User:Joshmaul/Erennia Shadowsun

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

How does it feel, Kel'theris, to know that the family that was once your most trusted ally will now be the instrument of your death?

- Erennia Shadowsun, to Kel'theris Decibelius
HordeErennia Shadowsun
Image of Erennia Shadowsun
Gender Female
Race Blood elf (Undead)
Class Death Knight, formerly Ranger
Affiliation(s) Knights of the Ebon Blade
Council of Deathlords
Hands of Joshmaul (secretly)
Occupation Deathlady of Quel'Thalas, Matriarch of the House of Shadowsun, sworn enemy of the House of Whitehair, and secret ally of the Corruptor
Location Broken body left on the field in Icecrown
Status Killed when she was knocked off Joshmaul's gunship by Artimus Devaneaux
Relative(s) Tor'kaeris (father, deceased), Aleccia (mother, deceased), Linavil (sister)
Mentor(s) Vereesa Windrunner
Instructor Razuvious
Lord Thorval
Alignment Lawful evil

Lady Erennia Shadowsun was the head of her family after the death of her father, Lord Tor'kaeris Shadowsun. Despite her undead state, her claim has been recognized by Regent Lord Lor'themar Theron. Angered at the treachery of their former masters, the House of Whitehair, Erennia and her sister Linavil have declared vendetta against the House of Whitehair and their "arrogant criminal" patriarch, Lord Kel'theris. Despite joining the Council of Deathlords and their "neutral" stance on the Alliance-Horde war, she has secretly allied - through her sister - with one of the Council's most bitter enemies...


Born in Silvermoon eighty years before the First War, Erennia was trained from the onset in the arts of war; when she joined the Farstriders, she was trained in the path of the ranger by Vereesa Windrunner, youngest of the three sisters. She fought during the Second and Third Wars, meeting her end in battle along the River Arevass in Silverpine Forest, serving in the army of Kael'thas Sunstrider. She fell surrounded by mounds of slaughtered Scourge, yet when the surviving elves tried to claim their dead, her body was gone...

Kept in reserve for a "special occasion", Erennia was eventually raised in the halls of Naxxramas and trained in the arts of runeblade combat by Instructor Razuvious. Shortly before Naxxramas returned to Northrend, Erennia accompanied Razuvious and his students to Acherus, where many more death knights were trained to fight the Scarlet Crusade in their final stronghold in New Avalon. It was said that she fought like a frenzied demon during that war, personally killing at least twenty defenders during the Battle of Light's Hope Chapel before the Scourge was defeated by Tirion Fordring. Like the rest of her comrades, she joined the Knights of the Ebon Blade. As the first blood elf in their ranks, Artimus Devaneaux - leader of the Council of Deathlords - named her "Deathlady of Quel'Thalas" and set her up as the Ebon Blade's representative to the Regent Lord of Quel'Thalas, now the sole leader of all blood elves after the death of Prince Kael'thas.

After returning to Silvermoon to see her city rebuilt, Erennia came face-to-face with her younger sister, Linavil, who told her of Kel'theris' "treachery" against the House of Shadowsun, sending their father to his death on the front lines in Northrend. Infuriated, Erennia - as the elder sibling - went before Lor'themar and declared that she was head of House now, which was accepted (surprisingly) by the Regent. She then made a statement that stopped everyone cold (including Kel'theris, who happened to be present), declaring a formal severing of ties between the House of Shadowsun and the House of Whitehair, and declaring vendetta against their former masters in general, and Kel'theris himself in particular.

After leaving Silvermoon, Linavil brought Erennia to her master, Joshmaul the Corruptor, the evil orc warlock who had made an enemy of both the Alliance, the Horde and the Council of Deathlords. Artimus Devaneaux had spoken often of the Corruptor's treachery, but Erennia - upon realizing that this was her sister's mentor - decided to give her support to him in secret, without attracting the suspicion of Artimus, the Council or the Horde. She believed that through the warlock, she would be able to bring down the House of Whitehair and avenge her father's death.

Due to her links with both Artimus and Joshmaul - now allied against Saavedro of Stratholme - Erennia and the House of Shadowsun were unanimously censured and exiled from Silvermoon. Death sentences for both Erennia and Linavil, and anyone who served them, were issued by both Lor'themar Theron, Regent of Quel'Thalas, and Master Taeril'hane Ketiron, Warmaster of the House of Whitehair.


During the Battle of the Court of Bones, Erennia aided the Swordguard "protection detail" onboard Joshmaul's flying battleship, the Vengeful Spirit (named to replace the one destroyed by the Sword of Acherus). Artimus Devaneaux, now fully aware of her loyalties, spared no punches when he led the attack against the mammoth vessel, accompanied by Battlelord Velenkayn; their greater combined experience in the art of war allowed them to easily defeat Joshmaul's death knight guards. Fleeing the vessel after it was damaged by goblin explosives set by the House of Whitehair's chief engineer, Kellik, Artimus dive-bombed the deck and took a swipe at Erennia, sending her flying off the Vengeful Spirit and falling to the icy ground far below. Her broken, lifeless corpse was found and left on the field by the victorious coalition after the battle concluded.