User:Joshmaul/Lor'revan Kethlir

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Immortality is only obtainable if someone has the will to do so. And I have the will.

- Lor'revan Kethlir
NeutralPrince Lor'revan Kethlir
Image of Prince Lor'revan Kethlir
Gender Male
Race High elf
Class Necromancer, formerly Mage
Affiliation(s) The Scourge
Cult of the Damned
Council of Deathlords
Occupation Deathlord of Naxxramas, Acolyte of the Thuzadin
Location Head mounted in Silvermoon, body incinerated
Status Killed by Ordevaas Portalseeker
Relative(s) Lor'tanis (father), Varanil (brother)
Mentor(s) Lor'tanis Kethlir

Lor'revan Kethlir was the heir to the House of Kethlir as the elder son of Lor'tanis, a respected and powerful member of the Convocation of Silvermoon. However, he associated with members of the Cult of the Damned, and was among the first high elves to betray his people before the "great treachery" of Dar'Khan Drathir.


Born in Silvermoon, Lor'revan was intended to be Lor'tanis' heir and was trained in the arts of magic from an early age. He was one of the few sorcerers of Quel'Thalas (along with the main body of sorceresses, who gave their allegiances to Dalaran rather than to Quel'Thalas) to remain in Alliance service when King Anasterian broke ties with the humans. It was this action that would lead to his eventual downfall...

Lor'revan grew disgusted with the complacency and the petty bickering that dominated Alliance politics. When word rose in the northern provinces of a group that promised eternal life in exchange for obedience to their new master, Lor'revan was intrigued and looked to join. He was among those trained by Kel'Thuzad, the leader of the Cult of the Damned (as this group was known), in the arts of necromancy. Lor'revan served his master loyally and well, even aiding in the despoiling of his own homeland (though his father, Lor'tanis, was actually killed by Dar'Khan Drathir, another elven traitor). He was present, along with other members of the Cult, when Prince Arthas Menethil resurrected their master in the holy waters of the Sunwell.

After Kel'Thuzad was charged to rule the Plaguelands in Arthas' stead - the fallen Prince going to Northrend to aid the Lich King - Lor'revan remained in the halls of Kel'Thuzad's fortress, Naxxramas, floating over the Plaguelands. But word has spread from its halls to all members of the Cult that Kel'Thuzad, though beaten, was not broken - he had returned and was taking Naxxramas home to Northrend. Lor'revan participated in the ritual that raised Inigo Montoy, the priest who had delivered Kel'Thuzad's phylactery, as the dreaded lich Thel'zan the Duskbringer.

Fate Dealing A Terrible Card

Ordevaas and Lor'revan in their final battle

When Naxxramas returned to Northrend and besieged the town of Wintergarde in the Dragonblight, Kel'Thuzad sent Lor'revan to the Borean Tundra to coordinate with its Scourge overlord, Prince Valanar. Considering the "damned shoddy mess" than he had made in Valiance Keep - tipping off a suspicious Saavedro of Stratholme by saying "everything was fine" while the Cult of the Damned was integrating itself into both the Valiance Expedition and the Warsong Offensive - Kel'Thuzad did not trust Valanar's judgment and sent Lor'revan to Naxxanar with the Lich King's full blessing. Unfortunately, while this allowed him to avoid Saavedro's scrutiny, Lor'revan's assignment to Naxxanar put him right in the crosshairs of his nemesis, Ordevaas Portalseeker.

Ordevaas and Lor'revan had crossed blades on three separate occasions - most recently during the invasion marking the shift of the war against the Scourge - and each time, the necromancer had been able to escape. Thanks to intelligence courtesy of the taunka, Ordevaas discovered that Lor'revan was in Naxxanar and resolved to put an end to him. Accompanying Saavedro to the necropolis as a two-pronged offensive to lure Valanar to his death, Ordevaas encountered Lor'revan in the heart of Naxxanar. Lor'revan fled the scene after Ordevaas slew Valanar, but he could not get far. Fleeing back towards Naxxramas, the necromancer was cornered in the Carrion Fields by Captain Oren Tanis and his company from Valiance Keep, sent to reinforce Wintergarde. Ordevaas came up to them from Vengeance Pass, and upon recognizing him, Captain Tanis and his men stood back. Exhausted from his flight from Naxxanar, Lor'revan was killed on the spot by the Blood Knight Master and then beheaded, with his head sent back to Silvermoon as proof of decease. Lor'tanis Kethlir had been avenged, and the Kethlir name redeemed after the execution of its "bad apple".

Ordevaas was made an honorary member of the Kethlir House Guard by Lord Varanil Kethlir, Lor'tanis' younger son and eventual successor as head of house.