User:Joshmaul/Ferdan Miller

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WANTED: Ferdan Miller of Kul Tiras, captain of the Vengeful Spirit, a pirate vessel believed to be the flagship of Bloodsail Admiral Joshmaul. This vessel has been sighted several times off the coast of the Howling Fjord and is believed to be under the protection of the Forsaken. We would prefer that Captain Miller be taken alive, so that he may aid us in unraveling the Corruptor's Bloodsail operations.

- Wanted Poster, Gadgetzan
NeutralCaptain Ferdan Miller
Image of Captain Ferdan Miller
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Class Pirate
Affiliation(s) Bloodsail Buccaneers
Hands of Joshmaul
Occupation Joshmaul's flag captain and commander of the Vengeful Spirit
Location Incinerated
Status Killed during the attack on the Vengeful Spirit
Relative(s) Unknown
Alignment Chaotic evil

Ferdan Miller was the captain of Joshmaul the Corruptor's Bloodsail flagship, the Vengeful Spirit. Equally as ruthless and bloodthirsty as his admiral, Miller was believed to be his chief lieutenant in the Corruptor's operations with the Bloodsail Buccaneers until he died.


Miller was born in Boralus, the capital of Kul Tiras. The Miller family had given five generations to the naval forces of Kul Tiras, ruled by the Lord Admirals of the Proudmoore family for generations. Miller's father was part of the ill-fated expedition to Kalimdor and was killed along with his commander, Grand Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, during the siege of Theramore. Miller bitterly blamed both Proudmoore and his children, Jaina and Tandred, for his father's death and renounced all ties to Kul Tiras, jumping ship in Menethil Harbor and journeying to Stranglethorn Vale, where he became involved with the Bloodsail Buccaneers in their war against the Blackwater Raiders in Booty Bay. Eventually, Miller would rise to the rank of Captain and meet an individual who would become his greatest benefactor...and his greatest liability.

Joshmaul, recently having slain Baron Revilgaz and Fleet Master Seahorn (or so he thought; it was found that captured Venture Company mercenaries had doubled for the leaders of Booty Bay, but he never discovered this), had been granted the rank of Admiral in the Bloodsail Navy by Fleet Master Firallon, who delivered a ship and crew for Joshmaul to fly his flag on - the Vengeful Spirit. After the death of her previous commander, Captain Asavar, Miller was given command of the Vengeful Spirit. Miller and Joshmaul were very much alike - both shared a mutual desire for destruction and chaos, and they made an effective team.

Miller's association with Joshmaul put him in the crosshairs of the Corruptor's enemies, particularly Lordaeron Regent Saavedro of Stratholme and Baron Artimus Devaneaux. Artimus had infiltrated the Bloodsail with his hand-picked Ebon Blade/Alliance crew, in an effort to undermine the Corruptor's plans.


Captain Miller was sharing a 200-year-old bottle of Pupellyverbos Port with his first and second mates, his helmsman and his chief cannoneer when the ship was fired on in a surprise attack. Their assailant was the Sword of Acherus, the flagship of Baron Artimus Devaneaux. Having masqueraded as the Corruptor's ally and aided by his own flag captain, Eliphas Aximand, Artimus was able to ascertain the location of the Vengeful Spirit and deprive Joshmaul of his flagship. The first shot fired by the Sword of Acherus destroyed the captain's cabin, killing Miller and his officers. Joshmaul's apprentice, Linavil Shadowsun, was above decks when the shots were fired and immediately fled, along with any member of the crew who would follow her.

The fires caused by the explosion in the captain's cabin ignited the powder kegs, causing the Vengeful Spirit to explode, incinerating both the living and the dead who were still onboard and destroying two other ships.