User:Joshmaul/Korogh Madeyes

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

"This news of Korogh troubles me. I fear that Oren Tanis' suspicions may be true, that he has forsaken his duties for the Alliance to persue a vendetta against the Baron...particularly in light of the attempt on your life. He has not responded to any communications from Ironforge or from Valiance Keep, and General Tanis believes something has happened...and so do I. Find him, Saavedro. Find him and help him find his way."

- King Magni Bronzebeard, to Saavedro of Stratholme
AllianceKorogh Madeyes
Image of Korogh Madeyes
Gender Male
Race Ironforge dwarf (Humanoid)
Class Hunter
Affiliation(s) Alliance of Lordaeron
Kingdom of Ironforge
Explorers' Guild
Lordaeron Deathsworn
Occupation General in the Ironforge Army, Explorer and Military Advisor to Saavedro of Stratholme
Location Last seen near Azjol-Nerub
Status Missing
Relative(s) Aidan Snowmane (father, deceased), Tirana (wife, deceased), Varsil Eagleshot (son), Marrim (daughter)
Student(s) Oren Tanis
Companion(s) Black Abby (saber cat)
Alignment Chaotic good

Korogh Madeyes, General of the Royal Army of Ironforge, is a dwarf with a troubled history. He has endured the Horde's siege of his homeland, the murder of his best friend at the hands of the treacherous Prince Arthas, and the dastardly deeds of one of the Lich King's former death knights. Now he has embraced the path of vengeance, and has gone on the hunt...


Korogh near Karazhan

Born in Thelsamar two hundred and fifty years before the First War, Korogh Snowmane was the son of a prominent Ironforge Senator, Aidan Snowmane, who was assassinated by the agents of Emperor Thaurissan. At the age of twenty (relatively young for a dwarf), Korogh joined the army raised by King Madoran Bronzebeard to oppose Thaurissan's attempt to gain supremacy over the dwarven clans, in a conflict that became known as the War of the Three Hammers. A change came over Korogh over that period, his rage at Thaurissan's treachery and the assassination of his father affecting his appearance, giving him the wide-eyed, insane appearance he maintains today. He officially renamed himself Korogh Madeyes after the conclusion of the War of the Three Hammers.

When Stormwind fell during the First War and Khaz Modan came under orcish control at the beginning of the Second, Korogh fought against the orcish invaders during the Bleeding Hollow's siege of Ironforge Mountain. During the siege of Ironforge, Korogh met a human officer named Vorian Tanis, who had been sent by Supreme Allied Commander Anduin Lothar with his troops as the support the Alliance could grant in the dwarves' struggle. The two men became close friends and brothers in combat, especially when the two battled an orc warlock named Urgan - who commanded a wave of Kilrogg Deadeye's forces against the gates of Ironforge. Recognizing his gallantry in the battle, King Magni Bronzebeard - Madoran's son and successor - promoted Korogh to General; Vorian was similarly promoted by Lord Lothar, and also awarded the Order of the Thorium Hammer by Ambassador Muradin Bronzebeard, brother of the King.

When Magni founded the Explorer's Guild, Korogh eagerly joined up and left Dun Morogh to see the world. Korogh, in particular, wanted to see if the rumors of Lordaeron's destruction were true and attempt to locate his friend Vorian, who had fallen to Arthas during the battle at Kel'Thuzad's crypt. He also accompanied Brann, the youngest of the Bronzebeard brothers, to the Scarlet Crusade's outposts in the Plaguelands and was particularly disturbed by the blind zealotry that was displayed by the humans. It seemed to him that the Crusade was hell-bent on destroying anyone who did not subscribe to their tenets, and he wondered whether they may not have had ulterior motives...

It was during an expedition near Tyr's Hand that he met Saavedro of Stratholme, who had recently emerged from his home city, and the two became fast friends - battling Scourge all across the Plaguelands. Saavedro knew that Korogh sought to see the less-accessable places in the world, such as the mythic Guardian's Library, deep inside Medivh's tower of Karazhan. Having gained considerable prestige among the Violet Eye - a sect of the Kirin Tor created specifically for spying on Medivh and his activities in Karazhan - Saavedro was able to purge Karazhan of its demonic corruption and open the way for Korogh to explore the Guardian's Library.

