User:Joshmaul/Ben Kiely

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This article is a player character biography page for Kiely of Cenarion Circle US created by Joshmaul.

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.
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“I'm fairly sure your claws won't turn your instructors into worgen, Ben. I mean, they're already furry enough, I don't think it will matter. That being said... be mindful.”

— Lorewalker Ord'taeril Ketiron
AllianceBen Kiely

Ben Kiely.jpg

Ben Kiely in Human Form.jpg
Gender Male
Race Worgen (Humanoid)
Level 62
Class Monk
Affiliation(s) The Alliance
Kingdom of Gilneas
Deathsworn Heralds
Iskaara Tuskarr
Former affiliation(s) Venthyr Covenant
Occupation Wolf-cursed windwalker
Location Iskaara, Azure Span
Status Alive
Mentor(s) Ord'taeril Ketiron
Alignment Neutral good

Ben Kiely is a worgen monk finding his way in an increasingly stranger world.


Benedict Kiely - often called "Ben" to differentiate him from his father, for whom he was named - was born in Tarren Mill in the foothills of the Alterac Mountains, on land given to his family for his father's service during the Second War. During the lull between the Second and Third Wars, his father regularly bet on the arena fighting at Durnholde Keep during his duty as a guard there - which led to his death when the orcs sacked the keep, just before Ben was born. His mother took him with her to Gilneas (just prior to the building of the Greymane Wall) to live with her parents, prosperous merchants who owned a house in Market Square in the capital.

They thought they had gotten off lightly... until the worgen arrived.

When Ben was sixteen, his mother and grandparents were killed by ferals, and he was bitten and turned. He survived long enough to be drawn to Tal'doren to be helped by the night elves, but was left bitter, angry, and - worst of all - alone. Though the night elves and the Alliance took his people (cursed or otherwise) into their fold, Ben was left with no family or living friends, in a world that was swiftly going mad. Help came from a most surprising and unlikely source: the pandaren, who arrived just after Ben turned eighteen. It was through their tutelage that he was able to channel the rage of his curse into useful action. He spent the next several years in Pandaria before traveling to the Wandering Isle as part of the Order of the Broken Temple during the Legion war. During the Fourth War, he met the void elf Lorewalker Ord'taeril Ketiron, someone who had underwent a similar traumatic trial, and Lady Eirena Valmy, a noblewoman from Gilneas who had also suffered the curse. Ketiron brought Ben into the Lordaeron Deathsworn, a militia that was dedicated to the memory of the fallen kingdom, and the two men worked predominantly in Revendreth during the war for the Shadowlands.

Upon returning to Azeroth, however, it was Lady Eirena whom he would work closest with, traveling to the Dragon Isles as part of the expedition there. He felt most drawn to the sense of community embodied by the tuskarr of Iskaara (it also helped that he had developed a taste for eel liver soup in Kul Tiras during the Fourth War, and was not put off by the tuskarr's "inventive" methods), and spent a great deal of time during the conflict in the Azure Span, though he jokingly complained that the ottuk-hide armor was not particularly helpful in the warmer climes elsewhere in the isles.