Legendary items

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This is a list of all the Legendary items in the game, and how to obtain them.

World of Warcraft

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.


A two-handed mace. Not to be confused with the  [Sulfuron Hammer] and  [Sulfuras, the Extinguished Hand]. The materials needed to create this item can all be found in the Molten Core, though they are very rare drops.
A one-handed sword. Requires very rare item drops from Molten Core, lots of Elementium from Blackwing Lair, and then you are able to summon Thunderaan, an outdoor raid boss, who then drops the sword.


Crafted by miners with a skill level of 300 who have learned the Smelt Elementium ability.
This item drops from Ragnaros in Molten Core.

Quest items

This item drops from Baron Geddon in Molten Core.
This item drops from Garr in Molten Core.
Created when the Bindings of the Windseeker are fused together.
This item drops from Prince Thunderaan in Silithus and is turned in to Highlord Demitrian to receive the legendary sword  [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker].

The Burning Crusade

Bc icon.gif This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.


A main-hand sword that drops from Illidan Stormrage. It can only be used by warriors, rogues, death knights, monks, and demon hunters. This item is the first part of the Twin Blades of Azzinoth set.
An off-hand sword that drops from Illidan Stormrage. It can only be used by warriors, rogues, death knights, monks, and demon hunters. This item is the second part of the Twin Blades of Azzinoth set.
This legendary bow drops from Kil'jaeden in Sunwell Plateau. Can be seen wielded by Halduron Brightwing.

Encounter-limited weapons

Kael'thas Sunstrider drops seven legendary items for the battle against him:

These items will disappear if the encounter resets or if the player leaves The Eye.

Wrath of the Lich King

Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.


Val'anyr is a one-handed mace wielded by healer classes. Like Atiesh, the hammer is assembled from fragments. The 30 fragments of the weapon drop from bosses in Ulduar.
A crafted two-handed axe that requires reagents and quests in Icecrown Citadel.

Quest items

Drop from bosses inside Ulduar in 25-player mode.
Created by assembling 30 Fragments of Val'anyr.
Quest item to use during Yogg-Saron's encounter in order to create Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings.
Dropped from bosses inside Icecrown Citadel in 25-player normal and heroic mode.


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.


This staff is a DPS caster weapon. This legendary also comes with its own flying form, that can later be obtained as a regular mount.
Main-hand dagger for Rogues. Part of the Fangs of the Father set.
Off-hand dagger for Rogues. Part of the Fangs of the Father set.

Quest items

Dropped from bosses inside the Firelands in both 10 and 25-player mode. 1000 of these are needed for the quest to create Dragonwrath.
Dropped from Ragnaros. Part of the Dragonwrath quest.
Dropped from within the Dragon Soul raid instances 10 and 25. Part of the Fangs of the Father quest.
Contained within Shadowy Gems. Part of the Fangs of the Father quest.

Mists of Pandaria

Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

Removed from game The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 6.0.2.


Created using  [Timeless Essence of the Black Dragonflight] with  [Tigerfang Wrap]
Created using  [Timeless Essence of the Black Dragonflight] with  [Tigerclaw Cape]
Created using  [Timeless Essence of the Black Dragonflight] with  [Cranewing Cloak]
Created using  [Timeless Essence of the Black Dragonflight] with  [Oxhoof Greatcloak]
Created using  [Timeless Essence of the Black Dragonflight] with  [Oxhorn Bladebreaker]
Created using  [Timeless Essence of the Black Dragonflight] with  [Jadefire Drape]


Reward of N [90] Breath of the Black Prince.
Reward of N [90] Breath of the Black Prince.
Reward of N [90] Breath of the Black Prince.
Reward of A [90] Call of the Packmaster / H [90] The Soul of the Horde.
Reward of N [90] The Crown of Heaven.
Reward of N [90] The Crown of Heaven.
Reward of N [90] The Crown of Heaven.
Reward of N [90] The Crown of Heaven.