While in Karazhan, Korogh experienced a vision: He would travel to "the land of frozen death" - Northrend - at Saavedro's side, and help the paladin avenge the dead of Lordaeron by destroying the Lich King.

The Hunt for Artimus Devaneaux

Korogh accompanies Saavedro and Ordevaas in the hunt for Artimus

Korogh also travelled to Outland, exploring the draenei ruins and meeting survivors of the Alliance Expedition of twenty years earlier. Upon returning to Azeroth and travelling to Light's Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands, he received an urgent message from Saavedro informing him that the former Magistrate of Tirisfal, Artimus Devaneaux - a contemporary of Saavedro's former teacher, Sekhesmet of Stratholme - had disappeared from Northshire Abbey; Korogh was also given a description of the man, so that he could easily track down the erstwhile nobleman. The description matched that of a shifty-looking human who had arrived at Light's Hope a day before and made his way towards the Plaguewood. Meeting Saavedro in the Scholomance, the home of Artimus' former masters, Korogh confronted the orc warlock Urgan once more, now known simply as the Corruptor.

Extracting information from Lord Alexei, the Barov patriarch, Saavedro learned that Kel'Thuzad was taking his fortress of Naxxramas back across the sea to Northrend, and Artimus was accompanying him. To be certain, Saavedro and Korogh travelled to the Plaguewood. Sure enough, Naxxramas was gone. Arriving in the Howling Fjord, Saavedro duelled Artimus near Utgarde Keep and defeated him, but the death knight was rescued by his fellow, General Settra, who took him to Stratholme for his "training". Months later, after Artimus was captured by the Aldor, he escaped once more and made his way through to Lordaeron. Saavedro, Korogh and the redeemed Ordevaas Portalseeker gave chase, seeking to end whatever mad plans Artimus may have had.

Sent to Northrend

When Saavedro returned to Outland to put down the threat of Kael'thas Sunstrider, Korogh was recalled to Ironforge by King Magni. The Lord of Ironforge had a new mission for his general - he was to be part of an scouting force to relink with the human and dwarven survivors of Arthas' expedition at their town of Valgarde. Eager to discover the fate of his comrades, as well as the viability of using Valgarde as an Alliance base of operations against the Scourge (and possibly tracking down the renegade Artimus Devaneaux), Korogh readily accepted his charge.

Leading a battalion into the Dragonblight, Korogh located Artimus' camp just outside the entrance to Azjol-Nerub. Accompanied by Oren Tanis - the son of Korogh's friend Vorian, killed by Arthas at Andorhal - and a battalion of guards, including the draenei shaman Jaeden'laek, Korogh confronted Artimus with his crimes. In response, Artimus ran his sword into Tanis' chest, very nearly killing him. Then he broke off in a sprint into the halls of Azjol-Nerub. Enraged, the mad-eyed General gave chase; Artimus was killed by Anub'arak, the fallen Nerubian king, while Korogh was forced to hide from both the Scourge and the forces of the Twilight's Hammer, all the while exploring the inner halls of Azjol-Nerub and Ahn'kahet.

Several months after his hunt for Artimus, Korogh emerged from Azjol-Nerub bloody but unbowed and made his way to Wintergarde, where he was patched up by members of the 7th Legion. Seeing that Oren Tanis had not died at Artimus' hands filled him with joy, but he still pledged himself to hunting the death knight down. He grew so obsessed with bringing down the Scarlet Baron that, one day, he went AWOL from his posting in Valgarde. Communications from King Magni in Ironforge and from Oren Tanis - now one of Stormwind's top generals, much as his father had been - in Valiance Keep went unanswered. In desperation, Magni called Saavedro to Ironforge and asked him to help locate the missing dwarf general.