Witch Doctor Tor'gash

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HordeWitch Doctor Tor'gash
Image of Witch Doctor Tor'gash
Gender Male
Race Jungle troll (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Class Witch doctor
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Darkspear Trolls
Location Zabra'jin, Zangarmarsh[32.4, 49.5]
Status Alive
Companion(s) Gargle and Gurgle (pets)

Witch Doctor Tor'gash is a jungle troll found at Zabra'jin in Zangarmarsh. He is apparently very stubborn, and believes that by reading the entrails of birds, or by rolling the knucklebones of his ancestors, he can see the future.[1] Since moving to Zangarmarsh, he has taken to using the local Burstcap Mushrooms to read omens.[2]




Now don't you be thinkin' about tryin' to make off with me baby murlocs! I got the eyes of a hawk and ears like... ears like... like somethin' with mighty powerful ears!

Notes and trivia

  • According to Reavij, his concoctions and charms don't work. Apparently, he provided Reavij an object which should make Magasha fall in love with Reavij.
  • Tor'gash is briefly mentioned in the lore of the Hearthstone card Murgur Murgurgle as the person responsible for abducting the entire clutch of eggs of the Sungill tribe of murlocs.[3]

Patch changes


External links