User:Joshmaul/Seela Skullscrapper

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This article is a player character biography page for Seela of Sisters of Elune US created by Joshmaul.

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“Puttin' the dino in dino-mite, baby!”

— Seela Skullscrapper
HordeSeela Skullscrapper
Image of Seela Skullscrapper
Gender Female
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 70
Class Hunter/Dinomancer
Affiliation(s) The Horde
The Forsaken
The Eightfold Path
Former affiliation(s) Bilgewater Cartel
Unseen Path
Occupation Mercenary for the Path
Location Zuldazar, Zandalar
Status Alive
Companion(s) Rotfeast (undead devilsaur), Rippajin (undead raptor), Shinybones (skeletal raptor)
Alignment Neutral evil

Seela Skullscrapper is a goblin hunter and mercenary who has worked primarily with the Forsaken since the Cataclysm, and took up the ways of dinomancy during the war for Pandaria - and especially since the Zandalari joined the Horde.


Unlike most in the Bilgewater Cartel, Seela Skullscrapper did not leave Kezan in the slave hold of Trade Prince Gallywix's ship - she was one of his bruisers, standing on the deck. Not that it mattered, considering slave hold and deck were blown wide open by an Alliance fleet in the Lost Isles, where they remained until they were rescued by the Horde. After "settling in" at the new Bilgewater Harbor in Azshara, Seela ventured east across the Great Sea to Lordaeron, where she put her engineering talents to work alongside the Forsaken. What she grew to admire most about them was their complete lack of scruples, not allowing silly concepts of honor and conscience to prevent them from getting the job done. Most importantly to her is that they paid extremely well.

Seela's loyalties took firm hold during the Fourth War, serving as part of the Deathguard, even wearing their regalia - along with a few other "goodies" her employers had given her. She served on the front lines in Dazar'alor, taking a gnomish rifle from a Gnomeregan militia commander as a trophy, and "properly retooling" the weapon. She showed no mercy to anyone who opposed the regime, eventually shooting and killing her former colleague, Feesa Stormblaster, and taking her pets. Her siding with the warmongering regime would eventually lead her to be inside Orgrimmar when it was attacked by Saurfang's rebellion, and she and the other loyalists were left to the mercy of the new Horde Council when Sylvanas and Gallywix both fled the field. Though she received amnesty, she made it a point to be far away from Orgrimmar after the war. The skies opening above Icecrown gave her plenty of opportunity, and she worked for the necrolords of Maldraxxus - partly because their style was similar to that of the Forsaken - during the war for the Shadowlands.

During the conflict in the Dragon Isles, Seela was approached by her old comrade Mariel Surrette; the Forsaken dark ranger was looking to replace her idiot twin brother Jonathan in the ranks of a group calling itself "the Eightfold Path". Though wary of the cult-like nature of the group, particularly due to the warlocks running it, Seela admits to being one who thrives on chaos, and sees plenty of opportunity with her new employers.