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She is touched by the Light, but she is inspired by the elements. Her choice is not for you, or even I, to debate.

- The Prophet Velen, to Vindicator Velenkayn
AllianceAmmenkayn of Draenor
Image of Ammenkayn of Draenor
Gender Female
Race Draenei (Humanoid)
Class Shaman
Affiliation(s) Alliance, Hand of Argus, Lordaeron Deathsworn
Occupation Champion of the Draenei
Location Cremated at the Emberglade, Azuremyst Isle
Status Deceased
Relative(s) Velenkayn (father), Taelina (mother), Taelinkayn (elder sister)
Mentor(s) Farseer Nobundo
Alignment Lawful good

Ammenkayn, daughter of Velenkayn, was one of the first of Farseer Nobundo's students.


Ammenkayn was born near Shattrath City in the early years of the orcs' attacks against the draenei people. Her father, Velenkayn (named in honor of the Prophet, Velen), was a junior vindicator (paladin) who was a defender of the city of Telmor, who fled to Shattrath after Telmor fell. When it became clear that the Horde would overrun the city, Velenkayn took his daughter and was among the few to join the Prophet in hiding in the Zangarmarsh. There they remained until Velen led the raid to take the Exodar from Kael'thas Sunstrider's blood elves.

In the period before the raid on the Exodar, Ammenkayn had been among the first to take up Nobundo's teachings of shamanism, much to the dismay of her father, who wanted her to become a vindicator like him. Velenkayn, like most "pure" draenei, were highly suspicious of Broken, in part due to Akama's apparent allegiance to Illidan, but probably because of the belief that Broken were now an inferior race. Ammenkayn, like Velen, had no such prejudices. The Prophet openly encouraged those who were touched by the spirits to learn the ways of the elements, and Ammenkayn did so gladly.

Landing on Azeroth

Ammenkayn and another fellow shaman, Jaeden'laek, were trained in the arts of shamanism. They both joined with the paladin Saavedro of Stratholme in his quest to restore Lordaeron and end the domination of the Scourge. Linked like brother and sister, Ammenkayn and Jaeden'laek fought together to defeat the menace of the Legion on the Azuremyst Isles and attempt to repair the damage done by the Exodar's crash-landing. They earned the respect and protection of the spirits of Azuremyst, even while they went beyond the Dark Portal to fight the Legion.

Journey to Northrend

While Jaeden'laek remained in Outland, Ammenkayn joined the D.E.H.T.A. in the Borean Tundra to end the mindless slaughter of animals, which had a dramatic effect on the wildlife of Azeroth. She was dismayed to find that Saavedro had actually aided Nesingwary on several occasions, including in Northrend itself, despite his earlier services to D.E.H.T.A. in slaying Harold Lane and other butchers. But there was one other butcher in Northrend that she would have to confront - a butcher not of animals, but of people...

Urgan the Corruptor had arrived in Northrend roughly around the same time as Saavedro did, and immediately began to make his mark. Eventually he would find Ammenkayn, a target of opportunity in a very unforgiving land...


Ammenkayn journeyed to Icecrown on the back of a red dragon to aid any survivors of the bloody conflict between Alliance and Horde on the Broken Front. She found a human in mage's robes seated next to a dead Horde berserker, only to find out that the human had been using an  [Orb of Deception] - revealing himself to be the Corruptor himself. Unleashing a ghostly spirit of immense power into her flesh, he mortally wounded the shaman by draining much of her life essence, then leaving her to die on the cold ground.

Saavedro located her moments later, near death, and she had enough within her to gasp out her last vision: That when the king was dethroned, Saavedro would meet his greatest enemy, and "both of your times will end" - meaning that both Saavedro and Urgan would die in that final battle. Honoring her final wish, Saavedro took her body to Azuremyst Isle, where he and Jaeden'laek had her body lay on a ceremonial pyre that was then ignited by Temper, the fire spirit of the Isle. Ammenkayn had joined the spirits in their paradise.