Druid abilities

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For druid abilities and talents on Classic servers, see Druid abilities (Classic).

Druid abilities are abilities used by druids. Most abilities are shared between all specializations, while some are only specific to certain specializations.


All druids automatically learn the following spells at the specified level, regardless of specialization.

Ability Level
[Wrath] 1
[Moonfire] 2
[Regrowth] 3
[Entangling Roots] 4
[Cat Form] 5
[Shred] 5
[Dash] 6
[Ferocious Bite] 7
[Bear Form] 8
[Mangle] 8
[Growl] 9
[Mark of the Wild] 9
[Travel Form] 10/B Druid [1-10] A Druid's Form
[Swipe] 10
[Prowl] 13
[Revive] 13
[Aquatic Form] 17
[Rebirth] 19
[Travel Form] Rank 2 20
[Teleport: Moonglade] 22
[Barkskin] 24
[Flight Form] 30
[Dreamwalk] N Druid [10-45] To The Dreamgrove
[Mount Form]  [Tome of the Wilds: Mount Form]


Unlike other classes, druids have four specializations available. The four druid specializations are Balance (caster DPS), Feral (melee DPS), Guardian (tanking), and Restoration (healing).

For a summary of the character and strengths of each spec, see Druid specializations.


Talents become available at level 10. They can be changed at any time outside of combat, except during a PvP match or Mythic+ dungeon. A talented ability cannot be changed while it is on cooldown.

Row 5 is locked until 8 points are spent, and row 8 is locked until 20 points are spent.

Class talents

Tier Talent Ranks Requirement
1 [Rake] 1 (Automatic for Feral)
[Frenzied Regeneration] 1 (Automatic for Guardian)
[Rejuvenation] 1 (Automatic for Restoration)
[Starfire] 1 (Automatic for Balance)
2 [Thrash] 1 Rake OR Frenzied Regeneration (Automatic for Guardian)
[Improved Barkskin] 1 Frenzied Regeneration OR Rejuvenation
[Swiftmend] 1 Rejuvenation (Automatic for Restoration)
[Sunfire] 1 Starfire
[Starsurge] 1 Starfire (Automatic for Balance)
3 [Rip] 1 Rake OR Thrash (Automatic for Feral)
[Improved Swipe] 1 Thrash
[Verdant Heart] 1 Improved Barkskin
[Wild Growth] 1 Swiftmend
[Remove Corruption] 1 Swiftmend (Balance/Feral/Guardian only)
[Improved Nature's Cure] 1 Swiftmend (Restoration only)
[Moonkin Form] 1 Sunfire
[Improved Sunfire] 1 Sunfire
4 [Maim] 1 Rip
[Killer Instinct] 2 Improved Swipe
[Ironfur] 1 Improved Swipe OR Verdant Heart
[Nurturing Instinct] 2 Wild Growth OR Moonkin Form
[Hibernate] 1 Moonkin Form
5 [Feline Swiftness] 2 Rip
[Thick Hide] 2 Ironfur
[Wild Charge]/
[Tiger Dash]
[Natural Recovery] 2 Wild Growth
[Cyclone] 1 Nurturing Instinct
[Astral Influence] 2 Moonkin Form
6 [Tireless Pursuit] 1 Maim OR Feline Swiftness
[Skull Bash] 1 Killer Instinct
[Soothe] 1 Thick Hide OR Wild Charge/Tiger Dash OR Natural Recovery
[Rising Light, Falling Night] 1 Astral Influence
[Typhoon] 1 Astral Influence
7 [Primal Fury] 1 Feline Swiftness OR Skull Bash
[Matted Fur] 1 Thick Hide OR Skull Bash
[Stampeding Roar] 1 Soothe
[Improved Rejuvenation] 1 Natural Recovery
[Gale Winds]/
[Incessant Tempest]
1 Typhoon
8 [Incapacitating Roar]/
[Mighty Bash]
1 Primal Fury OR Matted Fur
[Ursine Vigor] 2 Matted Fur OR Stampeding Roar
[Lycara's Teachings] 3 Stampeding Roar
[Forestwalk] 2 Improved Rejuvenation
[Mass Entanglement]/
[Ursol's Vortex]
1 Rising Light, Falling Night OR Improved Rejuvenation OR Gale Winds/Incessant Tempest
9 [Well-Honed Instincts] 2 Incapacitating Roar/Mighty Bash
[Improved Stampeding Roar] 1 Lycara's Teachings
[Renewal] 1 Lycara's Teachings
[Innervate] 1 Mass Entanglement/Ursol's Vortex
10 [Protector of the Pack] 1 Well-Honed Instincts
[Heart of the Wild] 1 Improved Stampeding Roar OR Renewal
[Nature's Vigil] 1 Innervate

Specialization talents

PvP talents

PvP talents become available at level 20. Up to 3 PvP talents may be active at any given time (with additional slots becoming available at levels 30 and 40).

These talents are active in the open world with War Mode turned on, as well as during instanced PvP. They have no effect in dungeons and raids.

War Within

The War Within This section concerns content related to The War Within.

