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The Nether Disruptor

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NeutralThe Nether Disruptor
Start Commander Chambers
End Commander Chambers
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Broken Shore
Reputation +75 Armies of Legionfall


Complete the construction of the Nether Disruptor.

  • Complete Construction of the Nether Disruptor


Well done <name>. In testament to the efforts of all forces fighting here, we have come together to complete the construction of the Nether Disruptor.

All that remains is for you to inspect our work, and complete the construction.


You will receive:


Inspect the Nether Disruptor, and complete its construction.


Our grand efforts have resulted in a boon which all can leverage in the coming days.


Requires having completed N [45] Begin Construction.

Patch changes

External links