Quest items

Leading players to Wrathion for N [90] Stranger in a Strange Land.
Dropped by raid bosses in Mogu'shan Vaults and Terrace of Endless Spring. Objective of N [90] The Strength of One's Foes.
Dropped by raid bosses in Heart of Fear and Terrace of Endless Spring. Objective of N [90] The Strength of One's Foes.
Dropped by Sha of Fear in Terrace of Endless Spring. Objective of N [90] Fear Itself.
Dropped by raid bosses in Throne of Thunder. Objective of N [90] Secrets of the First Empire.
Provided by Wrathion in N [90] Spirit of the Storm Lord to use on Nalak to create  [Tempered Lightning Lance].
Dropped by Nalak. Objective of N [90] Spirit of the Storm Lord.
Dropped by raid bosses in  [Halls of Flesh-Shaping] and  [Pinnacle of Storms] of Throne of Thunder. Objective of N [90] Echoes of the Titans.
Dropped by Lei Shen in Throne of Thunder. Objective of N [90] Heart of the Thunder King.

Warlords of Draenor

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

Removed from game The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 7.0.3.


The following are all a quest reward from A [100] Light Be With You / H [100] Draenor's Blessing:

Ring upgrade

Dropped by Archimonde in Hellfire Citadel on all difficulties except Raid Finder. Also sold by Dawn-Seeker Krisek in Tanaan Jungle and Zooti Fizzlefury in Talador for 1250 Valor.

Quest items

Dropped in heroic version of Grimrail Depot. Objective of N [100D] Core of Flame.
Dropped in heroic version of Bloodmaul Slag Mines. Objective of N [100D] Core of Iron.
Dropped in heroic version of The Everbloom. Objective of N [100D] Core of Life.
Dropped by Teron'gor in heroic version of Auchindoun. Objective of N [100D] Tackling Teron'gor.
Dropped by Ko'ragh and Imperator Mar'gok, respectively, in Highmaul. Objective of N [100R] Empire's Fall.
Dropped by raid bosses in Highmaul. The former can also be obtained from rare garrison follower missions and very rarely from garrison work orders.
Dropped by raid bosses in Blackrock Foundry. The tablet can only be formed from the runes. Objective of N [100R] Might of the Elemental Lords.



Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

These items drop from dungeon, raid, world bosses, rare elites in Broken Shore and Argus, and Commanders at Invasion Points. It can also be found in world quest caches, PvP strongboxes, Mythic+ weekly caches, and  [Blingtron 6000 Gift Package]. Lastly, it can also be discovered by using a Relinquished token purchased from Thaumaturge Vashreen.

As of the Battle for Azeroth pre-patch, Legion legendaries can be purchased from Arcanomancer Vridiel at Tanks for Everything in the Dalaran above the Broken Isles.[1] Most sources of Artifact Power will instead give [Wakening Essence] to help in the effort to purchase these items.

Legion legendary effects were effective up to level 116 while leveling in Battle for Azeroth.[2]

With patch 9.0.1, all Legion legendaries had their effects inactivated.

Champion equipment

These items can be found in emissary caches, equipment work orders, and Champion Equipment. They are used for Class Hall champions.


Rewarded from completing N [45] The Nether Disruptor on a character with a skill level of 800 in blacksmithing, leatherworking, or tailoring. Opens up quest chain involving crafting patch 7.2.0 legendary armor.
Rewarded from the achievement  [I'll Hold These For You Until You Get Out].
Quest reward from the repeatable N [110] A Titanic Effort.
Crafting reagent for patch 7.2.0 legendary cloth armor.
Crafting reagent for patch 7.2.0 legendary cloth armor.
Quest reward from N [45] Only The Best, which is only available when the Command Center building is active and its Worthy Champions buff is in play.
Crafting reagent for patch 7.2.0 legendary plate armor.
Crafting reagent for patch 7.2.0 legendary armor. Purchased from Warmage Kath'leen in Broken Shore for 8000 Nethershard.
Crafting reagent for patch 7.2.0 legendary mail armor.
Crafting reagent for patch 7.2.0 legendary leather armor.

Removed from game The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 8.0.1.

Sold by Arcanomancer Vridiel in Dalaran above the Broken Isles for 1000 Wakening Essence.

Removed from game The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 7.2.5.

Quest reward from the repeatable N [110] Touch of a Titan.

Removed from game The subject of this section has been removed from World of Warcraft.

