Woods' End Cabin

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The Woods' End Cabin.
During A IconSmall Worgen Male.gifIconSmall Worgen Female.gif [1-30] Take Back What's Ours.

The Woods' End Cabin[57.5, 75.6] (or Wood's End Cabin)[1] is a building found in the western section of the Blackwald in Gilneas.

During the Forsaken invasion of Gilneas, the night elves and Gilneans moved the Scythe of Elune to one of the many safe locations, in this case to Wood's End Cabin. Unfortunately, the Dark Rangers found it there, and the worgen adventurer was sent by Lord Darius Crowley to retrieve it before they could reach Sylvanas Windrunner. Once in the area, the adventurer used the Horn of Tal'doren to call for Tobias Mistmantle and his worgen to fight the Forsaken rangers, while they retrieved the artifact that was inside a Worn Coffer and brought it back to Tal'doren.[2]

Following the Reclamation of Gilneas, unlike Stormglen Village, the house remained abandoned and devoid of civilian presence.


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

During the worgen starting zone
When using the Horn of Tal'doren


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

In Curse of the Worgen, the Wolf Cult was based out of a cabin in the Blackwald. Woods' End Cabin could be this place.

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