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List of priests

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This article is a list of priests that are known from around Azeroth, Outland, alternate Draenor and Argus.

Named priests

Alliance Crest Alliance

Name Role Affiliation Status
 "Doc" Schweitzer Follower Stormwind, Garrison Alive
 Alasdair Whitepeak Follower. Lunarfall Alive
 Anchorite Ahuurn Quest giver in Telredor, Zangarmarsh. The Exodar Alive
 Anchorite Alendar Priest found in the Temple of Telhamat, Hellfire Peninsula. The Exodar Alive
 Anchorite Avuun Quest giver in The Harborage, Swamps of Sorrows. The Exodar Alive
 Anchorite Barada Priest found in Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula. Honor Hold Alive
 Anchorite Delan Quest giver in Darkshire, Duskwood. The Exodar Alive
 Anchorite Fateema First aid trainer in Azure Watch, Azuremyst Isle. The Exodar Alive
 Anchorite Obadei Quest giver in the Temple of Telhamat, Hellfire Peninsula. The Exodar Alive
 Anchorite Paetheus First aid trainer in Blood Watch, Bloodmyst Isle. The Exodar Alive
 Anchorite Truuen Wished to pay tribute to Uther at his tomb on Sorrow Hill. The Exodar Alive
 Anduin Wrynn Former Crown Prince of Stormwind, became High King following the death of his father. Stormwind, House of Wrynn Alive
 Angela Leifeld First aid trainer in the Cathedral of Light, Stormwind City. Stormwind, Church of the Holy Light Alive
 Archibald Arlison Follower. Lunarfall Alive
 Arctic Whitemace Follower. Lunarfall Alive
 Astarii Starseeker Priest trainer in The Temple of the Moon, Darnassus. Darnassus, Sisterhood of Elune Alive
 Bishop Arthur Replaces Farthing after his betrayal. Stormwind Alive
 Bishop DeLavey Officer of the Church of Light. Stormwind, Church of the Holy Light Alive
 Bishop Lazaril Delivered a piece of solid Light which is to be used as a weapon against the necropolises of the Scourge Invasion. Stormwind, Church of the Holy Light Unknown
 Braenna Flintcrag Priest trainer in The Hall of Mysteries, Ironforge. Ironforge Alive
 Branstock Khalder Priest trainer in Anvilmar, Dun Morogh. Ironforge Alive
 Brother Anton Former quest giver in Nijel's Point, Desolace. Scarlet Crusade, Stormwind Deceased
 Brother Benjamin Priest trainer in the Cathedral of Light, Stormwind City. Stormwind, Church of the Holy Light Alive
 Brother Cartwright Wine vendor outside of Ironforge during Brewfest. Church of the Holy Light (presumed) Alive
 Brother Cassius Reagent vendor in the Cathedral of Light, Stormwind City. Stormwind, Church of the Holy Light Alive
 Brother Crowley Emissary of the Scarlet Crusade in the Cathedral of Light, Stormwind City. Scarlet Crusade, Stormwind Alive
 Brother Daniels Quest giver at the Stair of Destiny, Hellfire Peninsula. Church of the Holy Light (presumed) Alive
 Brother Danil General goods vendor in Northshire Valley, Elwynn Forest. Stormwind, Church of the Holy Light Alive
 Brother Joshua Priest trainer in the Cathedral of Light, Stormwind City. Stormwind, Church of the Holy Light Alive
 Brother Kristoff Priest found in Cathedral Square, Stormwind City. Stormwind, Church of the Holy Light Alive
 Neals Manages the store of food and drink, and inventories the wine for the Northshire Vineyard. Stormwind, Church of the Holy Light (presumed) Alive
 Brother Paxton Caretaker of the Northshire library as well as a scribe. Stormwind, Church of the Holy Light Alive
 Sarno Priest found in the Cathedral of Light, Stormwind City. Stormwind, Church of the Holy Light Alive
 Caedmos Priest trainer in The Vault of Lights, The Exodar. The Exodar Alive
 Ciarra Neil Follower. Lunarfall Alive
 Cleric Maluuf Follower. Lunarfall Alive
 Daleera Moonfang Follower. Lunarfall Alive
 Delaras Moonshadow Follower. Lunarfall Alive
 Doc Lightspanner Follower. Lunarfall Alive
 Dowser Bigspark Follower. Lunarfall Alive
 Fallat Priest trainer in The Vault of Lights, The Exodar. The Exodar Alive
