Dalaran NPCs
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- For the list of NPCs found in its Wrath of the Lich King version, see Dalaran (Northrend) NPCs.
The following NPCs can be found in Dalaran, in the Broken Isles.
Sky Admiral Rogers
[10-45] A Royal Summons
Nathanos Blightcaller <Champion of the Banshee Queen>
[10-45] The Warchief Beckons
Altruis the Sufferer <Illidari>
[10-45] The Power to Survive
[10-45] Asking a Favor
[10-45] Vengeance Will Be Ours
[10-45] Making Arrangements
[10-45] By Any Means
[10-45] The Hunt
Apata Highmountain
[10-45] The Spear in the Shadow
Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem
[10-45] A Summons From Moonglade
Archmage Khadgar <Leader of the Kirin Tor>
[10-45] Ask and You Shall Receive
[10-45] Return to Jace
[10-45] Tying Up Loose Ends
[10-45] The Tome of Blighted Implements
[10-45] Ritual Reagents
[10-45] Looking into the Darkness
[10-45] Dark Whispers
[10-45] Ulthalesh, the Deadwind Harvester
[10-45] The Heart of the Dreadscar
Courier Larkspur <Silver Covenant>
[10-45] Call of the Marksman
Defender Barrem
[10-45] Out of the Darkness
Duke Lankral
[10-45] A Pact of Necessity
Emmarel Shadewarden <Unseen Path>
[10-45] The Hunter's Call
[10-45] Weapons of Legend
[10-45] A Beastly Expedition
[10-45] Preparation for the Hunt
[10-45] Rendezvous with the Courier
[10-45] On Eagle's Wings
Filgo Scrapbottom
[10-45] Aww Scrap! (Engineering)
[100] Challenge of Valor
Hooded Priestess
[10-45] Priestly Matters
The Great Akazamzarak
[10-45] The Only Way to Travel
Grif Wildheart
[10-45] Stolen Thunder
[100] The Mysterious Raven
Initiate Da-Nel <Messenger>
[10-45] Before the Storm
Jace Darkweaver <Illidari>
[10-45] Establishing a Connection
[10-45] Return to Mardum
[10-45] A New Threat
[10-45] A New Threat
[10-45] A Gift of Time
Kayn Sunfury <Illidari>
[10-45] The Power to Survive
[10-45] Asking a Favor
[10-45] Vengeance Will Be Ours
[10-45] Making Arrangements
[10-45] By Any Means
[10-45] The Hunt
Kor'vas Bloodthorn <Illidari>
[10-45] Call of the Illidari
Kuhuine Tenderstride <Herbalism Trainer>
[10-45] An Empathetic Herb (Herbalism)
[10-45] One Dead Plant is One Too Many (Herbalism)
[10-45G5] The Last Straw (Herbalism)
[10-45] The Gentlest Touch (Herbalism)
[10-45] The Spade's Blade (Herbalism)
[10-45] Spayed by the Spade (Herbalism)
[10-45] Desperation Breeds Ingenuity (Herbalism)
[10-45] Chase the Culprit (Herbalism)
[10-45] Vrykul Herblore (Herbalism)
Lord Maxwell Tyrosus
[10-45] An Urgent Gathering
[10-45] Weapons of Legend
[10-45] The Mysterious Paladin
[10-45] The Search for the Highlord
[10-45] Seeker of Truth
[10-45] We Meet at Light's Hope
Meryl Felstorm
[10-45] The Dreadlord's Prize
Orik Trueheart
[10-45] To Northrend
[10-45] Shrine of the Truthguard
Prophet Velen
[10-45] The Light and the Void
Ravenholdt Courier
[10-45] Call of The Uncrowned
Ritssyn Flamescowl <Council of the Black Harvest>
[10-45] The Sixth
[10-45] The New Blood
Snowfeather <Emmarel's Companion>
[10-45] Needs of the Hunters
[10-45] A Ring Unbroken
Travard <Tyr's Guard>
[10-45] The Silver Hand
Valeera Sanguinar
[10-45] A Matter of Finesse
[10-45] Closing In
[10-45] Traitor!
