finer arts" of shamanism, Rocangus showed her how to smoothly channel elemental energies in hand-to-hand combat, knowing that she was more of a melee fighter than someone who struck from a distance.

Sitting out the Fourth War, believing it "wicked", Tasaera ventured beyond the veil to the Shadowlands after the way was forced open by the mad banshee Sylvanas Windrunner. Learning of the covenants upon her arrival in Oribos, Tasaera ultimately chose to align with Maldraxxus, finding their concept of honor in battle appealing to her warrior spirit. She maintained her ties with the Maldraxxi throughout the war, right up to its end in Zereth Mortis. Despite relishing the idea of kindred spirits in the land of the dead, Tasaera - like many others - was weary of the fighting by the time she returned to Azuremyst Isle. She enjoys the relative calm while it lasts... because she knows, just as had been the case before, that it will be only temporary.