On Eagle's Wings

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NeutralOn Eagle's Wings
Start Emmarel Shadewarden
End Emmarel Shadewarden
Level 10-45
Type Legendary
Category Trueshot Lodge
Class Hunter Hunter
Experience 3,750
Previous N Hunter [10-45] The Spear in the Shadow
Next N Hunter [10-45] The Unseen Path


Meet Emmarel Shadewarden at Trueshot Lodge in Highmountain.

  • (Optional) Speak to the flight master in Krasus' Landing
  • Meet Emmarel Shadewarden at the Trueshot Lodge


Since ancient times, my order has stood vigil on these Broken Isles, watching for the Legion's return. Only a handful of us remain... but that changes today.

The artifact you hold is more than a weapon. It is a symbol that will unite hunters of all kingdoms and creeds.

I'm sure you have questions. Meet me at the Trueshot Lodge in Highmountain and see with your own eyes what awaits us. Snowfeather and I will make our own way there.


You will receive:


I've observed your skills for some time, <name>. Watched you from a distance.

<Emmarel furrows her brow.>

Wait, that sounds a little creepy. Sorry, my social skills are a tad rusty. Let me start again.

Our order has been on the lookout for hunters who could lead the Unseen Path into a new era. No one is more qualified for that role than you.


Speaking with Aludane
Gossip I need to fly to the Trueshot Lodge.


Patch changes

External links

es:Misión:En las alas de un águila