 Father Malgor Devidicus Quest giver in Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula. Honor Hold Alive
 Fiona Caravan owner and follower. Lunarfall Alive
 Glorin Steelbrow Quest giver in Menethil Harbor, Wetlands. Ironforge Alive
 Guvan Priest trainer in Azure Watch, Azuremyst Isle. The Exodar Alive
 High Priest Rohan Priest trainer in The Hall of Mysteries, Ironforge. Ironforge, New Council of Tirisfal Alive
 High Priest Thel'danis Guardian of Uther's Tomb. Stormwind Alive
 High Priestess Laurena Priest trainer in the Cathedral of Light, Stormwind City. Stormwind, Church of the Holy Light Alive
 High Priestess MacDonnell Quest giver in Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands. Stormwind Alive
 Herrathos Starstaff Follower. Lunarfall Alive
 Honora Keystone Follower. Lunarfall Alive
 Imme Ironheart Follower. Lunarfall Alive
 Iridi A draenei priestess and an apprentice; heroine of Night of the Dragon. The Exodar Deceased
 Izmir Priest trainer in The Vault of Lights, The Exodar. The Exodar Alive
 Jandria Priest trainer in The Temple of the Moon, Darnassus. Darnassus, Sisterhood of Elune (presumed) Alive
 Jer'kai Moonweaver Quest giver near Grimtotem Compound, Feralas. Darnassus Alive
 Kinndy Brightsocket Follower. Lunarfall Alive
 Lariia Priest trainer in The Temple of the Moon, Darnassus. Darnassus, Sisterhood of Elune (presumed) Alive
 Laurna Morninglight Priest trainer in Dolanaar, Teldrassil. Darnassus, Sisterhood of Elune (presumed) Alive
 Linda Meier Follower. Lunarfall Alive
 Maxan Anvol Priest trainer in Kharanos, Dun Morogh. Ironforge Alive
 Mayara Brightwing Quest giver in Morgan's Vigil, Burning Steppes. Stormwind, Morgan's Militia Alive
 Moira Thaurissan Dark Iron representative of the Council of Three Hammers. Ironforge, Dark Iron clan, Council of Three Hammers, Conclave Alive
 Moon Priestess Amara Quest giver in Dolanaar, Teldrassil. Darnassus, Sentinels, Sisterhood of Elune Alive
 Nara Meideros Priest trainer in Stormwind Harbor, Stormwind City. Darnassus Alive
 Noxiia Atoh Follower. Lunarfall Alive
 Pelturas Whitemoon Quest giver in Astranaar, Ashenvale. Darnassus Alive
 Priestess A'moora Quest giver in The Oracle Glade, Teldrassil. Darnassus, Sisterhood of Elune Alive
 Priestess Alathea Priest trainer in The Temple of the Moon, Darnassus. Darnassus, Sisterhood of Elune Alive
 Priestess Anetta Priest trainer in Northshire Abbey, Elwynn Forest. Stormwind, Church of the Holy Light Alive
 Priestess Kyleen Il'dinare One of the many who journey to Blood Watch to celebrate the hero of Bloodmyst and Azuremyst. Darnassus, Sisterhood of Elune Alive
 Priestess Josetta Priest trainer in Lion's Pride Inn, Elwynn Forest. Stormwind, Church of the Holy Light (presumed) Alive
 Ranshalla Former quest giver in Owl Wing Thicket, Winterspring. Darnassus, Sisterhood of Elune Unknown
 Shaina Fuller Former first aid trainer in the Cathedral of Light, Stormwind City. Stormwind, Church of the Holy Light Unknown
 Shanda Priest trainer in Aldrassil, Teldrassil. Darnassus, Sisterhood of Elune (presumed) Alive
 Shiromar Veteran of the War of the Shifting Sands. Might of Kalimdor, Cenarion Circle, Sisterhood of Elune Unknown
 Sister Aquinne Quest giver in The Temple Gardens, Darnassus. Darnassus, Sisterhood of Elune Alive
 Songla Follower. Tushui Pandaren, Lunarfall Alive
 Theodrus Frostbeard Priest trainer in The Hall of Mysteries, Ironforge. Ironforge Alive
 Toldren Deepiron Priest trainer in The Hall of Mysteries, Ironforge. Ironforge Alive
 Tyrande Whisperwind High Priestess of Elune and leader of the Sisterhood of Elune. Co-head of the Night Elf Government. Darnassus, Sentinels, Sisterhood of Elune Alive
 Velen Leader of the draenei and the Light's Chosen. The Exodar, Light's Chosen, Conclave, Armies of Legionfall Alive
 Zalduun Priest trainer in The Crash Site, Azuremyst Isle. The Exodar Alive

