User:Joshmaul/Gringri Diamondfist

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This article is a player character biography page for Gringri of Sisters of Elune US created by Joshmaul.

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“From one 'awakened' fellow to another... you've picked an interesting time to join the world, my friend.”

— Baron Kieran Devaneaux, the first outsider Gringri ever met, in Dornogal
HordeGringri Diamondfist
Image of Gringri Diamondfist
Gender Female
Race Earthen (Humanoid)
Level 73
Class Ordinant
Affiliation(s) The Horde
Council of Dornogal
Deathsworn Heralds
Occupation Newly-awakened explorer
Location Dornogal, Khaz Algar
Status Alive
Alignment Neutral good

Gringri Diamondfist is a newly-awakened Ordinant of the earthen of Khaz Algar.


Gringri in the Storm Peaks during her exploration of Northrend

The Archives of Dornogal list Gringri as an Ordinant, charged by the Edicts to "fortify, arm, and protect with their craft" the earthen of Khaz Algar. The description of their charge and of the powers their wielded led some outsiders to believe that they were equivalent to paladins, holy warriors charged to wield weapon and word in the protection of their people. Given how long it has been since Gringri has been active, she is inclined to agree with that designation.

Gringri was among the uncounted earthen preserved in stasis within the Stonevault, waiting to be awakened, though the machinery had not worked in millennia. The madness of High Speaker Eirich nearly condemned them all to corruption by the Void, but the power of Azeroth through her now-former Speaker, Magni Bronzebeard, saved the earthen from that fate - and infused them with Azerite, the very essence of the world itself. Upon her awakening, Gringri underwent the diagnostics required, and found that the memory of her service as an Ordinant remained, combined with a new sensation: curiosity. She looked around the Titan machinery of the Hall of Awakening, and found herself wanting to learn more.

She had not been awake long before she would encounter her first outsiders, both of whom had vastly different yet curiously similar experiences to her own, of being awakened after long dormancy - the Forsaken warrior Kieran Devaneaux and the dracthyr evoker Lengua. Like Gringri, Lengua had been created by one blessed by the Titans - in the dracthyr's case, the Dragon Aspect Neltharion - and had recently been awakened after thousands of years locked away in a forgotten vault. By contrast, Baron Devaneaux had once been a living man with a much shorter lifespan, raised from death by dark magic. It was the Baron who nicknamed her "Diamondfist", seeing the gems protruding from her knuckles. Despite the strangeness of their appearance (particularly the rotting flesh of the undead warrior), Gringri could sense that they lived by a similar code of honor to protect their people, and expressed a desire to learn more about them and this "Horde" they belonged to. Baron Devaneaux accompanied Gringri to Orgrimmar, the capital of the Horde, explaining who they were, and all the triumphs and tragedies they had endured over the years.

Seeing the primitive but bustling city and the red lands beyond was an awakening for Gringri; not only did she wish to see more of the works of the Titans, but - knowing the very soul of Azeroth herself was a Titan in being - she wished to see the world as a whole. Baron Devaneaux graciously agreed to help where he could, offering to introduce her to his comrades both within the Horde and in their rivals, the Alliance; while they had fought for many years as organizations, he explained, there had been many meetings of individuals on both sides who had developed a rapport with one another, "politics be damned" as he put it. As a starter, he recommended she journey to Northrend, to witness the works of the Titans in the Storm Peaks and the grand halls of Ulduar. As a gift for her awakening, he gave her a jeweled sword, a relic he had recovered from the Titan city during the war against the Scourge. He called her journey a "pilgrimage", and thinking on it, she considered the term to be an appropriate one.

After Northrend, Gringri ventured to the Dragon Isles, meeting Lengua in Valdrakken and learning of just how intertwined the Titans' works were with those of dragonkind. Lengua, while still relatively "new to the world" herself, had seen enough in her travel and studies to offer counsel, as well as warning against blind adherence to orders and tradition. While tradition was good, the dracthyr explained, it could sometimes shackle an entire people into following those who would lead them into ruin. What Gringri had heard of the events leading up to her awakening - the corruption of the High Speaker, the schism between the Unbound and the Oathsworn, and their reconciliation - led her to see the truth of Lengua's advice. It was with the counsel of these two different yet similar individuals, and the experience she gained in the lands beyond Khaz Algar, that she would return to Dornogal, to input those memories into the Archives. She eventually adopted the nickname Baron Devaneaux had given her as her own name.