Tobias Mistmantle

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AllianceTobias Mistmantle

Tobias Mistmantle.jpg

Tobias Mistmantle worgen 2.jpg

Gender Male
Race Worgen (Humanoid)
Class Warrior
Resource Mana
Affiliation(s) Gilneas, Alliance[1]
Former affiliation(s) Northgate rebels
Location Various
Status Alive
Relative(s) Stalvan (brother)

Tobias Mistmantle is a worgen warrior who occasionally appears in Gilneas-related quests. He is one of Darius Crowley's men[2] and was a rebel during the Gilneas civil war.[3]

He is also the brother of Stalvan Mistmantle.



Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Tobias can initially be found on the roof of the Stoneward Prison with Darius Crowley and several other men, attempting to drive away the attacking worgen. He later assists Darius Crowley in defending Light's Dawn Cathedral, but is defeated and turned into a worgen. According to Lord Godfrey in the worgen cinematic, the one who turned Tobias into a worgen is the worgen adventurer themself. Tobias remained with Darius at Tal'doren for a time. When the Forsaken stole the Scythe of Elune in Woods' End Cabin, he helped to recover it by leading an attack against the Dark Rangers as a diversion.

Tobias later participated in the Battle for Gilneas. After Sylvanas Windrunner killed Prince Liam Greymane, he tracked down Sylvanas to Light's Dawn Cathedral, where he witnessed the conversation between Sylvanas, General Warhowl, and High Executor Crenshaw, learning that they planned to deploy the plague on Gilneas City. He then moved to Keel Harbor, where he assisted Lorna Crowley in destroying the Horde Gunship blocking their transport ships.


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

After fleeing from the Forsaken,[1] Tobias arrived in Darkshire seeking news of his brother Stalvan Mistmantle, but found the townspeople too afraid to talk about it, telling him only that Stalvan was dead. The breakthrough appeared when Clerk Daltry - who had aided in the original investigation of Stalvan's whereabouts - directed adventurers to the portions of Stalvan's journal, which had been taken and shredded by feral worgen during an attack on Darkshire's town hall. Tobias sought to find out the truth of what happened, and turned to Madame Eva, who had begun the hunt for Stalvan years before. Using the  [Mistmantle Family Ring] carried by Tobias (Stalvan had dropped a similar ring as proof of death in the original quest), Madame Eva directed adventurers back to Manor Mistmantle, where Stalvan rose from his grave seeking revenge, and had to be destroyed again.[4]

Return to Gilneas

Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Tobias fighting the Scarlet Crusade in Gilneas City.

During the Reclamation of Gilneas, Tobias was seen fighting in Cathedral Quarter of Gilneas City against the members of the Scarlet Crusade. Afterward, he can be found atop Stoneward Prison reminiscing about the friends he lost. Some time after, Tobias could be seen fishing in Belanaar in Amirdrassil.


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Stoneward Prison & Light's Dawn Cathedral, Gilneas City;
Bradshaw Mill & Keel Harbor, Gilneas[63.4, 83]
1-30 Alliance As a quest giver during the worgen starting experience.
Darkshire, Duskwood[79.0, 44.2] 10-30 Alliance Horde As a quest giver during the Duskwood storyline.
Cathedral Quarter & Stoneward Prison, Gilneas City 70 Alliance Horde During and after the  [Reclamation of Gilneas].
Belanaar, Amirdrassil[53.2, 16.4] 70 Alliance Horde


In Gilneas City:

In Duskwood:


Tobias Mistmantle as a worgen
Stoneward Prison gossip

This is where it all started for me. When the feral worgen attacked... when we broke out of that prison.

We lost so many people during those days. Sean, Vincent...

At least Crowley is still here. Stubborn old goat. I don't think anything could kill him.

Duskwood gossip

Not a bad place here, if you aren't into the whole "sunshine" thing.

Main article: Mistmantle's Revenge#Notes


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

It is known from a letter that his brother Stalvan Mistmantle spent time in Silverpine Forest. If so, the brothers Mistmantle could both originate from this region, with Tobias joining the Northgate rebellion once the Greymane Wall was built to split off Silverpine from the Gilnean peninsula.


Patch changes


External links

es:Tobias Mantoniebla