Quest reward from the repeatable N [110] Unsettled Power.

Class BoA tokens

These tokens can only be looted by a character that has obtained all possible legendaries for their class.

Quest items

A quest objective crafted by blacksmiths for the blacksmithing quest N Blacksmithing [45] Hammer of Forgotten Heroes.
Located at Faronaar in Azsuna. Objective of N Shaman [10-45] Blessed Blade of the Windseeker. Provided for N Shaman [10-45] The Skies Above and N Shaman [10-45] Recharging the Blade.
Located at Beth'tilac's Lair in phased Firelands. Objective of N Shaman [45] The Brand of Damnation.
Located inside Icecrown Citadel and is involved in the quest N Death knight [10-45] The Call of Icecrown.
Formed by combining Damaged Thunderfury with  [Heart of Skywall]. Objective of N Shaman [10-45] Recharging the Blade.

Removed from game The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 7.3.5.

Both starts and is a quest objective for N [110] The Cursed Shard.

Removed from game The subject of this section has been removed from World of Warcraft.

Obtained through various sources in the Broken Isles. Both starts and is the objective of the breadcrumb quest N [110] The Spoiled Sample.

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.


Quest reward from N [50] Beginning the Descent.


Rewarded from the rare mission Azerite Essence Treasure Investigating the Rumors, which becomes available after completing the quest B [50] Worldvein Rumors.
Rewarded from the rare mission Azerite Essence Treasure Finding a Key, which becomes available after obtaining Captured Documents.
Quest reward from various Visions of N'Zoth quests.
Quest reward from various Visions of N'Zoth quests.
Dropped by N'Zoth the Corruptor in Ny'alotha, the Waking City on Normal difficulty and higher. Also obtained by doing all four objective areas and the boss in a Horrific Vision, or purchasing from MOTHER in the Chamber of Heart for 2,000 Echoes of Ny'alotha.

Quest items

Currently unknown.
Obtained by defeating Alleria Windrunner / Thrall inside the Vision of Stormwind / Vision of Orgrimmar. Objective of N [50] Remnants of a Shattered World.
Obtained in the same manner as The Curse of Stone. Objective of N [50] Reconstructing "The Curse of Stone", N [50] Reconstructing "The Curse of Stone", and N [50] Reconstructing "The Curse of Stone".
Obtained by completing a bonus objective in one of the secondary areas inside the Horrific Vision. Objective of N [50] Stepping Through the Darkness and N [50] Reconstructing "Fear and Flesh".
Obtained by completing a "Lost" area bonus objective inside the Horrific Vision. Objective of N [50] Reconstructing "The Final Truth", N [50] Reconstructing "The Final Truth", and N [50] Reconstructing "The Final Truth".


Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.


Obtained by completing layers within Torghast, Tower of the Damned, and select quests and table missions.
Obtained by completing layers within Torghast, Tower of the Damned (Starting with layer 9), and select quests and table missions.
Obtained by doing various activites in Zereth Mortis, and also by completing layers within Torghast, Tower of the Damned (Starting with layer 13)


A crafting reagent that has a chance to be obtained from rare mobs, treasures, and daily quests in Korthia.
Sold by Tu'kol at the Hall of Holding in Oribos for 25,000 Reservoir Anima.
Quest reward from N [60] Untangling the Sigil and available afterwards from Duchess Mynx in Korthia for 2000 Stygia.
Learned from Tome of Origins. Can be crafted by blacksmiths, jewelcrafters, leatherworkers, and tailors.
An item that can be purchased from vendors in Covenant Sanctums (for 15 [Grateful Offering]) or Korthia (for 600 [Soul Cinders] or 1500 Catalogued Research). When used, teaches a random Legendary memory that one doesn't know already.
A crafting reagent that has a chance to be obtained from rare mobs and treasures in Zereth Mortis, and also from bosses in Sepulcher of the First Ones.
Quest reward from N [60] The Crown of Wills and available afterwards from Vilo in Zereth Mortis for 5000g.
Learned from Tome of the Eternal. Can be crafted by blacksmiths, jewelcrafters, leatherworkers, and tailors.


