Cathedral Quarter
The Cathedral Quarter is the northwestern section of Gilneas City and the location of the Light's Dawn Cathedral, home to the Gilnean clergy of the Church of the Holy Light. It is mostly a park setting and is debatable the main entrance to the city. It connects to Greymane Court to the south and the Merchant Square to the east.
Following the Reclamation of Gilneas, the quarter was partially restored, allowing the citizens to stroll through its gardens while the workers continue to repair the remaining damage.
Prior to the invasion of Gilneas, Cathedral Quarter was the site of a last battle by the Northgate rebels against a horde of feral worgen, as part of a diversion set up by King Genn Greymane and Lord Darius Crowley to allow Gilnean citizens to evacuate safely to Duskhaven.[1] Under Crowley's orders, his men brought their cannons to protect the cathedral's entrance, and when enough worgen were lured, the rebels slaughtered them until they ran out of ammunition and retreated in the building.[2] They were eventually overwhelmed by the beasts and became worgen themselves.[3]
Following the battle for Gilneas City, the district remained under the control of the Horde, and a large Forsaken garrison was present to secure the area for a meeting between the Dark Lady, High Executor Crenshaw, and General Warhowl at the cathedral.[4] When the worgen adventurer informed King Greymane that the Forsaken were going to use the New Plague on the city,[5] they were sent to destroy the catapults bombarding the quarter from the Northern Headlands, in order to delay the use of the blight while all the survivors were evacuated to Aderic's Repose.[6][7]
During the liberation of Gilneas, a vanguard force of the 7th Legion made the courtyard their base of operations and placed the 7th Legion Telescope to spy on the Forsaken.[8] Master Sergeant Pietro Zaren was later ordered by Halford Wyrmbane to use this position to push forward into enemy territory, to take out the Forsaken outposts and cut their lines of communication.[9] On the orders of Forward Commander Onslaught, an Horde adventurer assassinated Pietro to steal their attack plans,[10] while Captain Rutsak asked them to avenge his men by killing 7th Legion Submariners.[11]
The Cathedral Square was ultimately abandoned when the Alliance and Horde forces left Gilneas City at the end of the conflict.[12]
Battle for Azeroth
When Princess Tess Greymane was sent by Goldrinn into the Emerald Dream's version of Gilneas City to learn more about the worgen curse,[13] Cathedral Quarter was inaccessible and covered with brambles and lush vegetation.[14]
Following their defeat against the Forsaken in Silverpine Forest, the Scarlet Crusade managed to weasel their way into the peninsula and occupy Gilneas City, using it as their stronghold for their operations in Lordaeron. Led by Inquisitor Fairbell, they made their headquarters within the Light's Dawn Cathedral,[15] and stationed the most elite of their forces in the Cathedral Quarter.[16]
During the Reclamation of Gilneas, the Forsaken forces and their catapults were present in both the Northern Headlands and Northgate Woods, but this time, to help the Gilnean reclaim their kingdom. Under the orders of Calia Menethil,[17] they bombarded the holy shields set up by the Scarlet forces in the Cathedral Quarter, creating a diversion for their allies to attack from the Greymane Court.[18]
After Princess Tess Greymane opened the city's gates, she led the Gilnean and 7th Legion forces in the Cathedral Quarter, where fights broke out almost everywhere. Facing the zealots who set up multiple defenses throughout the courtyard, Tess tasked the adventurer to use the explosives they had gathered in the Greymane Court to destroy their barricades and artillery, so that their troops would have an easier time sieging the capital.[19] While their troops cleaned the remaining Scarlet crusaders, King Genn, Princess Tess, Calia Menethil, and the adventurer entered the cathedral to slay Fairbell. Once the Scarlet leader was eliminated, the allied forces gathered in the Cathedral Quarter to mark the end of the reconquest of Gilneas. It is also here, on the steps of the cathedral, that Genn reaffirmed his faith in his daughter and abdicated as the ruling king of Gilneas, declaring that Tess would henceforth reign as the new queen of Gilneas.[20]
In time, a large part of the damage caused by the numerous conflicts in the area were taken care of by the Gilnean Workers. After returning to their homes, some Gilnean citizens came to stroll through the gardens of the courtyard, chatting around the fountains, and sometimes entering the Light's Dawn Cathedral, while several workers could be seen continuing renovations.
- After the Reclamation of Gilneas
- During the Silverpine Forest storyline, the removal of a gate allows one to get to Merchant Square from here, even though there is no reason to.
- This area was planned to be available in the original concept for the Battle for Gilneas, taking place in Gilneas City itself.
The Cathedral Quarter under Alliance control.
The Northgate rebels fighting the worgen in Curse of the Worgen.
The battle in the courtyard during the Reclamation of Gilneas.
Patch changes
- Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Added.
- ^ [1-30] Time to Regroup
- ^ [1-30] By Blood and Ash
- ^ [1-30] Last Stand
- ^ [1-30] The Hunt For Sylvanas
- ^ [1-30] Vengeance or Survival
- ^ [1-30] Slowing the Inevitable
- ^ [1-30] Knee-Deep
- ^ [5-30] What Tomorrow Brings
- ^ [Orders from High Command]
- ^ [5-30] On Whose Orders?
- ^ [5-30] Vengeance for Our Soldiers
- ^ Loreology on Twitter (archived)
- ^ Heritage of Gilneas description
- ^ [50-70] Let Sleeping Wolves Lie
- ^ [70] Crushing the Crusade
- ^ [70] Hounds of War
- ^ [70] A Crusade of Red
- ^ [70] To Gilneas
- ^ [70] Artillerist Arsonist
- ^ [70] Beginning a New Dawn
External links
Gilneas | Battle for Gilneas |