User:Joshmaul/Amendera Kynes

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

"At least I won't have to see you in my afterlife - because I know for a fact you're going to Hell."

- Amendera Kynes, shortly before her death
AllianceAmendera Kynes
Image of Amendera Kynes
Gender Female
Race Worgen (Humanoid)
Class Warrior
Affiliation(s) Alliance of Lordaeron
Kingdom of Gilneas
Occupation Gilnean warrior in service of the Alliance
Location Stormwind City
Status Deceased, killed by Sekhesmet
Relative(s) Ian (father, deceased), Alicia (mother, deceased), Eidan Zherron (adoptive father)
Mentor(s) Sergeant Cleese
Oren Tanis
Alignment Chaotic good

Amendera Kynes was a young warrior-in-training when Gilneas fell to the worgen. Transformed by the Curse and fighting alongside a druid who called himself Zherron Shadowhowl, the young woman quickly became his lieutenant when he gathered others like him - not entirely ready to trust Greymane, but not fighting for Crowley after his cowardly surrender - into the Shadowhowl pack. After Zherron decided to dedicate himself further to the cause of the Cenarion Circle, he named Amendera as his successor as packleader of the Shadowhowl. Relations between the two soured, and finally Amendera elected to break ties and forge her own path.


Amendera in Gilneas City before being afflicted by the curse

Born after the Second War - and thus too young to remember life before the Greymane Wall - Amendera was the only child of Ian Kynes, a sea captain who made merchant runs from Gilneas to Kul Tiras; her mother, Alicia, died of a fever when Amendera was four. She was named for Ian's mother, who had been a lady in waiting for Queen Mia. When King Genn Greymane had sealed off his lands and ordered all merchant traffic ended, Ian took that opportunity to retire to his home in the village of Stormglen.

Early on, Amendera showed a combative attitude, displaying what her teachers described as "highly unladylike" behavior. Amused, but realizing that his child needed an outlet, Ian turned to Sergeant Cleese, a member of the Gilnean Royal Guard, and offered his daughter to him for training. Cleese held nothing back, treating her as he did her male counterparts. But Amendera refused to give up, wishing to prove that she had what it took to be a warrior, earning her the respect of her teacher and her fellow students.

She had no time to learn much beyond the basics, however, as the worgen curse had begun and anyone who could wield a sword was pressed into service. Amendera was inducted into the militia, and fought alongside groups of both Royal Guards and former Northgate rebels. It was here that she met Eidan Zherron, a former warrior and rebel who had turned to the old ways - Gilnean druidism - in his service to Gilneas. Amendera would stand at his side, along with many others who would become worgen of the Shadowhowl, when they were overrun by the ferals in Light's Dawn Cathedral and turned into worgen themselves.

Captured with Zherron and several others, Amendera underwent the same treatment as they did, with Krennan Aranas' powerful serum administered to try and give them free will. Bonding with Zherron and a few others, Amendera fought with extraordinary ferocity, but not much finesse. Zherron, a little over twenty years her senior and an experienced combat veteran of the Second War, knew that she would require greater training, but with Cleese swamped with so many needing his services, he was not sure she would get it while still in Gilneas.

After the flight to Darnassus, Zherron ventured to Stormwind and assisted the Gilneans' allies in far-away Stormwind. Amendera remained in Kalimdor, however, and offered her blade to the assistance of the night elves, travelling to the mainland to fight for the Sentinels of Lor'danel. She became Zherron's eyes and ears in Kalimdor, keeping him appraised of what went on in the night elf lands while he went east to fight in Azeroth, and later in the Plaguelands of Lordaeron.

Months later, Zherron - now a powerful druid involved in the ongoing war with the Twilight's Hammer - heard reports of her conduct from the front lines and realized that while her ferocity remained, she fought with very little skill. Eventually, he would turn to an old friend, Oren Tanis; a decade before, Tanis' father Vorian had fought alongside Zherron's father Daril when they were both killed by the Scourge in Andorhal. Tanis, though only eight years older than Amendera, was a decorated hero of the war against the Lich King, having earned for himself the rank of Field Marshal. Zherron suggested that Tanis take Amendera under his wing and train her in the finer arts of warrior combat, things that Cleese had not been able to teach her in the time he'd had. Though wary of the apparent unpredictability of his soon-to-be pupil, Tanis agreed.

The Break with Zherron

Zherron's moods had begun to shift from optimism to antipathy towards the other races of the Alliance, especially the "elder races", such as the night elves. One night, at the Blue Recluse tavern in Stormwind, Zherron had openly accused several night elves of "meddling", insulting them and essentially telling them to mind their own business during a confrontation with the feral worgen druid Turrick Silvertongue. Sometime later, while Amendera was attending a gathering in Dalaran to commemorate the renewal of vows between Narnicka and Genevra Stoneheardt, Zherron arrived drunk and began ranting. Angry and embarassed, Amendera took the seal of the pack - a wolf's paw with the sigil of Gilneas - and threw it to the grass, breaking her ties to Zherron so that she would not suffer his mistakes.