User:Joshmaul/Helbrand the Wanderer

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The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

"No one knows the true motivation of this undead vrykul sorcerer, or indeed any of his history. Known as 'the Wanderer', he seems to follow the traditional role of the outcast who survives his exile and thrives in it. What is known for certain is that Helbrand was trained in the demonic arts by the Corruptor and in the art of illusions by a Yrkvinn runemaster...and that he holds a vendetta against Lord Saavedro for an incident near Baleheim early in the war against the Lich King, in which he was left to replace his hand with a huge scythe blade. After Tanis and Ketiron defeated Urgan's forces at Icecrown Citadel, Helbrand vanished. Some say he has turned on the Corruptor, denouncing him as weak. We may never know for certain."

- Ambassador Jaeden'laek, personal journal
NeutralHelbrand the Wanderer
Image of Helbrand the Wanderer
Gender Male
Race Vrykul (Undead)
Class Warlock / Illusionist
Affiliation(s) Council of the Black Harvest
Occupation Apprentice of the Corruptor
Location Wandering throughout Northrend
Status Alive
Relative(s) Unknown
Mentor(s) Urgan of the Black Harvest
Alignment Chaotic evil

Helbrand the Wanderer is a nomadic vrykul sorcerer who journeys throughout the continent of Northrend at the behest of his evil master, Urgan of the Black Harvest.


Little is known of Helbrand's early history, as he spent nearly fifteen thousand years in hibernation along with King Ymiron and the rest of his people. Upon seeing that his people were declaring their allegiance to the Lich King, the skeptical Helbrand separated himself from his people and became something of a wandering hermit, hence his nom de guerre - though he mostly kept to the Howling Fjord at first. That changed early in the war against the Lich King.

During a confrontation with Saavedro of Stratholme near Baleheim, the paladin sliced off Helbrand's right hand, and it was only by sheer luck (an ambush from Winterskorn clansmen from the nearby village) that he was able to escape. Helbrand continued through the Fjord until, near death, he collapsed outside of Halgrind - a fair distance from Baleheim, considering his condition - where the Forsaken were busily concocting their plague and infecting the citizens of the town. While aiding the Forsaken in this task, the orc warlock Urgan found the wounded vrykul and decided to aid him. Recognizing that Helbrand was touched by shadow magic, Urgan decided it was time for another apprentice...

Cauterizing the severed hand with a burst of flame, Urgan escorted the wounded vrykul to the nearby town of New Agamand, where he was tended by Urgan's personal apothecaries. Urgan's apprentice, Linavil Shadowsun, was a linguist who was able to learn the vrykul tongue and communicate with the wounded Helbrand, teaching him orcish so that he could communicate with the warlock who had saved his life.

Vendetta Against Saavedro

As he recuperated and - under Linavil's instruction - became fluent in orcish, Helbrand explained to Urgan exactly what had happened, describing his attacker to the smallest detail. The warlock immediately recognized Saavedro from the vrykul's account, and identified him as his sworn enemy. Helbrand also swore a vendetta against the paladin for maiming him. Coming up with an idea, Urgan spoke with the blacksmith in Vengeance Landing to have a bladed hand crafted to replace the missing right hand. The Corruptor also explained that he had the ability to instruct Helbrand in the magics he and Linavil wielded, and the Wanderer cautiously agreed. In time, Helbrand became a powerful warlock, and agreed to be the Corruptor's eyes in his journeys, which would take him outside the Fjord and all over Northrend.

Unlike Urgan and Linavil, who were master demonologists, Helbrand specialized in destructive magics, particularly wielding the Chaos Bolt. He was particularly intrigued by this, as Urgan mentioned it had the power to penetrate the divine shield of paladins like Saavedro.

The Wanderer's "Other Side"

Helbrand in his skeletal form, rallying the survivors of the Dragonflayer outside of Utgarde's catacombs

Helbrand was killed shortly after he undertook his training with Urgan, and was raised as a minion of a Scourge necromancer subsequently slain by Urgan and Linavil - who had gone to search for their lost apprentice. After discovering his monstrous form, Urgan decided to aid Helbrand in locating an illusionist named Sel'tira, who lived in Voldrune in the Grizzly Hills. Learning the illusionary magic of the Yrkvinn (and then subsequently impaling her with his bladed hand), Helbrand gained the power to shift into two forms - the form of life and the form of death, which he switches between depending on the situation. His warlock powers, combined with the "immortality" of undeath, make him a very dangerous and cunning opponent.

Shortly after his apotheosis, Helbrand took command of what survivors of the Dragonflayer clan he could find after the deaths of King Ymiron and Ingvar the Plunderer at the hands of Saavedro and other adventurers. Utgarde Keep was practically empty thanks to the constant incursions from Valgarde and New Agamand, a fact that distressed Helbrand - not because of the death of King Ymiron, but rather the hundreds of his people, all deluded by the Lich King, who were slaughtered like cattle. Turning the Dragonflayer survivors away from the Lich King and forcing them to swear allegiance to Urgan, Helbrand essentially rallied his own army in the service of the Corruptor - a fact that pleased the master warlock greatly.

The Wanderer's Warning

When Urgan was killed just prior to the fall of the Lich King, Helbrand safeguarded the warlock's soulstone, holding it for years afterward. While the spirit of the Corruptor was contained within the stone, the orc's corpse contained his magical power, and it was claimed by a number of "would-be Corruptors" in the intervening years. That would change just prior to the emergence of Argus in the skies of Azeroth. Helbrand delivered the soulstone, along with the power he had been able to retrieve from a number of would-be usurpers (such as the fallen human mage Alieth Taldir), to the Council of the Black Harvest, Azeroth's order of warlocks. Urgan returned just in time to "enjoy" the end of the campaign on Argus, and witness Sargeras' final act of spite before the Dark Titan was contained by the Pantheon. Helbrand returned to Northrend, where he remained for the years afterward.

The Wanderer was disillusioned with his former mentor, however, seeing that he was returning to the same petty acts that ended up getting him killed the first time. Early in the campaign on the Dragon Isles, he went to seek out the Corruptor, who had gone back to his former village in Outland for a period of "introspection". Helbrand condemned his obsessive need for enemies and his reliance on inspiring fear rather than loyalty, which would drive more people away from him, leaving him with few people to serve him. It would end the same way as before, Helbrand warned, and this time, the Corruptor would die alone - and no one would bring him back...