[10-45] Fangs of the Devourer
Vindicator Boros <Triumvirate of the Hand>
[10-45] House Call
Warbrave Oro
[10-45] Keepers of the Hammer
Class trainers
Farseer Lopaa <Shaman Trainer>
Matron Nessa <Priest Trainer>
Muran Fairden <Druid Trainer>
Naseev <Warrior Trainer>
Pathstalker Gilen <Rogue Trainer>
Ranger Bodine <Hunter Trainer>
Summoner Mazek <Warlock Trainer>
Varlean <Paladin Trainer>
Hahna Moonscrest <Druid Trainer>
Matron Ossela <Priest Trainer>
Murgha the Tempered <Shaman Trainer>
Nelur Lightsown <Paladin Trainer>
Pathstalker Rislar <Rogue Trainer>
Ranger Eoss <Hunter Trainer>
Summoner Calwen <Warlock Trainer>
Vinsun <Warrior Trainer>
Archmage Celindra <Portal Trainer>
Jessa Weaver <Mage Trainer>
Warcaster Fanoraithe <Mage Trainer>
Profession trainers
Katherine Lee <Cooking Trainer>
Awilo Lon'gomba <Cooking Trainer>
Ainderu Summerleaf <Tailoring Trainer>
Alard Schmied <Blacksmithing Trainer>
Andellion <Leatherworking Trainer>
Arcanomancer Vridiel <Blacksmithing Trainer>
Charles Worth <Tailoring Trainer>
Dariness the Learned <Archaeology Trainer>
Derik Marks <Skinning Trainer>
Deucus Valdera <Alchemy Trainer>
Diane Cannings <Leatherworking Trainer>
Didi the Wrench <Goblin Engineering Trainer>
Dorothy Egan <Herbalism Trainer>
Enchanter Nalthanis <Enchanting Trainer>
Findle Whistlesteam <Gnome Engineering Trainer>
Kondal Huntsworn <Skinning Trainer>
Kuhuine Tenderstride <Herbalism Trainer>
Lianna Tai
Linzy Blackbolt <Alchemy Trainer>
Mama Diggs <Mining Trainer>
Manfred Staller <Leatherworking Trainer>
Marcia Chase <Fishing Trainer & Supplies>
Namha Moonwater <Leatherworking Trainer>
Olisarra the Kind <Bandage Trainer>
Orland Schaeffer <Blacksmithing Trainer>
Professor Pallin <Inscription Trainer>
Tanithria <Tailoring Trainer>
Thanid Glowergold <Mail Armor Expert> (Leatherworking Trainer)
Timofey Oshenko <Engineering Trainer>
Timothy Jones <Jewelcrafting Trainer>
Bradford Duncan <Cooking Supplies>
Captain Roberts <Legion Elite Gladiator>
Coira Longrifle <Brewmaiden>
Inzi Charmlight <Barmaid>
Isirami Fairwind <Innkeeper>
Yasmina Nerossa <General Goods>
Laire Brewgold <Brewmaiden>
Lieutenant Dorgen <Legion Combatant>
Lieutenant Surtees <Legion Gladiator>
Marcella Bloom <Barmaid>
Marshal Frazer <Gladiator Quartermaster>
Stefen Cotter <Bartender>
Tiffy Trapspring <Exotic Pets and Accessories>
Giada Goldleash <Exotic Pets and Accesories>
Hamaka <Bartender>
Kyunghee <Throwing Axes>
Mato <Food & Drink>
Mimbihi <Barmaid>
Misensi <Cooking Supplies>
Uda the Beast <Innkeeper>
Umbiwa <Barmaid>
Aemara <Bowyer>
Aerith Primrose <Flower Vendor>
Aimee <Pie, Pastry & Cakes>
Alfred Copperworth <Butler>
Amisi Azuregaze <Innkeeper>
Angelique Butler <First Aid Supplies>
Anthony Durain <Shield Merchant>
Applebough <Fruit Vendor>
Arille Azuregaze <Bartender>
Bartram Haller <Dagger & Fist Weapon Merchant>
Braeg Stoutbeard <Fur & Leather Trader>
Bragund Brightlink <Mail Armor Merchant>
Breanni <Pet Supplies>
Christi Stockton <Wine Vendor>
Clockwork Assistant <Jepetto's Companion>