Horde Crest Horde

Name Title/Agnomen Role Race Affiliation Status
 Aelthalyste Champion of the Conclave and priest trainer in War Quarter, Undercity. Undercity, Cult of Forgotten Shadows, Conclave, Armies of Legionfall Active
 Aldrae Priest trainer in The Sunfury Spire, Silvermoon City. Silvermoon Alive
 Belestra Priest trainer in Sunfury Spire, Silvermoon City. Silvermoon Alive
 Bom'bay Witch doctor in training in Sen'jin Village, Durotar. Darkspear tribe Alive
 Brother Malach Summons different captives to fight against Edward and Tyler. Undercity, Cult of Forgotten Shadows Active
 Dark Cleric Beryl Priest trainer in Brill, Tirisfal Glades. Undercity, Cult of Forgotten Shadows Active
 Dark Cleric Duesten Priest trainer in Deathknell, Tirisfal Glades. Undercity, Cult of Forgotten Shadows Active
 Malod Food vendor in The Stair of Destiny, Hellfire Peninsula. Undercity, Cult of Forgotten Shadows Active
 Father Cobb Priest trainer in The Pools of Vision, Thunder Bluff. Undercity, Cult of Forgotten Shadows Active
 Father Lankester Priest trainer in War Quarter, Undercity. Undercity, Cult of Forgotten Shadows Active
 Father Lazarus Priest trainer in War Quarter, Undercity. Undercity, Cult of Forgotten Shadows Active
 Hexlord Raal Member of the Zanchuli Council and the high priest of Pa'ku. Zandalari Empire, Zanchuli Council Alive
 Ken'jai Former priest trainer in Valley of Trials, Durotar. Darkspear tribe Unknown
 Lotheolan Priest trainer in Sunfury Spire, Silvermoon City. Silvermoon Alive
 Malakai Cross Priest trainer in The Pools of Vision, Thunder Bluff. Undercity, Cult of Forgotten Shadows Active
 Matron Arena Priest trainer in The Sunspire, Eversong Woods. Silvermoon Alive
 Miles Welsh Priest trainer in The Pools of Vision, Thunder Bluff. Undercity, Cult of Forgotten Shadows Active
 Ponaris Priest trainer in Falconwing Square, Eversong Woods. Silvermoon Alive
 Priestess Vulja Test Zandalari children to see if they have any affinity for the Loa. Zandalari Empire Alive
 Princess Talanji Princess of the Zandalari Empire. Zandalari Empire Alive
 Sen'jin Chieftain of the Darkspear tribe while in the Darkspear Islands. Darkspear tribe Deceased
Hearthstone  Vol'jin Son of Sen'jin, was the Warchief of the Horde. Darkspear tribe, Horde Deceased
 Shadow Priest Allister Priest found in The Sepulcher, Silverpine Forest. Undercity, Cult of Forgotten Shadows Active
 Shadow Priest Sarvis Quest giver in Deathknell, Tirisfal Glades. Undercity, Cult of Forgotten Shadows Active
 Shadow Priestess Shai Quest giver in Hive'Regal, Silithus. Orgrimmar, Orgrimmar Legion Alive
 Shadow Priestess Vandis Quest giver at The Bulwark, Tirisfal Glades. Undercity, Cult of Forgotten Shadows Active
 T'chali the Witch Doctor Quest giver in Bloodmaul Ravine, Blade's Edge Mountains. Darkspear tribe Deceased
 Tai'jin Priest trainer in Razor Hill, Durotar. Darkspear tribe Alive
 Ur'kyo Former priest trainer in Valley of Spirits, Orgrimmar. Darkspear tribe Unknown
 Witch Doctor Jin'Zil Quest giver in Malaka'jin, Stonetalon Mountains. Darkspear tribe Alive
 Witch Doctor Tor'gash Quest giver in Zabra'jin, Zangarmarsh. Darkspear tribe Alive
 Witch Doctor Uzer'i Quest giver in Camp Mojache, Feralas. Darkspear tribe Alive
 X'yera Former priest trainer in Valley of Spirits, Orgrimmar. Darkspear tribe Unknown
 Zayus Former priest trainer in Valley of Spirits, Orgrimmar. Darkspear tribe Unknown

