Marcus Auralion

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NeutralMarcus Auralion
Image of Marcus Auralion
Title <High General of the Sha'tar>
Gender Male
Race Draenei (Humanoid)
Level 25-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Sha'tar
Occupation General
Location Crimson Watch, Shadowmoon Valley
Status Alive

Marcus Auralion is a draenei located at Crimson Watch in Shadowmoon Valley.

Judging by his title, Auralion was the commander of the Sha'tar forces under Xi'ri that laid siege to Illidan Stormrage's Black Temple. He appears to have been captured and imprisoned in one of the fel crystals near the Path of Conquest by members of the Crimson Sigil - the elite blood elf guard of the Betrayer. After killing a member of the Sigil, Val'zareq the Conqueror, and taking his journal, the player is directed to speak with Auralion in his crystal prison, where he then directs the player group to destroy the Crimson Sigil.


In both quests, he is listed as Crystal Prison.



Save yourself, <race>. Flee from this place! The Crimson Sigil will execute you on sight if you are discovered.


The High General appears to be named after Marcus Aurelius (121-180), the last of the "Five Good Emperors" of the Roman Empire.

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