Dagna Flintlock <Gunsmith>
Darahir <Reagents & Magical Goods>
Dazzik "Proudmoore" <Magical Things>
Draemus <Exotic Pet Supplier>
Debbi Moore <Trinkets & Charms>
Dubin Clay <Plate Armor Merchant>
Edward Egan <Herbalism Supplies>
Elizabeth Ross <Tabard Vendor>
Endora Moorehead <Magical Goods>
Fialla Sweetberry <Food & Drink>
Fizzi Liverzapper <Experimental Potions>
Griselda Hunderland <Plate Armor Merchant>
Hagatha Moorehead <Reagent Merchant>
Horace Hunderland <Plate Armor Merchant>
Ildine Sorrowspear <Enchanting Supplies>
Imindril Spearsong <Blacksmithing Vendor>
Hobart Grapplehammer <Engineering Supplies>
Icks <Staves>
Jang Quillpaw <Inscription Supplies>
Jawknee <Axe Merchant>
Jepetto Joybuzz <Toymaker>
Jessica Sellers <Ink Trader>
Kerta the Bold <Axe & Polearm Merchant>
K'huta <Portals and Jujus>
Larana Drome <Inscription Supplies>
Lalla Brightweave <Tailoring Supplies>
Laura Malley <Creatures>
Linna Bruder <Shadoweave Tailoring Specialist>
Lucian Trias <Bread & Cheese Vendor>
Marcia Chase <Fishing Trainer & Supplies>
Matilda Brightlink <Mail Armor Merchant>
Matthew Rabis <Feral Warlock>
Mei Francis <Exotic Mounts>
Mel Lynchen <Barista>
Mongar <Mining Vendor>
Mr. Burns <Pet Battle Vendor>
Ninsianna <Relics>
Norvin Alderman <Cloaks>
Orton Bennet <Offhand Offerings>
Oxana Demonslay <Weapons and Secrets>
Paldesse <Cloth Armor Merchant>
Cho Ironpalm <Dagger & Fist Weapon Merchant>
Patricia Egan <Alchemy Supplies>
Raethan <Underbelly Guard Captain>
Rafael Langrom <Leather Armor Merchant>
Ranid Glowergold <Leatherworking & Skinning Supplies>
"Red" Jack Findle <Trade Supplies>
Richard Hatstock <Haberdasher>
Salan Sunthread <Clothier>
Sandra Bartan <Barmaid>
Sheddle Glossgleam <Cobbler>
Sminx Glasseye <Jewelry Vendor>
Strap Bucklebolt <Belts>
Susana Averoy <General Goods>
The Widow <Tools of Deception>
Thuni <Food, Drink, and Trade Materials>
Tiffany Cartier <Jewelcrafting Supples>
Valaden Silverblade <Sword Merchant>
Valerie Langrom <Leather Armor Merchant>
Vanessa Sellers <Wild Enchantments>
Wanda Chanter <Wands>
Windle Sparkshine
Xur'ios <Vaultkeeper of the Void>
Various services
Caliel Brightwillow <Assistant Innkeeper>
Isirami Fairwind <Innkeeper>
Lio the Lioness <Battle Pet Master>
Tassia Whisperglen <Stable Master>
Abohba <Assistant Innkeeper>
Serr'ah <Battle Pet Master>
Uda the Beast <Innkeeper>
Afsaneh Asrar <Assistant Innkeeper>
Aludane Whitecloud <Flightmaster>
Amisi Azuregaze <Innkeeper>
Andrew Matthews <Guild Master>
Bodhi Sunwayver <Grand Master Pet Tamer>
Brassbolt Mechawrench <Steam-Powered Auctioneer>
Kizi Copperclip <Barber>
Madam Goya <Leader of the Black Market>
Paymaster Alstein <Banker>
Paymaster Amadi <Banker>
Paymaster Chang <Banker>
Raethan <Underbelly Guard Captain>
Sir Galveston <Grand Master Pet Tamer>
Teller Almeida <Banker>
Teller Althiellis <Banker>
Teller Gee <Banker>
Teller Hanners <Banker>
Teller Plushner <Banker>
Teller Rames <Banker>
Tiffany Nelson <Grand Master Pet Tamer>
Warpweaver Tuviss <Transmogrifier>
