User:Joshmaul/Kellen Maggard

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

"You must realize that as a warlock, one of the things we do is take risks. More often than not, with our lives. Demon magic isn't something for the faint of heart, after all."

- Joshmaul the Corruptor, to Kellen Maggard
AllianceKellen Maggard
Image of Kellen Maggard
Gender Male
Race Worgen (Humanoid)
Class Warlock
Affiliation(s) Shadowhowl pack, formerly Hands of Joshmaul
Occupation Gilnean troublemaker, chosen resurrector of Joshmaul
Location On the hunt
Status Alive (surprisingly)
Relative(s) All deceased
Mentor(s) Joshmaul the Warlock
Alignment Neutral evil

Kellen Maggard, a fringe warlock from Gilneas, was one of the first to respond to the call of Joshmaul the Warlock, seeing to rebuild his forces following his defeat at the hands of Saavedro of Stratholme and the events of the Cataclysm. After Joshmaul betrayed him, Maggard went on the prowl, hoping to avenge himself upon the Corruptor. To that end, he joined the Shadowhowl pack, the worgen of the Lordaeron Deathsworn, which has fought Joshmaul and his minions for several years.


Orphaned at an early age, Maggard lived on the fringes of Gilnean society in the years following the construction of the Greymane Wall. He was a drinker, indulged in drugs, and chased women - generally a nuisance to his fellow man, he decided to enjoy himself in his dour homeland. He also discovered early on that he had a natural affinity for dark magic, unusual for a Gilnean (Genn Greymane in particular was known for his distrust of wizards), and secretly tried to harness his powers. Upon the beginning of the civil war in Gilneas, Maggard hid in his farm south of Duskhaven until, one day, he received a most unusual visitor...

Joshmaul's Request: A Little Deductive Logic

Joshmaul appeared before him, projecting his image from the front lines in Northrend. Joshmaul explained the prophecies that heralded a coming catastrophe that would reshape Azeroth itself, and offered to teach Maggard the ways of the warlock in exchange for a request. The prophecies also stated that Joshmaul would die at the hands of his mortal enemy, Saavedro, but the warlock had prepared for this contingency - with the severed head of his original Avatar, which acted as an organic soulstone. If Maggard could go to Shadowfang Tower in Grizzly Hills and reclaim it from its chest, Joshmaul would be reborn, and Maggard rewarded. Cautiously, Maggard agreed. Joshmaul also required that Maggard be "changed"...afflicted with the worgen curse. That part was not long in coming, as - while he was speaking - several worgen broke into Maggard's farmhouse and attacked him...

Upon being given the cure by Gilnean chemists, Maggard quickly deduced that Joshmaul intended to claim his body as a vessel, and decided to outwit the warlock by capturing an orc along the way and providing that as a vessel - that way Joshmaul would be reborn to teach him his skills, and Maggard would retain himself. Waiting within "Fortress Gilneas", Maggard was less than surprised when the walls crumbled before the earth's cries of agony.

The Corruptor's Betrayal

Journeying to Northrend with a contingent of dark-robed cultists - unknown to him, they were agents of the Twilight's Hammer - Maggard first recovered Joshmaul's staff (Joshmaul subscribed to the Kralnoric sect, which encouraged warlocks to carry staves rather than swords) in Icecrown, capturing an unlucky Argent Crusade orc along the way. Using the head of the original Avatar of Joshmaul and his captive, Maggard conducted the ritual to resurrect the slain Corruptor. For days, the weakened Corruptor rested as he regained his strength, and discovering that he had access to new powers of demonology. As he finally returned to strength, Joshmaul summoned Maggard and the cultists who had resurrected him. As the Corruptor greeted them with a wicked smile and thanked them for returning him to life, Maggard suddenly realized what he had in mind...right before Joshmaul brought an infernal down on their heads, killing Maggard's surprised cohorts - and very nearly killing Maggard himself.

After recovering from his wounds best he could by consuming the life essences of several feral worgen that remained on the island, Maggard escaped from Bloodmoon Isle and went on the hunt to find the one who had betrayed him, and to gain enough power to face him. As he journeys, he learns new abilities, and tests them on the unwary...