Replicating Shadows

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For the Azerite trait, see [Replicating Shadows].
Replicating Shadows
Spell deathknight strangulate.png
Class Rogue
Talent required [Relentless Strikes] or [Silent Storm]
Other information
Affects [Rupture]

Replicating Shadows is a Subtlety rogue talent.

Patch changes

  • Dragonflight-Icon-Inline.png Hotfix (2023-11-27): Fixed issues that caused it to unintentionally keep the Rogue and enemy player in combat.
  • Dragonflight-Icon-Inline.png Patch 10.2.0 (2023-11-07):
    • Secondary targets now prioritize enemies that are not afflicted by Rupture.
    • Distance to nearby targets is now calculated from the player, rather than the target.
    • Moved to row 6 (was row 5).
  • Dragonflight-Icon-Inline.png Patch 10.0.0 (2022-10-25): Added.

External links