Vaultkeeper Vohra <Void Storage>
- City guides
Adorean Lew
Arcanist Alec
Archivist Betha <City Historian>
Archmage Tenaj
Bitty Frostflinger
Tomas Riogain
Darthalia Ebonscorch
Emeline Fizzlefry
Fabioso the Fabulous
Grezla the Hag
Grindle Firespark
Kitz Proudbreeze
Sabriana Sorrowgaze
The Magnificent Merleaux
Linda Ann Kastinglow
Magus Fansy Goodbringer
Mona Everspring
Warmage Kath'leen
Warmage Lukems
Warmage Mumplina
Warmage Silva
Whirt the All-Knowing
Danric the Bold
Disidra Stormglory
Donavan Bale
Garl Grimgrizzle
Grand Marauder Sai
Halga Steelbarrow
Lieutenant Surtees
Linzi Redgrin
Moon Priestess Nici
Officer Van Rossem
Narestel Palestar
Tabitha <Garl Grimgrizzle's Pet>
Dak'hal the Black
Drog Skullbreaker
Drool <The Griefer>
Felcaster Virim
Great Hexer Ohodo
High Arcanist Savor
Hunaka Greenhoof
Saedelin Whitedawn
Warp-Huntress Kula
Aethas Sunreaver
Agent Jones
Agent Smith
Alchemist Burroughs
Allari the Souleater <Illidari>
Alonsus Faol <Bishop of Secrets>
Apollo <Tabea's Pet>
Aponi Brightmane <Sunwalker Chieftain>
Arcanist Ginsberg
Archmage Ansirem Runeweaver <Kirin Tor>
Archmage Aranhir Starsinger
Archmage Karlain <Kirin Tor>
Archmage Modera <Kirin Tor>
Archmage Rheaume
Archmage Vargoth <Kirin Tor>
Babagahnoosh the Grumpy
Baroness Zildjia
Blacksmith Kyriel
Brandon Buckbeard
Bruiser Toppleblade
Bruiser Wrenchvolt
Bonegrim <Importer/Exporter>
Catriona Macrae
Classic Larry
Conjurer Weinhaus
Delas Moonfang <Priestess of the Moon>
Desmond Gravesorrow
Disidra Stormglory
Efrina <Tyr's Guard>
Emilia Baumoon
Erika Page
Glaciela Rimebang
Glutonia <The Greedy Baroness>
Gazrix Gearlock <Steamwheedle Cartel>
Greg <Dalaran Pet Tournament Employee>
Harold Winston
High Overlord Saurfang
Huey <Grif Wildheart's Pet>
Illysanna Ravencrest <Illidari>
Jarold Puller
Jillums Shadowcoil
Josie Birch
Jubeka Shadowbreaker <Council of the Black Harvest>
Kaela Grimlocket
Kat Sunflower
Koraud <Body Guard>
Lady Liadrin <Blood Knight Matriarch>
Li-An Skymirror
Lightfeather <Vindicator Boros's Mount>
Lyana Darksorrow <Illidari>
Mister Chu <Madam Goya's Guardian>
Moira Thaurissan <Queen of the Dark Iron>
Ms. Liddie <Battle Pet Day Care>
Ms. Xiulan <Madam Goya's Assistant>
Ninsianna <Relics>
Ol' Toomba
Punchy Lou
Scribe Whitman
Shandy Glossgleam
Shinfel Blightsworn <Council of the Black Harvest>
Sir Jonathan Trueheart
Stormcaller Mylra
Sunny <The Page's Cat>
Tahu Sagewind
The Amazing Zanzo
Theresa Wolf <Loremaster>
Tournament Announcer <Dalaran Pet Tournament Employee>
Trevor Page
Vicktor Ebonfall
Warden Alturas
Zelifrax Wobblepox <Council of the Black Harvest>
Zeomus <Duke Lankral's Mount>
Zinnin Smythe <Council of the Black Harvest>
- Argus appears
- Exodar Citizens
- Exodar Vindicators
- Dalaran Citizens
- Scared Citizens
- Dalaran Children
- Concerned Citizens
- Terrified Citizens
- Inspector Valwynna
- Validated Doomsayers
- Pixxy
- Shnivel
Akaari Shadowgore
Armond Thaco
Crazed Mage
Jagganoth <Overlord of the Dreadscar>
Lord Adder
Segacedi <Sewer Shark>