Neutral Neutral

Name Role Affiliation Status
 Alonsus Faol Champion of the Conclave and former leader of the Church of Light. Conclave, Armies of Legionfall Active
 Anchorite Ayuri Quest giver at Shattered Sun Memorial, Isle of Quel'Danas. Shattered Sun Offensive Alive
 Anchorite Caalen Assaults the Black Temple along with Xi'ri. The Aldor, The Sha'tar Alive
 Anchorite Ceyla Quest giver in Altar of Sha'tar. The Aldor, The Sha'tar Alive
 Anchorite Elbadon Quest giver in Parhelion Plaza, Sunwell Plateau. Shattered Sun Offensive Alive
 Anchorite Ensham First aid trainer in Sha'tari Base Camp, Terokkar Forest. The Sha'tar Alive
 Anchorite Kairthos Quest giver in Sun's Reach Harbor, Isle of Quel'Danas. Shattered Sun Offensive Alive
 Anchorite Karja Quest giver in Area 52, Netherstorm. The Aldor, The Sha'tar Alive
 Anchorite Lysara First aid trainer found in The Vindicaar. Army of the Light (presumed) Alive
 Anchorite Nindumen Priest found in Aldor Rise, Shattrath City. The Aldor, The Sha'tar Alive
 Argent Confessor Paletress Offers speeches to embolden the forces at the Argent Tournament Grounds. Argent Crusade Alive
 Calia Menethil Former Princess of Lordaeron, now a Champion of the Conclave. Conclave, Armies of Legionfall Active
 Eris Havenfire Quest giver between Stratholme and Terrordale, Eastern Plaguelands. Independent Unknown
 Father Gavin Guard of the Argent Dawn in Misty Pine Refuge, Dun Morogh. Argent Dawn Alive
 Ferren Marcus High Abbot of the Scarlet Monastery. Scarlet Crusade Deceased
 Grand Anchorite Almonen Addresses Shattered Sun troops before they are sent to the Isle of Quel'Danas to battle the forces of Kil'jaeden. Shattered Sun Offensive Alive
 High Priest Orglum Quest giver in the Refugee Caravan, Terokkar Forest. Lower City Alive
 Ishanah Champion of the Conclave and leader of the Aldor. The Aldor, The Sha'tar, Conclave Alive
 Jonathan the Revelator Keeper of The Scarab Gong and eternal watcher of the Bronze dragonflight. Brood of Nozdormu Alive
 Jory Zaga Priest found in Shatterspear Village. Shatterspear tribe Unknown
 Mariella Ward Champion of the Conclave and defector priest of the Scarlet Onslaught. Conclave, Armies of Legionfall Alive
 Natalie Seline Champion of the Conclave and leader of the Cult of the Forgotten Shadows. Cult of Forgotten Shadows, Conclave, Armies of Legionfall Alive
 Priest Grimmin Assists Priestess Alorah in keeping the Twin Val'kyr chained. Argent Crusade Alive
 Priestess Alorah Assists Priest Grimmin in keeping the Twin Val'kyr chained. Argent Crusade Alive
 Ramdor the Mad Quest giver in the Auchenai Crypts, Terokkar Forest. Auchenai Alive
 Roland Abernathy Companion of Aelthalyste in Highmountain. Cult of Forgotten Shadows, Conclave Active
 Talonpriest Ishaal Quest giver in Ishaal's Hut, Spires of Arak. Arakkoa Outcasts Alive
 Talonpriest Zellek Quest giver in Ishaal's Hut, Spires of Arak. Arakkoa Outcasts Alive
 Witch Doctor Mau'ari Quest giver in Snowden Chalet, Winterspring. Everlook Alive
 Witch Doctor Unbagwa Summons Mokk the Savage in a cave in Stranglethorn Vale. Independent Alive
 Yalia Sagewhisper Champion of the Conclave and master of the Omnia discipline. Shado-Pan, The Thirty-three, Conclave, Armies of Legionfall Alive
 Ysida Harmon Anthion Harmon's wife, prisoner of Baron Rivendare. Argent Dawn Unknown
 Zabra Hexx Follower of the Light, befriended the first members of the Scarlet Crusade. Conclave, Armies of Legionfall Alive
 Zamael Lunthistle Crafter of  [Prayer to Elune], a golden tablet containing his shame. Elune Deceased

