Cenarius' Guidance

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Cenarius' Guidance
Ability druid treeoflife.png
  • Cenarius' Guidance
  • Row 9 Restoration druid talent
  • Passive
  • Ability druid treeoflife.png Incarnation: Tree of Life: During Incarnation: Tree of Life, you summon a Grove Guardian every 10 sec. The cooldown of Incarnation: Tree of Life is reduced by 5.0 sec when Grove Guardians fade.

    Ability ardenweald druid.png Convoke the Spirits:
    Convoke the Spirits' cooldown is reduced by 50% and its duration and number of spells cast is reduced by 25%. Convoke the Spirits has an increased chance to use an exceptional spell or ability.
Class Druid
Talent required [Incarnation: Tree of Life]/ [Convoke the Spirits]
Other information
Affects [Convoke the Spirits], [Incarnation: Tree of Life]

Cenarius' Guidance is a Restoration druid talent.

Patch changes

  • Dragonflight-Icon-Inline.png Patch 10.2.0 (2023-11-07): [Incarnation: Tree of Life] functionality has been redesigned – During Incarnation: Tree of Life, you summon a Grove Guardian every 10 seconds. The cooldown of Incarnation: Tree of Life is reduced by 5 seconds when Grove Guardians fade.
    Old: During Incarnation: Tree of Life, you gain Clearcasting every 5 sec. The cooldown of Incarnation: Tree of Life is reduced by 2.0 sec when [Lifebloom] blooms and 1.0 sec when [Regrowth]'s initial heal critically strikes.
  • Dragonflight-Icon-Inline.png Patch 10.0.0 (2022-10-25): Added.

External links