User:Joshmaul/Smeet Spiritgrinder

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This article is a player character biography page for Smeet of Medivh US created by Joshmaul.

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"Taste the true power of the Elements, heathen!"

- Smeet Spiritgrinder, to Hagara the Stormbinder
HordeSmeet Spiritgrinder
Image of Smeet Spiritgrinder
Gender Male
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 85
Class Shaman
Affiliation(s) The Horde
Grand Army of Kezan
Bilgewater Cartel
The Earthen Ring
Occupation Kitrik's personal seer and Grand Army ambassador to Orgrimmar
Location Orgrimmar
Status Alive
Mentor(s) The Farseer Jaeden'laek
Companion(s) Windfire (dire wolf)
Alignment Chaotic neutral

Smeet Spiritgrinder is a powerful (and somewhat insane) goblin shaman who serves the Horde and the Grand Army of Kezan. A veteran of the war for Northrend and a student of the Farseer Jaeden'laek, Smeet now acts as the personal seer and emissary of Kitrik the Assassin, the Grand Army's leader.


Smeet on the Lost Isles during the exodus from Kezan

Born on Kezan fifteen years prior to the First War, Smeet is the latest in a generation of his family who have taken up the shamanic arts, gifted with the powers of farseeing - powers often put to work by the leaders of the Bilgewater Cartel. He journeyed to Northrend during the war against the Lich King, working (along with Kitrik and his brother Kellik) for the House of Whitehair under Lords Ordevaas Portalseeker and Taeril'hane Ketiron. It was during the war that he met Jaeden'laek, a powerful draenei shaman, who taught the goblin the art of elemental combat as well as honing his powers of foresight. It had been Smeet, among others, who warned Kitrik of the Cataclysm, which inspired the Assassin to return to Kezan and rally his "Grand Army". Smeet served throughout the war until the death of the Lich King in the battle for Icecrown Citadel.

After the Lich King fell, Smeet accompanied Master Ketiron to Durotar, where he used his powers to aid the army that toppled the powerful Hexmaster Zalazane and liberated the Echo Isles for the Darkspear tribe. Afterwards, he made his way back to Kezan, where he became embroiled in the power struggle between Trade Prince Gallywix and the Kajaro Trading Company, and was imprisoned in the hold of Gallywix's yacht during the exodus from Kezan. He honed what Jaeden'laek had taught him while aiding his people in their escape from the Lost Isles, working alongside Kitrik and many other goblins to bring Gallywix to heel. Like Kitrik, Smeet believes that only Gallywix's death will truly bring freedom to the goblins of the Bilgewater.

Meeting with Jaeden'laek again in the wake of the Shattering, Smeet continued on into the shattered world while Jaeden'laek remained with the servants of Therazane in Deepholm.

Appearance and Personality

Standing at about average height for a goblin, Smeet has deep green skin and large bat-like ears. His hair is a fiery bright red (appropriate, considering), and his eyes the piercing yellow of the sun, showing the hint of a less-than-sane mind. He wears stone rings in his braided ponytail and his sideburns, relics he picked up on the Lost Isles. He often rides into battle on the back of his dire wolf companion, Windfire.

Smeet is not your typical goblin in that - other than the "rocket belts" given to most goblins who survived Kezan and the Lost Isles - he usually does not tend to put as much faith in explosives as his fellows do, which has earned him a somewhat "eccentric" reputation among his people. However, he is something of a pyromaniac; thanks to his training in elemental combat under the tutelage of Jaeden'laek, he prefers to use the powers of Fire at his disposal, particularly in bursts of lava or bolts of lightning. His gleeful use of his powers is something that concerned his draenei mentor, who took no pleasure in unleashing lightning or fire against his foes, merely doing so simply because those were the powers given to him to combat evil. Despite his typically goblin gusto in using his powers, Smeet still shows the necessary respect for the Five Elements, not wishing to incur their wrath.

Farseer's Conscience

The staff known as Farseer's Conscience has a carved head in the shape of a talbuk's head. Wielded by Jaeden'laek during the battle for Icecrown and the elemental war, it was given to Smeet shortly after the fall of Deathwing.

In-Game Information