Mob Hostile

Name Role Affiliation Status
 Archbishop Benedictus The "Twilight Prophet", former leader of the Church of Light. Twilight's Hammer Deceased - Killable
 Baroness Dorothea Millstipe One of the Nobles of Darkshire in Karazhan. Darkshire Deceased - Killable
 Bishop Street Leads priests in New Hearthglen, Dragonblight. Scarlet Onslaught Deceased - Killable
 Blindeye the Seer Member of Maulgar's Ogre Council in Gruul's Lair. Bladespire clan Deceased - Killable
 Demetria Chief adviser to Saidan Dathrohan. Scarlet Crusade Deceased
 Farthing Former replacement to Benedictus, but fell to the temptation of the Void. Twilight's Hammer Deceased - Killable
 Grand Inquisitor Isillien Former spiritual leader of the Scarlet Crusade. Scarlet Crusade Deceased
 High Abbot Landgren Leader of the Scarlet Onslaught. Scarlet Onslaught Deceased - Killable
 High Inquisitor Fairbanks Former High Inquisitor of the Scarlet Monastery. Scarlet Crusade Deceased
 High Priest Thekal Former high priest of the Primal God Shirvallah in Zul'Gurub. Gurubashi tribe, Hakkari Deceased
 High Priest Venoxis High priest of the Primal God Hethiss in Zul'Gurub. Gurubashi tribe, Hakkari Deceased - Killable
 High Priestess Arlokk Former high priestess of the Primal God Bethekk in Zul'Gurub. Gurubashi tribe, Hakkari Deceased
 High Priestess Kilnara High priestess of the Primal God Bethekk in Zul'Gurub. Gurubashi tribe, Hakkari Deceased - Killable
 High Priestess Jeklik Former high priestess of the Primal God Hir'eek in Zul'Gurub. Gurubashi tribe, Hakkari Deceased
 High Priestess Mar'li High priestess of the Primal God Shadra, member of the Council of Elders. Gurubashi tribe, Council of Elders, Hakkari Deceased - Killable
 Hitah'ya The chosen protector of the ancient egg of Hakkar the Soulflayer. Vilebranch tribe, Hakkari Deceased
 Lady Catriona Von'Indi One of the Nobles of Darkshire in Karazhan. Darkshire Deceased - Killable
 Lady Malande Member of the Illidari Council. Illidari Deceased - Killable
 Natalia Mar'alith Wife of Commander Mar'alith, became the High Priestess of C'Thun. Old Gods' forces, Qiraji Deceased - Killable
 Priestess Alun'za Defender of Atal'Dazar's golden sanctum. Dazar'ai Killable
 Priestess Udum'bra Speaker of the Chamber of Blood. Atal'ai tribe, Hakkari Deceased - Killable
 Shadowpriest Sezz'ziz Probably an important religious icon to the Sandfury. Farraki tribe Deceased - Killable
 Sleeby Priest who tried to stop adventurers to not free Myzrael. Independent Deceased
 Talonpriest Ishaal Tries to summon Terokk in Veil Ala'rak, Skettis. Skettis Deceased - Killable
 Talonpriest Skizzik Tries to summon Terokk in Veil Ala'rak, Skettis. Skettis Deceased - Killable
 Talonpriest Zellek Tries to summon Terokk in Veil Ala'rak, Skettis. Skettis Deceased - Killable
 Vile Priestess Hexx Former leader of Jintha'Alor. Vilebranch tribe Deceased
 Witch Doctor Mai'jin Former leader of the Witherbark tribe. Witherbark tribe Deceased
 Witch Doctor Zum'rah Cruel witch doctor who uses his dark magic to force the Zul'Farrak's dead into unending service. Farraki tribe Deceased - Killable

Unnamed priests

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