Class abilities

Ability Level
[Wrath] 1
[Moonfire] 2
[Regrowth] 3
[Entangling Roots] 4
[Cat Form] 5
[Shred] 5
[Dash] 6
[Ferocious Bite] 7
[Bear Form] 8
[Mangle] 8
[Growl] 9
[Mark of the Wild] 9
[Barkskin] 10
[Travel Form] 10/B Druid [1-10] A Druid's Form
[Swipe] 10
[Prowl] 13
[Revive] 13
[Aquatic Form] 17
[Rebirth] 19
[Travel Form] Rank 2 20
[Teleport: Moonglade] 22
[Flight Form] 30
[Dreamwalk] N Druid [10-45] To The Dreamgrove
[Mount Form]  [Tome of the Wilds: Mount Form]

Specialization abilities

Class talents

Tier Talent Ranks Requirement
1 [Rake] 1 (Automatic for Feral)
[Frenzied Regeneration] 1 (Automatic for Guardian)
[Rejuvenation] 1 (Automatic for Restoration)
[Starfire] 1 (Automatic for Balance)
2 [Feline Swiftness] 1 Rake
[Thrash] 1 Rake OR Frenzied Regeneration (Automatic for Guardian)
[Improved Barkskin] 1 Frenzied Regeneration OR Rejuvenation
[Remove Corruption] 1 Swiftmend (Balance/Feral/Guardian only)
[Improved Nature's Cure] 1 Swiftmend (Restoration only)
[Starsurge] 1 Starfire (Automatic for Balance)
3 [Rip] 1 Rake (Automatic for Feral)
[Ironfur] 1 Frenzied Regeneration
[Verdant Heart] 1 Improved Barkskin
[Wild Growth] 1 Rejuvenation (Automatic for Restoration)
[Sunfire] 1 Starfire
4 [Maim] 1 Rip
[Killer Instinct] 2 Thrash OR Rip OR Ironfur
[Hibernate] 1 Ironfur OR Verdant Heart OR Wild Growth OR Sunfire
[Nurturing Instinct] 2 Wild Growth OR Sunfire
[Improved Sunfire] 1 Sunfire
5 [Skull Bash] 1 Killer Instinct
[Thick Hide] 2 Ironfur OR Killer Instinct
[Mass Entanglement]/
[Ursol's Vortex]
[Natural Recovery] 2 Wild Growth OR Nurturing INstinct
[Astral Influence] 1 Nurturing Instinct
6 [Primal Fury] 1 Skull Bash
[Wild Charge]/
[Tiger Dash]
1 Killer Instinct OR Thick Hide
[Soothe] 1 Mass Entanglement/Ursol's Vortex
[Cyclone] 1 Mass Entanglement/Ursol's Vortex
[Renewal] 1 Nurturing Instinct OR Natural Recovery
[Starlight Conduit] 1 Astral Influence
7 [Matted Fur] 1 Wild Charge/Tiger Dash
[Ursine Vigor] 1 Wild Charge/Tiger Dash
[Ursoc's Spirit] 1 Thick Hide
[Stampeding Roar] 1 Soothe OR Cyclone
[Improved Rejuvenation] 1 Natural Recovery
[Rising Light, Falling Night] 1 Renewal
[Typhoon] 1 Renewal
8 [Instincts of the Claw] 2 Matted Fur OR Ursine Vigor
[Lycara's Teachings] 2 Stampeding Roar
[Lore of the Grove] 2 Rising Light, Falling Night OR Typhoon
9 [Oakskin] 1 Instincts of the Claw
[Incapacitating Roar]/
[Mighty Bash]
1 Instincts of the Claw
[Improved Stampeding Roar] 1 Lycara's Teachings
[Fluid Form] 1 Lycara's Teachings
[Forestwalk] 1 Lore of the Grove
[Innervate] 1 Lore of the Grove
10 [Well-Honed Instincts] 1 Oakskin OR Incapacitating Roar/Mighty Bash
[Heart of the Wild] 1 Improved Stampeding Roar OR Fluid Form
[Nature's Vigil] 1 Forestwalk OR Innervate

Specialization talents

Hero talents

Hero talents are a new feature coming in The War Within, and will become available at level 71. They can be changed at any time outside of combat, except during a PvP match or Mythic+ dungeon. A talented ability cannot be changed while it is on cooldown.

A new point is gained at each level, so that every talent node can be unlocked at level 80.

PvP talents

PvP talents become available at level 20. Up to 3 PvP talents may be active at any given time (with additional slots becoming available at levels 30 and 40).

These talents are active in the open world with War Mode turned on, as well as during instanced PvP. They have no effect in dungeons and raids.


Glyphs are items that can change a spell or ability's visual appearance. Most glyphs are crafted by scribes, are color-coded by class, and can be applied as early as level 11. They can be removed at any time outside of combat using  [Vanishing Powder] (level 80 and lower) or the  [Dust of Disappearance] (level 81 and higher).

Glyph Used on
 [Glyph of the Aerial Chameleon] [Flight Form]
 [Glyph of the Aquatic Chameleon] [Aquatic Form]
 [Glyph of Autumnal Bloom] [Lifebloom]
 [Glyph of the Feral Chameleon] [Cat Form]
 [Glyph of the Forest Path] [Dash]
 [Glyph of Stars] [Moonkin Form]
 [Glyph of the Sun] [Starfall]
 [Glyph of the Swift Chameleon] [Travel Form]
 [Glyph of Twilight Bloom] [Lifebloom]
 [Glyph of the Ursol Chameleon] [Bear Form]
 [Glyph of the Wild Mushroom] [Efflorescence]


These abilities are learned from items sold by Lorelae Wintersong <Trade Supplies> in Moonglade and Amurra Thistledew <Proprietor> in The Dreamgrove.

See also