Memories are obtained by defeating Shadowlands instance bosses, purchasing from a vendor, or receiving a weekly reward from the Great Vault. They are involved in the crafting of legendary equipment through the Runecarver.

Queen's Conservatory

These are used for the Wildseeds of Regrowth within the Queen's Conservatory in Ardenweald. You must be a member of the Night Fae Covenant and researched the Rank 2 trait "Initial Growth" to start the quest line.

Quest reward from N [60] A Rare and Unusual Spirit.
Quest reward from N [60] A Rare and Unusual Spirit.
Quest reward from N [60] A Rare and Unusual Spirit.


A legendary bow that is dropped by Sylvanas Windrunner in the Sanctum of Domination.


A legendary belt with [Unity] runecarving power preset on it, rewarded from quest N [60] Souls Entwined. Unlike other Shadowlands legendary items, it cannot be upgraded or disassembled.






Not currently in the game. Blizzard mentioned that they would be adding it eventually, and clues exist in several quest lines, though with the events of Wrath of the Lich King this seems unlikely to be the case any longer. In the Legion expansion, Ashbringer is available as an artifact for Retribution paladins.
Added in patch 1.11, obtaining it involved going into Naxxramas and completing a questline notably by collecting all fragments of Atiesh. When Naxxramas was moved to the Dragonblight and retuned for level 80, the quests and quest drops for the staff were removed. The staff was used by Medivh in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, and was eventually reconstructed by his son, Med'an. Currently wielded by Khadgar.
First discovered in the World of Warcraft Official Armory, this appears to be the first, and only legendary fishing pole. It is believed to be a GM tool for testing the new fishing system that was introduced in patch 3.1. Shortly after this pole was made publicly known, it was removed from the Official Armory.
A one-handed dagger that never made it into live nor even beta stages. It increases melee haste by 15% and raises ranged & melee critical strike chances by 15%. In addition, it transforms the user into a dreadlord.


This item was added to the game by mistake, dropped only once and is no longer obtainable. The character who received the necklace was allowed to keep it.
This item was only available to players during the PTR for patch 7.2.5.
This item was added to the database during the Legion alpha but never made available to players.
This item was only available to players during the PTR for patch 7.2.5.

Encounter-limited weapons

A conjured sword, Andonisus is dropped by the demon Atiesh, in the midst of the battle to purify the legendary staff Atiesh, at which point a player would wield it against the demon. It vanishes after 10 minutes, or if the wielder leaves Stratholme.


A crystal that summons a Black Qiraji Battle Tank (fast bug mount). It's exactly like the red, green, yellow, and blue Battle Tanks that can be frequently found in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, but it can be used anywhere in the world, not just AQ40 like the others. A player must complete the extremely difficult Scepter of the Shifting Sands raid-based questline and be the first to ring the Scarab Gong to open the gates of Ahn'Qiraj, or must ring it within 10 hours of the first player's ring (during the Ahn'Qiraj Invasion event). As the gates are now automatically opened on all new servers, this item is no longer obtainable.
A GM-only flying mount item that summons Peep the Outland Phoenix. This mount increases flight speed by 310%.

Quest items

Created by assembling 40 Splinters of Atiesh.
This item was a common drop from all bosses, except Sapphiron and Kel'Thuzad, in the original Naxxramas.
This item was the quest objective for N [100] To Farahlon!, but the quest did not make it to live from the Patch 6.2.0 PTR.
This item was the quest objective for N [100] Ogres of the Deep, but the quest did not make it to live from the Patch 6.2.0 PTR.
Unknown legendary main-hand quest item (no weapon type). It may have been a very early iteration of  [Hammer of Khaz'goroth].
An unusual quest item featuring 3 sockets. Its purpose is unknown, but it was speculated by players that it would be involved in the acquisition of the Frost death knight artifact Blades of the Fallen Prince. This has since proven to not be the case.

See also


  1. ^ Ythisens 2018-07-13. Legendary Items in BfA Pre-Patch. Archived from the original on 2018-07-13. Retrieved on 2018-07-13.
  2. ^ Stan 2018-04-13. Legion Legendary Item Effects Disabled Above Level 115 in Battle for Azeroth. Retrieved on 2018-07-16.