Leeching Poison

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Leeching Poison
Rogue leeching poison.png
Class Rogue
Talent required [Deadly Precision]/ [Virulent Poisons]
Other information
Affects [Amplifying Poison], [Deadly Poison], [Instant Poison], [Wound Poison]

Leeching Poison is a rogue class talent.


Patch changes

  • Dragonflight-Icon-Inline.png Hotfix (2023-11-13): Should no longer fall off when changing instances.
  • Dragonflight-Icon-Inline.png Patch 10.2.0 (2023-11-07): Now grants 10% Leech (was 5%). Does not apply in PvP combat.
  • Dragonflight-Icon-Inline.png Hotfix (2022-12-12): Leech bonus reduced to 5% (was 10%).
  • Dragonflight-Icon-Inline.png Patch 10.0.0 (2022-10-25): Now a row 8 class talent (was a level 35 Assassination talent).
  • Shadowlands-Icon-Inline.png Patch 9.0.1 (2020-10-13): Now available at level 35 (was 60).
  • BattleForAzeroth-Logo-Small.png Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Leeching Poison is now a passive effect applied to your Lethal poisons, and is no longer its own Non-Lethal poison.
  • Legion-Logo-Small.png Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Now exclusive to Assassination, and moved to the level 60 talent row (was level 45).
  • WoD-Logo-Small.png Patch 6.1.0 (2015-02-24): Redesigned. It now grants 10% Leech while active, and no longer applies a poison effect to the target.
    Old: Coats your weapons with a Non-Lethal Poison that lasts for 1 hour. Your melee attacks have a 50% chance to poison the target, and all your subsequent weapon strikes against the poisoned target will heal you for 10% of damage dealt.
  • Mists-Logo-Small.png Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Added.

External links